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Wednesday, October 20, 2021 at 07:15 p.m.

Education and new challenges for the XNUMXst century

The Rey Juan Carlos University organizes an international online seminar on citizen participation, social networks and changes in teaching for the coming years.

Albert Rose

The URJC Social Sciences Didactics Area organizes the 15st International Online Seminar 'Citizen participation, social networks and education for the XNUMXst century'. The event, which already held its first session on October XNUMX, will end this Friday with the presence of experts from universities around the world.   

Professors César Bernal, Rocío González-Andrio and Irene Palomero Ylardia, members of the LIDA research group, are the people in charge of organizing this symposium. González-Andrio says that the idea of ​​holding such a seminar at the URJC arose at a meeting held after the international symposium 'Democracy, Global Citizenship and Transformative Education: New Perspectives to understand, get involved and act together', organized by the Chair UNESCO from the University of Quebec, Canada.

"We wanted to establish relationships of joint work and collaboration between the global North and South in relation to the issues of education, youth and social networks," explains Professor Rocío González-Andrio. The objective, therefore, of this international online symposium is to generate interdisciplinary research programs on democracy, global citizenship and transformative education for the XNUMXst century.

In short, it is intended to be an event that serves as a meeting point for researchers from all over the world with students and professors from the URJC and other Spanish universities.

Social networks and education in the context of COVID-19

One of the main topics addressed by the symposium is the role of social networks in a historical context such as that of the COVID-19 pandemic in which social media have played a key role from the social, economic point of view , political and educational. To this end, experts, professors and researchers from various universities such as the URJC and Quebec have participated.

On the first day, which took place on Friday, October 15, and which was attended by 150 people, classical and modern theories were analyzed around the concept of citizenship and citizen participation, the use of social networks and a transformative education for the XNUMXst century after the coronavirus pandemic.

This Friday, October 22, the concept of peace and education will be reflected upon with the participation of international experts such as Paul R. Carr., professor and director of the UNESCO Chair in Democracy, World Citizenship and Transformative Education (DCMÉT). More information and programming in the following link.