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Friday, October 29, 2021 at 07:30

The URJC trains vaccine experts in the latest developments in epidemiology

Through 5 online sessions, professors from the Faculty of Health Sciences will offer a complete perspective of the latest updates in this field of health that has gained great importance due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Raul Garcia Hemonnet

The first session took place this Wednesday, October 27, and dealt with the most relevant concepts of epidemiology applied to vaccinology. Specifically, explains the professor of Preventive Medicine and Public Health, Ángel Gil de Miguel, "we have talked about the immunogenicity, efficacy and effectiveness of vaccines."

The sessions, explains Gil de Miguel “are mainly practical, in the first, he explains “we have offered a series of theoretical and practical concepts and a round of debate and discussion has been opened”.

Those attending the sessions are the professional specialists in vaccines from the different medical societies in Spain, such as the Spanish Society of Preventive Medicine, Pediatrics and Geriatrics, among others. “A total of 50 people from all over Spain. Our goal is to give them a series of guidelines to remember notions and update with the latest information on the subject.

Complete and varied program

A total of 5 sessions have been scheduled that address different aspects within the field of epidemiology. The next session will take place on November 10 and will be entitled: 'Observational studies, different designs and biases. The study of the negative test in estimating the effectiveness of influenza vaccines, advantages and disadvantages'. It will be given by the URJC professor, Ruth Gil Prieto.

Professor Gil Prieto will also be in charge of the next session, which will take place on November 24 and is entitled 'Pragmatic studies: what are they, what are they for and what do they provide us vs RCTs and observational studies?' Likewise, this teacher will be responsible for the session on December 1: 'From the epidemiology of the 80s to the most current: controlling the measured and unmeasured confounding factors'.

The last session will take place on December 21. In this case, given by the URJC professor, Juan Antonio López Rodríguez, and entitled 'Qualities of an observational study to be well designed. The meta-analyses: heterogeneity and other parameters, types and importance of the quality of the studies included in the final quality of the same'.

A complete program with a clear objective, as Ángel Gil de Miguel indicates, "is in a certain way a training for trainers so that they can subsequently apply this knowledge in their societies and carry out research that gives rise to new scientific articles, something which is now easier with the amount of vaccination data available to specialists”.

These sessions organized by the Rey Juan Carlos University are the response to a request made by the Spanish Society of Vaccinology to expand the epidemiological training of the different health specialists.