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Wednesday, October 23, 2019 at 06:45 p.m.

Graduates and students of last courses of the ETSII guide the new students

Graduates and students of last courses of the ETSII guide the new students Graduates and students of last courses of the ETSII guide the new students

The young people will relate their academic and work experiences and will solve the doubts of the new students in the Móstoles and Madrid campuses.

Raul Garcia Hemonnet/Christian Lopez Manzano

Knowing the experience of those who have passed before oneself in a place is always helpful. With the aim of lending a hand to the ETSII beginners, the School is launching for the second consecutive year the informative and mentoring sessions for new students on the Móstoles and Madrid (Vicálvaro and Quintana) campuses, which are celebrated today 23 and tomorrow 24 October.

The sessions, as explained by Mª del Soto Montalvo, deputy director of Teaching Organization and head of Studies at the ETSII, "are organized on the three campuses where the School has degrees and are aimed exclusively at first-year students of all degrees and double degrees"

The speakers at the conference, he adds, “are graduate students, final year students, delegate students and mentors, all of whom already have experience in one of the single or double degrees involved. The idea is that they give their point of view of the career to the new students”.

First-hand information about the race

The meetings will deal with, among other topics: "how to approach certain complicated subjects, advice and aspects of interest that the speakers would have liked to know when they entered first year, useful aspects to take into account if they go on Erasmus, about the external internships and when to do them, about the TFG, etc.”, explains the teacher.

In addition, the speakers who are already working will talk about their work experience and how they see themselves prepared compared to the preparation that is given in other universities. In this regard, Mª del Soto Montalvo points out that “our graduates tend to see themselves as better prepared”. Among the speakers this year there is a student who has participated in a program to attract talent from the technology company Huawei. In previous editions, graduates who were working in companies such as Siemens participated.

The goal of these conferences "is for first-year students to have first-hand information about graduates and last-year students, who can contribute a lot and will feel closer to them than if we told them about it," says the Head of Studies at the ETSII. 

The sessions are moderated by those responsible for the degrees and open to the participation of all attendees. The ETSII grants 0 ECTS credits for participating in these sessions that try to be a kind of map for the journey that the new students of the School are starting.