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Continuing Education Master in Global Affairs (Itinerary – Mexico)


Own Teachings
Phone: 91 665 5060
Academic direction:  Daniel Gayo Lafee (URJC) y Juan Pablo Morales Garcia (UABJO)
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Basic Information


This Master is implemented as a serious, rigorous and quality starting point, where experiences and academic models from Europe, the United States and Latin America come together, for professionals in global action and international cooperation. For this, the starting point is the teaching of the MGA since 2018 between the Rey Juan Carlos University and the University Prince Edward Island (UPEI), combining face-to-face courses in Europe (Madrid and Strasbourg) and Canada, along with a scheduled stay. a month in Strasbourg (France) for students to participate in the "World Forum for Democracy" of the Council of Europe (which is held annually in November), which is a very valuable enrichment to deepen the training received in classes of the Master and to establish professional networking in a strategic environment for international relations and diplomacy.

After four editions of the MGA in its shared URJC-UPEI design, this new itinerary of the MGA opens in its Latin American branch centered in Mexico, thanks to the academic collaboration of the Benito Juárez Autonomous University of Oaxaca (UABJO) (with its Faculty of Economics ). This itinerary allows the MGA to expand in the study of the interrelationships between local development and economic globalization, taking advantage of the specialization of the UABJO faculty and the possibility of carrying out professional practices (not curricular) on the ground in Oaxaca.

The teaching staff is made up of doctors and professors from the URJC and the UABJO, as well as from different universities around the world, and professionals and experts in decision-making in public policies, including staff from the United Nations/Council of Europe and other organizations. global and/or regional international judges and representatives of civil society organizations and the private sector, as well as serving diplomats.

The Master's Thesis (thesis) and non-curricular internship component of the Programme: Master's Thesis: All students must complete a Master's Thesis (or "thesis") after the end of their studies. Students will have free range to select a topic of their choice based on interests, previous areas of study, and research to advance their academic profile and career path. To carry out their TFM, each student will have an assigned academic tutor (related to the selected topic) to support the student and guarantee the quality of the TFM. Extraordinarily, and with prior authorization from the Master's Department, a student who has carried out a professional practice will be able to take advantage of its experience and -with an enrichment of analysis of the acquired learning- will be able to present it under the format and work of TFM. All students will submit their TFM to an academic evaluation committee.

Modality: Face-to-face/ Hybrid

  • Limited space: 35 people


Train professionals, experts and academic experts of the highest quality and performance, capable of understanding the challenges of humanity from a local and global perspective, which allows them to develop competent and practical leadership skills while prepares them for careers in international organizations (governmental or not), diplomatic corps or multinational companies in the private sector, with an important component of analysis of the Latin American reality, in general, and of Mexico, in particular. As well as for careers focused on the management of Mexican public policies, diplomacy and the defense of peace, following the guidelines of the 2030 Agenda and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Likewise, the Master in Global Affairs affects the training of experts in the defense and promotion of Human Rights, from the work carried out by the Council of Europe and at the same time allows them to design and execute proposals for solutions to complex and varied problems. to contain climate change, poverty, food crisis, combat inequalities within and between countries, build peaceful and inclusive societies, protect human rights and promote gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls to guarantee lasting protection of the planet and its natural resources and creating the minimum conditions necessary for sustainable and sustainable development.


