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Friday, September 22, 2023 at 07:00

New edition of the course on urban green solutions

New edition of the course on urban green solutions New edition of the course on urban green solutions

This University Extension course is intended for people with intellectual disabilities, developmental disorders and autism spectrum disorders, enrolled in the national Youth Guarantee system.

Writing/Raúl García Hémonnet

The URJC, through the DIVERSIA research group (Consolidated Research Group on inclusive education, people with disabilities and universal accessibility), together with the Employment Training Center of the Juan XXIII Foundation, has renewed for the 2023-2024 academic year the commitment to the UNIDIVERSITY program.

Within the framework of this agreement, the University launches a new edition of the comprehensive training program in urban green solutions, aimed at people between 18 and 30 years old with intellectual disabilities, developmental disorders or autism who are registered in the National Guarantee System. Youth.

This course, which will begin on October 10 at the URJC Móstoles campus, offers complete, personalized, sustainable and inclusive university training, as a University Extension Course in Urban Green Solutions, aimed at promoting autonomy and increase the chances of finding a job for people with intellectual disabilities.

Technical and practical training

The teaching provided consists of technical and practical training in gardening and urban green solutions adapted to the reality of the Madrid context, as well as the acquisition of basic socio-labor skills, ICT management for people's job search and entrepreneurship. with intellectual disabilities to promote their inclusion in the workplace. In addition to the theoretical content block, the professional internship block is prioritized so that students can demonstrate the knowledge acquired in companies in the sectors in which they have been trained.

To ensure the quality of the training, the URJC Green Office, teachers and a psychosocial team made up of job coaches and psychologists from both the Juan XXIII Foundation and the university itself actively participate. The multidisciplinary team of professionals is responsible for guiding students throughout the training process.

Registration until October 5

The pre-registration period will be open from September 21 to October 5 and the registration period will be from October 6 to 9. It will be necessary to carry out an interview and prior aptitude test. To do this, those interested must make the request through the following link and the course coordination will contact the candidates. The web link is https://formacion.fundacionjuan23.org/.cursos/#page=39

The UNIDIVERSIDAD program is an initiative co-financed by the ONCE Foundation and the European Social Fund that promotes the social and labor inclusion of people in situations of psychosocial vulnerability. Thus making training free and accessible.