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Friday, July 28, 2023 at 09:25 p.m.

Digital journalism: a way of informing adapted to the new times

El Official Master's Degree in Digital Journalism and New Professional Profiles of the URJC offers a journalistic specialization in web communication, social networks and transmedia environments.


Every day the implications of the change in current journalism become more evident, as a consequence of the loss of relevance of paper in favor of digital media. The Internet has become the great beneficiary to the detriment of printed newspapers and magazines, entities that are currently experiencing delicate situations. Journalism has changed and has made the leap to the digital world. You have to keep looking for good stories but you have to change the ways of telling them, now you have to adapt them to the web, mobile and social networks. For this reason, the Master's Degree in Digital Journalism at the Rey Juan Carlos University has been offering this journalistic specialization in new digital formats for three years.

“From the University we are committed to quality education as the only means of achieving differential advantages in a highly competitive labor market”, indicates the direction of the degree.

Training in the digital environment

The master's degree explores the new tools for working with information: big data, information visualization techniques and transmedia storytelling. He also analyzes the impact of social networks, betting on what is already called viral journalism, where knowing the web metrics and the audience in real time is as important as the story itself. On the other hand, the degree offers training in the audiovisual field, due to its relevance in our society.

New financing formulas are also addressed since, as stated by Facundo Caín, a student on the URJC Digital Journalism Master: "journalism needs to reinvent itself as a business model, the old journalism is not profitable because now people consume for free from the web ”