Customer Service Modules Master's Degree in Permanent Training in GLOBAL AFFAIRS Itinerary Spain - Mexico  Credits Extraordinary
MODULE A A1: “Analysis and indicators of poverty in comparative perspective 5 1Q
A2: “Design of Public Policies with an inclusive perspective: women, indigenous peoples and priority attention groups”.  5 1Q
A3: “Econometric Impact Assessment for Development 5 1Q
A4: “Global emerging challenges from the local: climate change, migration and food security”.  5 1Q
A5: Participation in the World Forum for Democracy (WFD) of the Council of Europe.  2,5 1Q
A6: Social research methodology and preparation of a TFM 2,5 1Q
MODULE B  B1: “Regional Economic and Political Integration: the European Union as a model of regional integration”.  3 2Q
B2 “The 2030 Agenda for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)”.  3 2Q
B3: “Political Economy of Development and International Development Co-operation”.  2 2Q
B4: “Globalization and International Organizations”.  4 2Q
B5: “Democracy and Rule of Law”  4 2Q
B6: “Diplomacy and Global Affairs”.  4 2Q
B7: “Council of Europe”  2,5 2Q
B8 (I): “Coaching and International Relations: personal activation in a multilateral world”.  1,2 2Q
B9: “The Silk Road & China's New Geo-political Agenda: A Travel Experience”  1,3 2Q
MODULE C C1: Final Master's Project 10 I


The Master's Thesis (thesis) and non-curricular internship component of the Programme:

Final Master's Project: All students are required to complete a Master's Thesis (or "thesis") after the end of their studies. Students will have free range to select a topic of their choice based on interests, previous areas of study, and research to advance their academic profile and career path. To carry out their TFM, each student will have an assigned academic tutor (related to the selected topic) to support the student and guarantee the quality of the TFM. Extraordinarily, and with prior authorization from the Master's Department, a student who has carried out a professional practice will be able to take advantage of its experience and -with an enrichment of the analysis of the acquired learning- will be able to present it under the format and work of TFM.

All students will submit their TFM to an academic evaluation Committee, created strictly for this purpose between the teaching staff of the URJC and the UABJO.

Non-curricular practices:

As a complementary part of the Master in Global Affairs program, the possibility of carrying out a non-curricular internship period will be offered to the 20% of the students with the best academic results in the Master, so that they have a professional internship experience in the field. international. Professional practices can only start once students have passed all the courses of the MGA program. The objective of the internship program is to offer the most outstanding students a first-hand impression of working on a day-to-day basis with different international organizations, NGOs and important organizations from the private sector. Students will be given an opportunity to integrate and work as part of an organization: teams, work directly with outstanding and inspiring career professionals and senior management, participate in meetings, and contribute reports and analysis on different topics. After the internship, students must prepare a report on their experience that will be evaluated to obtain their final grade.

As a student entering the world of diplomacy and public policy, an internship could be a good career placement strategy. Several students have completed their internships at a variety of institutions and organizations, depending on their own interests and objectives: United Nations Population Program (New York), National Council for the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development (Mexico City), Spanish Committee for UNICEF (Madrid), Law Council

International and Politics (Chicago, Strasbourg), Research Project for Fair Trade in Mexico (Strasbourg, Brussels), among others.


Admission profile:

  • Have a Bachelor's degree in any of the disciplines of the Social Sciences: Economics, Law, Administration, Political Science, International Relations, Public Policy, Finance, Sociology, Anthropology, Communication, Education, Municipal Studies, Development or some discipline related to the research with a global perspective.
  • Have an interest in research on international or local issues from a comparative and/or global perspective.
  • Have the capacity for analysis, synthesis, creativity, with a spirit of innovation and perseverance.

Access requirements:

Have a university graduate degree (Licenciado, Graduado, Bachelor or equivalent) from an accredited institution before the application, also the applicant must have a score of 2,7 according to the GPA (Grade Point Average) in the last two courses For this, you must present all the academic records of the institutions in which you have studied. On the other hand, students whose native language is not English, or have not studied a university degree whose official language is English, must present an English proficiency certificate, the required level is 78 IBT or higher in the TOEFL, or a 6,0 in the IELTS or a similar accreditation applied by the Faculty of Languages ​​of the UABJO. All students must prove (unless it is their native language) a sufficient level of Spanish and English with the corresponding certification equivalent to level B1.

