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Monday, November 15, 2021 at 10:00 p.m.

The URJC launches a campaign to prevent alcohol consumption among minors

Spirits of Spain and the Rey Juan Carlos University join forces for another year with a creative contest to promote responsible attitudes towards the consumption of beverages.

Alberto Rosa/Writing

The Vice-rector for University Extension of the Rey Juan Carlos University, Mercedes del Hoyo, and the director of the Spanish Federation of Spirits - Spirits Spain -, Bosco Torremocha, have presented a campaign at the Fuenlabrada Campus of the Rey Juan Carlos University. by university students to prevent the consumption of alcoholic beverages in minors.

Each year, both entities hold a creativity contest among university students for this purpose and to promote responsible consumption among young adults. “#Take it easy” is the title of the winning campaign, which will be displayed on the University's digital media and through social networks.

The winners of this edition are a group made up of five students from the Degree in Advertising and Public Relations and the Double Degree in Advertising and Business Administration and Management. Its graphic campaign is intended to make minors aware of the need not to drink any alcohol and, for this, it is based on two creative lines.

On the one hand, the allusion to the need to overcome temptation and not be in a hurry to consume alcoholic beverages; on the other, redound to the idea of ​​not accelerating the moment of starting consumption, but providing curious data on animal habits such as the fact that camels drink water every ten days or that koalas spend more than 22 hours a day sleeping.

The designs stand out for their simplicity and minimalism, featuring animals and direct and friendly communication. The colorful posters and the direct and simple language make the campaign adapt perfectly to the communication codes of the smaller public it is addressed to.

During the presentation ceremony, the Vice-Rector for University Extension, Mercedes del Hoyo, thanked Espirituosos España for its commitment to promoting responsible habits in the consumption of alcoholic beverages, which has allowed the development of "this public-public collaboration initiative private, which allows students to show the business reality beyond the campus”.

The director of Spirits Spain, Bosco Torremocha, has highlighted that “after five years running this contest with students from the Rey Juan Carlos University, we can only confirm the great results obtained. At Espirituosos España we trust that this year's winning campaign will make society as a whole reflect on the need for minors not to consume a single drop of alcohol”.