Raul Garcia Hemonnet
At the moment, there are 40.000 people experiencing homelessness throughout Spain, to this figure are added the 2.500.000 people in a situation of extreme vulnerability.
To make these situations visible and on the occasion of Homeless People's Day, between October 26 and 29, various organizations have carried out advocacy campaigns to request effective measures and solutions with the aim of alleviating this social problem, which responds to many causes. and that has multiple profiles.
The Rey Juan Carlos University, through the Observatory for the Analysis and Visibility of Social Exclusion (OEX), is currently carrying out research to generate knowledge and obtain information about the situation of LGTBI people who are homeless in the city. from Barcelona.
As Silvia Giménez, professor in the area of Sociology and director of the OEX, points out, “the study being prepared by the observatory team is a replica of the one carried out recently in the city of Madrid.” In the case of the capital of Spain, the main conclusion that the research showed is that “family rejection due to sexual orientation or gender identity was the main cause” of the homelessness situation of people from the LGTBI community.
The study is commissioned by 'Now Where', a non-profit association that helps young victims of LGTBIphobia in their family environment and financed by ILGA Europe (Equality for lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans and intersex people in Europe).
“The reality of people experiencing homelessness is a phenomenon with a diversity of profiles and causes. Each group of people needs different attention and prevention protocols,” says Silvia Giménez.
In its five years of existence, the OEX of the URJC already has three investigations with the aim of homelessness within the LGTBI community. The study focused on Barcelona is expected to yield its first conclusions during the year 2024.
One more example of the URJC's commitment to making visible the situation of the most vulnerable groups in society.