Selection criteria:

  • Academic record (50%)
  • Connection of the candidate with organisms and institutions from which he can apply the practical knowledge acquired in the Master (20%)
  • Additional postgraduate training (10%)
  • Motivation letter on the reasons for working in the field of international relations and globalization (10%)
  • Other merits (10%)
  • Finally, despite not being mandatory, professional or volunteer experience in the field of international relations, international organizations, international projects, or the like is also taken into account. In the event that the number of applications exceeds the number of places offered, a selection will be made of the candidates best suited to the selection criteria described above.

Number of places offered: 35

Number of reserved places: 2. When the number of applications that meet the access requirements exceeds the number of places available, a place is reserved for vulnerable groups (disability, victims of terrorism and gender violence, article 50 of the regulation) with the same selection criteria . In the event that said quota is not covered, it will pass to the general quota.

The start of the course is subject to the minimum number of students enrolled.

Academic Management and Faculty

Prof. Daniel Gayo Lafée (Director) – URJC

Prof. Juan Pablo Morales García (Co-Director) - UABJO)


Full name

Academic category/Professional category and entity

Subject to teach

Daniel Gayo Lafee

University holder – Area of ​​Applied Economics II (URJC)

Regional Economic and Political Integration: the European Union as a model of regional integration.

The 2030 Agenda for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Pablo Bandeira Greno

Contracted Professor Doctor - Area of ​​Applied Economics I (URJC)

Political Economy of Development and International Development Co-operation

Javier Esguevillas Ruiz

Associate Institutional Coordinator – Institutional Relations (UABJO)

Globalization and International Organizations.

Coordination and supervision of student participation in the World Forum for Democracy (WFD) of the Council of Europe

Frank Emmert

Director of the Center for International and Comparative Law and Professor at Indiana University

Democracy and Rule of Law (Part I)

Valentina Azarova

Member of the Manchester International Law Center at the University of Manchester

Democracy and Rule of Law (Part II)

Christian Rieck

Professor at the University of Potsdam

Diplomacy and Global Affairs – Part I: Varieties of Hegemony: Regional Powers, Integration & Orders”

Diplomacy and Global Affairs – Part II: Whose World Order? Modern Diplomacy, Multilateralism & Multipolarity

Eduardo Rossi

Professor at the University of Urbino

The Council of Europe

Valentina Barzalobre Aragon

Professor at the Benito Juárez Autonomous University of Oaxaca (UABJO)

Design of Public Policies with an inclusive perspective: women, indigenous peoples and priority attention groups (I)

Victor Leonel Juan Martinez

Professor at the Benito Juárez Autonomous University of Oaxaca (UABJO)

Design of Public Policies with an inclusive perspective: women, indigenous peoples and priority attention groups (II)

David Recondo

Professor at the Benito Juárez Autonomous University of Oaxaca (UABJO)

Design of Public Policies with an inclusive perspective: women, indigenous peoples and priority attention groups (III)

Heriberto Ruiz Ponce

Professor at the Benito Juárez Autonomous University of Oaxaca (UABJO)

Global emerging challenges from the local: climate change, migration and food security (I)

Holly Michelle Worthen

Professor at the Benito Juárez Autonomous University of Oaxaca (UABJO)

Global emerging challenges from the local: climate change, migration and food security (II)

Gonzalo Hernandez Licona

Professor at the Benito Juárez Autonomous University of Oaxaca (UABJO)

Analysis and indicators of poverty in comparative perspective (I)

Juan Pablo Morales Garcia

Professor at the Benito Juárez Autonomous University of Oaxaca (UABJO)

Speaker within the subject Analysis and indicators of poverty in comparative perspective (II)

Cesar Emilio Contreras Piedragil

Professor at the Benito Juárez Autonomous University of Oaxaca (UABJO)

Econometric Impact Assessment for Development (I)

Leodegario Fabian Medinilla

Professor at the Benito Juárez Autonomous University of Oaxaca (UABJO)

Speaker within the subject Econometric Impact Evaluation for Development (II)

Quality guarantee


Composition of the commission

Composition of the commission

Results report

Once the follow-up of the Master of Lifelong Training has been carried out, the most relevant quantitative information on the results obtained in the follow-up of said Degree is shown.

