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Friday March 15, 2024 at 09:24

How do our genes predispose us to long-term COVID?

How do our genes predispose us to long-term COVID? Image: Young man with a mask on public transport (Canva.com)

Researchers from the Rey Juan Carlos (URJC) and Francisco de Vitoria (UFV) universities have discovered genetic factors that may predispose to suffering from Long-COVID or persistent COVID.

Writing / Irene Vega

Long-COVID syndrome affects 5-10% of patients after recovering from the initial SARS-CoV-2 infection, representing a significant challenge for medicine today. This disease was defined as such by World Health Organization (WHO) and has a specific code in Primary Care.

Researchers from the Rey Juan Carlos University and the Francisco de Vitoria University have published a study which sheds light on two crucial aspects: the identification of factors that could help predict who is at greater risk of developing the syndrome and the exploration of variants in the Angiotensin Converting Enzyme-2 (ACE-2) gene to determine if they contribute. to increase susceptibility to it.

Identification of key symptoms and risk factors

This study addresses the identification of predictive factors for the development of Long-COVID, including the influence of variants in the ACE-2 gene on the susceptibility to suffering from this syndrome.

Carmen Jiménez Antona, researcher at the Rey Juan Carlos University, explains: “In our study, we evaluated 29 individuals previously infected by the SARS-CoV-2 virus. We classified them into two groups: those who experienced Long-COVID symptoms and those who recovered without them long-term. “This classification allowed us to investigate more precisely the genetic differences that could influence the persistence of symptoms.”

In this work, it has been observed that initial symptoms such as fatigue, myalgia and headache are indicative of a high risk of developing persistent COVID-19. “Factors such as having required emergency care, reinfections with the virus, a history of previous and respiratory illnesses, as well as the presence of brain fog, were also associated with a significant increase in vulnerability to this syndrome,” adds Ángel Lizcano Álvarez, researcher. from the King Juan Carlos University.

Specific polymorphisms in the ACE-2 gene

The research results show how two specific genetic polymorphisms in the ACE-2 gene influence predisposition to Long-COVID.

“We found that certain variants of these genetic polymorphisms are associated with an increased risk of experiencing COVID-19 symptoms over an extended period,” the experts note.

240305 edited infographic

Infographic on predictive factors and polymorphisms of the ACE-2 gene

“It represents a significant step towards understanding the interactions between our genetics and Covid-19,” comments David Varillas, geneticist expert at the Francisco de Vitoria University.

Advances in the detection and understanding of the disease

Sofía Laguarta Val, principal investigator of the project at the Rey Juan Carlos University, emphasizes the importance of the study results and the prevention of a disruptive disease, damaging the function and quality of life of the affected patients.

Research has confirmed the presence of susceptibility to Long-COVID in patients from the first wave of the SARS-cov-2 pandemic.

This project has been funded by the College of Physiotherapists of Madrid, in which patients from the Madrid Persistent COVID Association (AMACOP).

New treatments against Long-COVID

The results of this study have significant implications for the diagnosis and treatment of Long-COVID. Identification of these genetic polymorphisms offers a tool to predict which patients might be at highest risk for long-term symptoms.

The research team was made up of a geneticist biochemist, a doctor, a nurse and physiotherapists. “We consider that the treatment approach must also be multidisciplinary, since Long-COVID is a disease in which more than 200 symptoms have been described and an average of 36 symptoms per patient in the Spanish population,” the researchers highlight.

Conduct additional research with larger samples to fully confirm the current findings and advance the understanding of the relationship between genetics and susceptibility to long COVID.

“The study represents a crucial step towards more personalized and effective multiprofessional healthcare in the fight against long-term symptoms of COVID-19,” they conclude.