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Friday June 08, 2018 at 13:41

'MateDivertidas' brings mathematics closer to primary school students

URJC teachers have carried out the 'MateDivertidas' project. This project was born to bring mathematics closer to 3rd and 6th grade students in a playful and attractive way through games and activities that increase their motivation.

Beatriz Guzman do Nascimento

The initiative, led by post-doctoral researcher Adrián Bacelo, began in September and continued through May. It was developed through monthly sessions held in several primary education centers in the south of Madrid, with the dynamics of the game as a methodological pillar.

The effectiveness of the project has been measured with a validated questionnaire on attitudes towards mathematics, carried out in the first and last sessions. When comparing results, more than 90% of the students valued mathematics and their attitude towards it more: “It has been verified that the vision students have of mathematics has improved and they ask more questions. Teachers see them as more motivated and with less rejection of the content”, declared the researcher.

1 hour sessions

During the interventions in the classroom, the teachers taught different concepts, reinforced those already seen and transmitted curiosities through the game: "In the sessions, a topic is chosen to be able to play games related to mathematics, such as, for example, a 'pilla -caught' of mathematical operations, calculation games…”, explained the URJC researcher.

In addition to sessions for students, training has been given to teachers. “Initially, the project was focused on students, but the teachers demanded training from us because they detected that the motivation towards mathematics is lacking”, Bacelo pointed out.

The project has been carried out in a total of 11 classes and around 275 students corresponding to the 3rd and 6th grades of Primary have participated in three schools in the southern area of ​​the Community of Madrid. It is planned to continue it next year and expand it since "if children enjoy playing games, what better way to teach them if not through it?", It has ended.