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Wednesday, May 29, 2019 at 13:55

The 'Mentoring' program of the degree in Cybersecurity Engineering starts in September

Cybersecurity mentoring Cybersecurity mentoring

This is an initiative that will allow collaboration in different areas between relevant companies in the sector, the Rey Juan Carlos University and, specifically, professors and students of the degree in Cybersecurity Engineering.


In September 2019, the Rey Juan Carlos University will inaugurate the  mentoring program associated with its new degree in Cybersecurity Engineering, a pioneering degree in all of Spain and which is currently being studied by 60 first-year students. The objective of this program is to create an active and dynamic forum that serves as a meeting point between professionals from companies in the sector, who will assume the role of mentors, and students, future professionals.

This initiative will enhance the employability of students and allow them to establish new relationships and collaborations between them, their teachers and professionals in the sector. This interaction will cause students to have contact with the professional world from very early stages of their training and will help them to better understand the needs of the labor market so that, when they have to face it after their training, they will know it better. In addition, the idea is to allow the sharing of news, needs, profiles or skills between companies and the university so that the curriculum is kept "alive" and updated.

Large-scale companies in the sector such as  accenture,  Deloitte,  innotec,  GMV zerolynx have already committed to participating in this initiative, although the URJC plans to include more companies since Marta Beltrán, coordinator of the degree in Cybersecurity Engineering, is currently in talks with more than 15 corporations that have shown great interest in participating in the 'Mentoring' program.

For all these companies, the initiative has no cost, beyond the activities in which they want to get involved in each academic year (training and events, internships, scholarships and study grants, co-direction of TFGs, employment forums , service-learning projects, CTFs, etc…). It should also be mentioned that all the companies have highlighted the great value that the opportunity to take part, from the beginning and actively, in the training of future professionals in the sector and in the implementation of a pioneering degree in Spain, has for them. which, moreover, is very necessary for the sector.

The 'Mentoring' program will begin to carry out activities and be effective from September 2019 when the second promotion of the  degree in Cybersecurity Engineering start your training in the next academic year 2019-2020.