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Friday March 08, 2019 at 13:10

Ana de Miguel, philosopher and professor at the URJC, 8M regional award

Ana de Miguel is a Spanish philosopher and feminist who has been a full professor of Moral and Political Philosophy since 2005. This year, the city council of Getafe has wanted to recognize her contributions in the fight for gender equality and has awarded her one of the ten prizes that they give to different feminist groups and individuals.

Oihane Colodron Sanchez

The philosopher has been awarded the March 8 prize for her contribution to feminism. She is the author of articles such as 'The prostitution of women, the democratic harem', published in 'The Huffington Post' (Carmen de Burgos Feminist Dissemination Award) or 'The Dialectic of feminist theory: what unites us, what separates us, what has made us advance.'

The philosopher has affirmed that she feels: "grateful and happy because it is something that women have been working for 200 years, a fairer and more balanced society in all senses and it seems that now it has a very strong impulse".

The March 8 awards are granted by the Getafe City Council and the Getafe Sectoral Council for Women and Equality to recognize the work of those people, entities and groups that work to promote gender equality and that in some way take measures to bring down The difference between men and women. The winners are those who develop programs to denounce humiliating situations for women such as gender violence, sexual harassment, as well as those that promote the labor insertion of women, their participation and stability in the economic and managerial field.

Ana de Miguel considers that "feminism has been on the rise since 1789, when women organized themselves for the first time in the French Revolution because they saw that they were left without rights, and since then it has been an intellectual attempt by philosophy to understand why they make us that and what consequences it has and having been doing it for 200 years it seems that society is already impregnated with feminism, although it has cost a lot.

As a professor of the subject “gender violence” in the 4th year of criminology, she assures that feminism is worked from the university: “the changes in the laws of the State and in the university where I work are fundamental. My students start the subject with skepticism, but end up doing some impressive work and have told me things that I couldn't believe. The university can do a lot.”

These awards are part of a campaign of events organized by the Getafe City Council to commemorate International Women's Day. This year the motto is “Arm yourself woman”. This slogan claims the leading role of women in society and calls for weapons such as the word or the cinema.

Equality must be worked on and Ana de Miguel, director of the URJC gender equality observatory, affirms: “from the university we must study and give more objectivity to our studies including women in all”.

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