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Wednesday, November 03, 2021 at 07:30

Explorer URJC 2022 program begins

This pre-incubation system will take place from January 24 to April 24, and will allow students to develop their skills in the world of entrepreneurship.

Alberto Gomez Rodriguez

Business innovation has determined many of the advances in our society since the industrial era, and yet there are those who say that a business idea does not have much value, but it is clear that without it there would be nothing. Of course, not all business ideas are going to be the new Google, but it is important that they bring a little innovation.

To promote the talent of young university students, the Rey Juan Carlos University promotes the Explore URJC 2022 program. For more than 11 years, the program has helped thousands of students to develop their business idea and to validate if it can be become a viable and sustainable project.

This free and telematic pre-incubation method is designed for young people between 18 and 31 years old who are studying, doing internships or researching, to bring their full potential to the business world by transforming their project. The "explorer route" will last 12 weeks, and will allow those registered to materialize their idea and choose to participate, along with innovators from other 'Explorer Spaces' in the country.

The modality will be 100% digital, so the participants may be from countries such as Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Mexico and Portugal, while in Explorer URJC it will be blended (or 100% online if the situation requires it), also having a Coordinator of center and personalized mentors called Xcouts.

The students with the best rated project of the URJC Explorer 2022 will travel to the international event of the European Innovation Academy in Porto in the summer. There they will receive master classes on technology companies, advice on internationalization and contact with investors.

Those who wish to participate in this program will have to register at Santander X, and once inside, sign up for the call for "Explorer 2022: First Edition" before December 12. Individually or in teams of 5 people, this edition will polish some of the best business ideas of the future. Learn more on the page Explorer BYX.