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Monday, July 16, 2018 at 15:39

Great year for competitive programming

The URJC teams have achieved great results in important competitions such as Ada Byron or SWERC. All participation has been coordinated from the ETSII Competitive Programming Course.

Raul Garcia Hemonnet

For Jesús Sánchez-Oro, head of Competitive Programming, "The balance is very good, because we have won prizes in important competitions such as 'Las 12 uvas', 'Ada Byron' or SWERC”.

This represents a leap in quality compared to previous years. These results have been possible thanks to the training obtained by the students in the ETSII Competitive Programming Course, launched this year, from which these teams have been coordinated.

For Sergio Pérez, professor of the course and former student of the ETSII, "competitions help kids a lot to improve their knowledge of algorithms, programming skills and to think faster and recognize problems." In addition, Sánchez-Oro added, "it has been found that grades in subjects related to programming improve".

For both of them, if there is something that defines the competitive programming teams at URJC, "it is the enthusiasm and desire compared to those of other universities in which these topics are more structured."

What is certain is that the interest in this type of competition and in seeking more incentives in programming does not stop growing. "From three initial teams we have now come to present 10 or 15". In addition, as Sergio Pérez points out, it has had between 100 and 150 students.

After the summer, the competitive schedule has only one event in mind: SWERC 2018 in Paris, which takes place in December and in which our teams hope to play a major role.

Headquarters of the 'Google Hash Code'

In addition to the good results obtained, during this course the ETSII of the Rey Juan Carlos University has been, for the first time, a 'hub' (communications node) of the 'Google Hash Code', an international competitive programming contest organized by the tech giant.