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Professor Amador Cernuda has been appointed Doctor Honoris Causa by the University of Medical Sciences of Guantánamo

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Professor Amador Cernuda Lago, Deputy Director of the Alicia Alonso University Institute of Dance, has been appointed Doctor Honoris Causa by the University of Medical Sciences of Guantánamo (Cuba).

His research work, his contributions to innovation with the introduction of new technologies in psychology and psychotherapy, Cernuda was a pioneer in the applications of virtual reality in psychology and other technologies such as biofeedback and neurofeedback, the athletes of the Barcelona Olympics 1992, they were mentally trained in a pioneering way worldwide by Dr. Cernuda through virtual reality, as stated in one of the most important world-wide Congresses of Applied Psychology, which has also adapted musicians and dancers in a pioneering way . His innovative intervention developments in severe mental illness (schizophrenia), and in the field of cognitive neurodegenerations, such as Alzheimer's, and other dementias and Parkinson's. His innovations with the incorporation of the arts as an adjunct in clinical treatment of alcoholism and drug addiction, its applications for the evolution and quality of life of diseases such as AIDS and Cancer and Eating Disorders. His management of development cooperation programs through the IAP methodology through the arts His work incorporating equine therapy and its consolidated and validated applications through experimental research of the arts and especially Psychoballet in clinical treatments, together with the teaching of Innovative specialized training for Doctors, Psychiatrists and Psychologists in Hospitals and Universities of Cuba at the level of training in therapies, and seminars on Research Methodology have nurtured the foundations of the appointment proposed and granted by the  Board of Directors of the University of Medical Sciences of Guantánamo, which unanimously approves the awarding of the Honorary Title of Doctor Honoris Causa to Professor Dr. Amador Cernuda Lago, in correspondence with his extraordinary teaching and healthcare career, his intense scientific and social work for the good of humanity and especially its collaboration with our university in research, teaching and supervision of doctoral theses within the framework of the 40th anniversary of Higher Medical Teaching at the UCM in Guantánamo and of course the added merit of the great work of scientific support carried out by Dr. Cernuda historically with great universal figures of Cuban art.