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Tuesday, July 23, 2019 at 09:00

The URJC '0' courses allow you to reinforce Baccalaureate content

Through online methodology, the Rey Juan Carlos University proposes three courses that allow to strengthen knowledge in subjects such as Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry.

Raul Garcia Hemonnet

Summer is a time to rest, especially if what comes after is starting university education. To face this important change, the URJC proposes three courses '0' to prepare new students for the challenge of their degrees.

"What the student is going to find are structured materials in pills (specific topics), which are going to allow him to reinforce the contents of the baccalaureate", explains Raquel Herrera, director of the Quality Unit of the Rey Juan Carlos University, which is the area that coordinates these courses.

The first step when starting any of these trainings, which new students who have these subjects in their training itineraries will find in their Virtual Classroom, is to carry out a self-assessment to see the level they have in the different subjects. From there, the student "will access videos, theoretical and practical content on specific content that will allow him to consolidate his knowledge," says Raquel Herrera.

After watching the videos, working on the materials and doing the practical exercises, the student will take an evaluation test on that pill. If you pass it, you will receive 0 ECTS credit that will help you complete your Academic Credit Recognition (RAC) course.

The interest of the students is clear, as Herrera explains, "the Mathematics course has 4.000 students enrolled and the Physics course, 1.825."

But this training can not only be done by new students, students of more advanced levels can also access it, through self-registration.

This improvement action was launched in the 17/18 academic year with the aim of alleviating deficiencies detected in new students in basic subjects. In the first place, the Mathematics course (22 training pills) was launched in a pilot format, followed by the Physics course (18 pills), which has been launched in the course that has just ended and, at the beginning of the next, the Chemistry will start working (20 pills).

In addition, explains Raquel Herrera, “at the moment a 'Written Expression and Comprehension' module is being shaped in view of the difficulties detected. Linguistics and Language teachers are already working on the design of the contents”.

This new course is expected to be available in the second semester of the 19/20 academic year.