The Working Group of University Sustainability Assessment (GESU) of the CRUE Sustainability sector commission, has placed the Rey Juan Carlos University at the head of Spanish universities (along with the Polytechnic University of Madrid) in what has to do with incorporating transversally and from different areas sustainability in university teaching.
The URJC obtains this result after completing the two phases of the Environmental Sustainability Recognition System developed by the GESU, based on indicators grouped in the three areas of action of the universities: Organization, Teaching and Research and Environmental Management. A total of 39 Spanish universities voluntarily submitted to the first phase of self-assessment, of which only 13 opted for the second phase of verification of the evidence provided.
For the Green Office, belonging to the Vice-Rector's Office for Quality and Strategy, it represents “recognition of many years of work” according to its manager Consuelo Iriarte. “For me, university education, including sustainability in a transversal way, is the basis of the change towards a more sustainable world. The world is not going to change if each of us does not change. It is important that Universities train sustainable professionals in all areas.”
The URJC was a pioneer in 2016 by being the first university to launch an Academic Credit Recognition activity related to sustainability for all its undergraduate students, which more than 30.000 students have completed so far. In addition, the Vice-Rector for Quality and Strategy, through the Green Office, offers teachers training on this aspect that is included in the Teacher Training Plan.
On the other hand, the Vice-Rector's Office for Quality and Strategy, the Office of Academic Organization and the Office of Postgraduate Studies are already working together to comply with Royal Decree 822/2021, which establishes the obligation to introduce democratic principles and values and the Objectives of Sustainable Development (SDG) in official university degrees.
Global recognition
The Rey Juan Carlos University, in addition to obtaining this specific recognition in the field of teaching, is among the universities that have obtained the 'Global Recognition of Environmental Sustainability in Spanish Universities'. Both were collected on October 27 by Diana Benito, Deputy Vice-Rector for Strategy, who highlights that the URJC thus sees once again its strategic commitment and its conviction of being on the right path in order to contribute to the fulfillment of the Objectives. of Sustainable Development.