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Amador Cernuda represents the URJC at the XIX FECIES International Forum

Posted by Faculty Writing

Professor Amador Cernuda was invited to participate in the XIX International Forum on the Evaluation of the Quality of Research and Higher Education (FECIES), to present a symposium, with the social intervention projects to be an example of the projects to achieve the sustainable objectives proposed by the UN 2030 Agenda. 

Professor Amador Cernuda, deputy director of the Alicia Alonso University Dance Institute, has been invited to direct the symposium entitled "RESEARCH, INNOVATION, SOCIAL TRANSFORMATION AND SUSTAINABILITY FROM THE UNIVERSITY THROUGH THE ARTS" in which he presented five social intervention projects carried out, through the arts, by researchers linked and associated with the IUDAA and FIIDAE Georgina Fariñas of the URJC, resulting from agreements with Universities of Cuba (Havana and Guantánamo), the Balkans (Belgrade, Serbia and Montenegro), the Community of Andalusia, Community of Cantabria and Community of Madrid, which are part of the 2030 Agenda and the sustainability objectives in the prestigious XIX INTERNATIONAL FORUM ON ASSESSMENT OF THE QUALITY OF RESEARCH AND HIGHER EDUCATION (FECIES), September 28-30, 2022 It is one of the most important international events of universities and studies of the quality of Higher Education and Research. held every year and organized by the main institutions of our country: Ministry of Science and Innovation, CRUE, CNA, CONEAU, SINEACE, University of Granada, among others, being Professor Cernuda, for numerous editions, the only university professor, in the Community of Madrid, member of the Organizing Committee and the Scientific Committee of FECIES.

Professor Cernuda was invited to present a paper in which he explained the model and the innovative aspects of the international research and social intervention project which directs about “Regenerative Tourism and Artistic Heritage in the Conservation of the Amazon”, a project of reference and inspiration in dealing with climate change, the protection of biodiversity and the preservation of the cultural-artistic heritage of ethnic minorities and indigenous peoples of this lung ecosystem of the planet, giving important visibility to the URJC and showing the great work of social intervention that is generated from this University.

Last modified on Thursday, October 06, 2022 at 11:19