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Basic recommendations for the beginning of the course

Written by Beatriz Rodríguez Herráez

The beginning of the course is approaching and we are going to share all the information we have so that we are prepared for this new challenge.

We continue to report all the news that we will have to take into account to start this 2020/21 academic year. It is true that there are many doubts and that is why we intend to respond to the questions that arise. In the next few days we will publish a document with frequently asked questions and answers that summarizes everything that we have been uploading and its updates. 

We all know that the situation changes depending on the circumstances and therefore we have to keep up to date with developments and have the flexibility to adapt if necessary. 

There are only a few days left to start the course and there are a series of protocols that must be taken into account to prevent the spread of the virus. We must be responsible among all that the rules are complied with, but for this we must know them. 

It is important to avoid crowds and for this reason signposted entrances and corridors inside the buildings, so that there are entrance doors and exit doors. Once inside, both the corridors and the stairs also indicate the direction in which to circulate. If there are crowds, you should wait and keep a distance of 1,5 meters from other people.

Another of the measures to be taken for the proper development of the classes focuses on ventilate the classroom, opening windows at least 10 minutes at the beginning and at the end and keeping them that way, if possible, as long as possible. This ventilation measure can be extended to other shared spaces on the Campus. 

Among the latests Moravia's compositions General measures to comply with in the classrooms highlights the mandatory use of the mask, in addition to disinfecting your hands before entering the classrooms. Both teachers and students will have self-cleaning material to disinfect the elements of the classroom that are necessary, such as computers, microphones, tables, etc. It is recommended that students occupy the same position throughout the course to try to avoid cross contamination. 

Teachers are also advised that before starting the class control attendance of the students to facilitate the traceability of possible cases quickly. Regarding the control of attendance of teachers, they must take into account that it is only necessary when face-to-face teaching is given and that it should never be done with the fingerprint, the personal card that is available must be used.

Regarding the action protocol in the case of identifying a positive case in the classroom, work is being done on it and in the next few days it will be available, as soon as it is sent to us we will share it with you, as well as all the updated information.

Last modified on Tuesday, September 22, 2020 at 14:14