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Friday, December 01, 2023 at 13:29 p.m.

The URJC signs an agreement with the ADECCO Foundation for the 'HEFESTO Mentoring Program'

The URJC signs an agreement with the ADECCO Foundation for the 'HEFESTO Mentoring Program' The URJC signs an agreement with the ADECCO Foundation for the 'HEFESTO Mentoring Program'

The URJC, through the Vice-rector for Teacher Training and Teaching Innovation, has implemented the HEFESTO Mentoring program aimed at students with disabilities and special educational needs, for this it has signed a collaboration agreement with the ADECCO Foundation with the aim of carrying out a training course for mentors.

Ramon Machuca

The signing of the agreement, held on November 24, was led by the Vice-rector for Teacher Training and Teaching Innovation, Antonio Julio López Galisteo and the General Director of the ADECCO Foundation, Francisco Mesonero Fernández de Córdoba. With this agreement, a training course will be given at the Foundation's headquarters to the 20 student mentors and the 20 teaching mentors selected for the HEFESTO Mentoring Program that will train them to perform their duties in aspects related to disability and educational needs. specials.

The HEFESTO Mentoring Program is a pioneering initiative in the university environment that aims to link students with disabilities or special educational needs with qualified mentors who will voluntarily guide and accompany them in the development of their learning process within the university institution. This group will have a teaching mentor and a student mentor who will accompany them during their academic development at the Rey Juan Carlos University.

The name given to the Mentoring program is not coincidental, since Hephaestus, God of the forge and fire, is the only Greek god with a physical disability in mythology. As indicated by Carmen De la Calle Durán, Academic Director of the Mentoring Faculty and Students program at the URJC: “we have chosen this name because we want our students with disabilities or special educational needs who participate in the program to “shine” in the development of their academic training.”

Regarding the relevance of the agreement, Carmen De la Calle states that: “We are grateful to the ADECCO Foundation because it is an institution specialized in dealing with this group and they can give us very specific training for the benefit of our mentees and the program as a whole. set". Furthermore, the Academic Director adds that: “we believe that this is the first step of a collaboration that will give rise to new initiatives in the future that, without a doubt, will benefit the URJC.”

The ADDECO foundation was founded in 1999 with the aim of introducing people with difficulties in accessing the labor market into the professional world, such as women with unshared family responsibilities or victims of gender violence and other groups at risk of social exclusion.