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Monday, October 02, 2017 at 11:51

More than 300 people participate in the European Night of Researchers

URJC researchers, all of them experts in the study of chronic diseases, have brought to the public some of the scientific activities that they are currently carrying out in order to combat diseases that are so frequent in the population such as obesity, diabetes, hypertension, pain or neurological disorders, among others.

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Irene Vega

With the motto 'Chronic diseases: how can science help?', the Faculty of Health Sciences and the Unit for Scientific Culture and Innovation, dependent on the Office of the Vice President for Scientific Policy, have been in charge of organizing this year's the Alcorcón campus of the URJC the eighth edition of the European Night of Researchers in Madrid.

In total, 14 activities have been organized and more than 800 people have registered for an offer of just over 300 places.

In addition to explaining some chronic pathologies to publicize their causes and prevention measures, the researchers have also addressed the smallest to show them the different guidelines that they must follow to lead a healthy life.

This edition has also had the participation of researchers from the Higher Technical School of Telecommunications Engineering, who have shown how engineering helps diagnose cardiovascular diseases or detect skin tumors.

The conference was opened by the rector of the URJC, Javier Ramos, and the dean of the Faculty of Health Sciences, Carmen Gallardo.

Science in a playful environment

One of the main objectives of this event is to bring science to the public in a relaxed environment, encouraging attendees to participate in practical workshops. In this sense, the URJC researchers have organized activities in their laboratories to show, for example, how the heart works or meditation techniques such as 'mindfulness'. In addition, demonstrations have been held outdoors with therapy dogs to explain how these animals help people with chronic illnesses.

On the artistic and musical level of the programming, there have been performances by the URJC Orchestra and the Alicia Alonso University Institute of Dance (IUDAA), a center attached to the university. The director of the Orchestra and Choir, Ángel del Palacio, has accompanied three students in two musical pieces, and IUDAA students have represented contemporary and Spanish dance shows.

a european night

The European Night of Researchers is a popular science event that since 2005 has been held simultaneously every last Friday of September in 340 European cities. It is a project funded by the European Commission within the Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions of the Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Program.

In the Community of Madrid, this event is coordinated by the Madri + d Foundation for Knowledge and in its eighth edition, the six Madrid public universities have participated, as well as some private ones, the UNED, research centers (CSIC, CNIO, IMDEA Agua, IMDEA Energía or IMDEA Software), museums and the Royal Botanical Garden-CSIC, among others. In total, some 13.000 attendees and 560 researchers have participated this year.