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Thursday, June 15, 2023 at 06:30

How to design more accessible tourist routes?

The activity "Interactive and inclusive Aranjuez" will offer a different experience to the participants, which will allow them to develop tours of the city using technologies such as augmented reality to provide creative solutions to the challenges that arise. 

Irene Vega

In 2001, UNESCO declared Aranjuez Cultural Landscape a World Heritage Site. This recognition has made the city one of the main tourist destinations in the Community of Madrid.

Among all the offer for visitors, the Rey Juan Carlos University proposes a different and innovative experience through the activity Interactive and inclusive Aranjuez. The objective of this initiative is to teach participants how to bring Cultural Heritage closer to society, "making them part of it through a renewed, modern, empathetic, accessible and sustainable vision of the Royal Site of Aranjuez and using narrative and innovative tools, collective intelligence, interaction and technology”, explains Luisa Walliser, coordinator of the activity and professor at the URJC Faculty of Arts and Humanities.

Throughout four sessions, which will be held on June 15, 16, 22 and 23 from 17:00 p.m. to 20:30 p.m., work will be done to understand and empathize with the environment, to discover the problems and challenges it hides, and in proposing a creative solution to these challenges. For this, the different users will be taken into account through the use of the methodology of Design Thinking and of technological and narrative tools such as Augmentaty e izi.travel. On the last day he will present the results.

“Unlike other transfer actions, this activity is not just about telling what can be done, but about learning how to do it starting from scratch, at least in a way that allows us to continue delving into the subject and learning autonomously. ”, points out the URJC professor.

The activity is aimed at both university teachers and primary and secondary schools, but also at tourist guides and members of cultural associations, people with disabilities or at risk of social exclusion. In addition, students from degrees in history, education, sign language, design, fine arts, architecture and, in short, anyone interested in heritage, culture and history may participate.

At the end of this experience, the participants will have worked with the collaborative tool Design Thinking and made increased and extended tours of the heritage environment of Aranjuez. In addition, they will have faced the difficulties of living with some type of disability and they will have learned to use creative, technological and narrative tools to solve the challenges detected.

This initiative is part of the annual program of scientific dissemination activities of the URJC, coordinated by the Scientific Culture and Innovation Unit (UCC+I) of the Office of the Vice President for Research, Innovation and Transfer, and has the collaboration of the Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology (FECYT) – Ministry of Science and Innovation.