General information collection plan

Within the quality assurance system of the Rey Juan Carlos University, the following surveys are planned:

- Student profile

- Teacher evaluation

- Degree of satisfaction:

  • Of the students
  • of the graduates
  • From the Faculty
  • Administration and Services Staff

- Labor insertion

- External internships:

  • Satisfaction of interns
  • External tutor satisfaction
  • Employer satisfaction

Survey results:

Duration and development

Modality: Face-to-face /online

Number of credits: 60 ECTS

Contact hours: 600

Place of delivery:

  • First semester in person at the Faculty of Economics (Oaxaca de Juárez) of the Benito Juárez Autonomous University of Oaxaca (UABJO).
  • Second semester online/hybrid: Madrid Campus (Vicálvaro) Faculty of Economics and Business Sciences of the Rey Juan Carlos University (URJC).

 optional assistance to World Forum for Democracy of the Council of Europe (Strasbourg, France).

Opening hours: In the afternoons (16:00 p.m. to 20:30 p.m.)

Start and end date:

Home: September 7, 2023

Ending: July 31, 2024

Reservation of place and enrollment


Pre-registration period: March 31 to August 19, 2023

Enrollment deadline: August 21 to September 6, 2023

Title price: 4.000 €.

Possibility of scholarship (if applicable): yes

Pre-registration: €500. This amount is included in the total cost of the course and will be refunded if your academic application is not accepted. If, once the student's application is accepted, he/she does not formalize the registration, the amount deposited for pre-registration will not be returned.

Number of places offered: 35

Number of reserved places: 2. When the number of applications that meet the access requirements exceeds the number of places available, a place is reserved for vulnerable groups (disability, victims of terrorism and gender violence, article 50 of the regulation) with the same selection criteria . In the event that said quota is not covered, it will pass to the general quota.

The start of the course is conditioned to the minimum number of students enrolled

Documentation to attach, forms and place of delivery

the applicants they will present all the scanned documentation, in the formats allowed through the telematic self-registration application at the time of applying for admission to own degrees. They must compulsorily attach to their request the declaration of the person responsible for the veracity of the data provided in digital format.

At any time, both the Program Management and the Own Teaching Service may request the applicants to submit said certified/collated documentation through the General Registry, located on the Móstoles Campus, or in any of the registries assistants located in the different campuses of the Rey Juan Carlos University, or by sending it through Certified Mail to: Rey Juan Carlos University. General Registry. Avda. Tulipán s/n. 28933. Mostoles. Madrid

The student is responsible for the veracity and correctness of the data provided, exonerating the Rey Juan Carlos University from any responsibility and guaranteeing and being responsible for its accuracy, validity and authenticity.

Required documentation:

Students with a degree obtained from a Spanish university or a Higher Education Institution belonging to another Member State of the European Higher Education Area that authorizes access to own postgraduate degrees must present the following documentation:

  • National Identity Document or equivalent
  • University degree of the studies that give access to the requested postgraduate degree.
  • Curriculum vitae
  • Responsible declaration of veracity of the data provided in digital format
  • Any other document that the Director of the Own Title specifically requires for its acceptance

Students with a foreign degree must present the following documentation:

  • Passport or Residence Card
  • Foreign Higher Education Degree (Graduate, Graduate, Architect, Engineer Doctor...) that give access to own postgraduate degree studies.
  • Certificate certifying that the studies carried out give access to an Official Postgraduate Degree in your country of origin, issued by the University of origin
  • Curriculum vitae
  • Declaration of the person responsible for the veracity of the data provided in digital format
  • Any other document that the Director of the Own Title specifically requires for its acceptance

Applicants with studies completed in foreign University Centers may be requested at any time a certificate of verification of these studies and centers, issued by an authorized Institution.

All documentation provided must be legalized in accordance with Spanish law and translated by an official translator.