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Friday, October 22, 2021 at 07:30

A webinar analyzes the stories behind products and brands

The 'I Conference on Advertising Narratives' at the URJC brings together several academic experts who will present, from different approaches, advertising from the point of view of storytelling.

Raul Garcia Hemonnet

Currently, brands and products try to seduce their audiences by telling stories that make them achieve an emotional connection, to do so, they use techniques typical of cinema, series, literature and comics, among many others.

To analyze these trends and formulas, the URJC has organized the 'I Conference on Advertising Narratives', which will take place on October 27 virtually through the teams platform and registration is open.

With the aim of showing a complete perspective on advertising narratives, experts in transmedia, social networks and audiovisual analysis have been brought together. Firstly, Elena Borau Boira, a researcher at Nebrija University and an expert in Protocol and Public Relations, will intervene. She will talk about the management of business reputation from the point of view of the narratives in Social Networks.

Next, it will be the turn of María Abellán, an academic from the University of Murcia and the UNIR, who will talk about the transmediality of advertising discourse. María Abellán comes from the world of comics and drawing and she will address the combination of different narrative formats when telling a story.

The day will end with a presentation by Marta de Miguel Zamora, professor at the Faculty of Communication Sciences, narratologist and audiovisual analyst. The URJC teacher, in this case, will explain how through "the narrative discipline we have structures and ways to create an advertising message."

The three speakers "will present success stories", says Marta de Miguel, who indicates that the congress is especially aimed at "Advertising and Communication students and also the PDI, because several lines of research in this field are going to be shown".

An opportunity to find out where the latest advertising trends are going in a dynamic and changing market in which it is essential to know how to differentiate yourself. One of those ways of differentiation can be, as these conferences defend, telling a good story.