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Monday, December 18, 2023 at 13:38

The master's degree in SAP Logistics Project Management in the top 20 of the FSO ranking

The master's degree in SAP Logistics Project Management in the top 20 of the FSO ranking The master's degree in SAP Logistics Project Management in the top 20 of the FSO ranking

The Ranking of Online Higher Education (FSO) by Hamilton, has been published since 2015 and, since then, has become a reference for universities and media around the world.

Ramon Machuca

El Master in SAP Logistics Project Management of the URJC guarantees training in SAP and in the logistical processes it supports from the perspective of project management.

The course has been taught since 2012/2013 and in 2024/2025 the XIII in-person edition and the VIII online will take place. In these 10 years more than 500 students have passed through its classrooms and 95% work as SAP consultants in the companies sponsoring the Master.

The program is approved by the company and has had the prestigious 'SAP Gold Partner Education' mention since 2015 for quality in the training and employability of students.

SAP is one of the world's leading producers of business process management software, developing solutions that facilitate the efficient processing of data and the flow of information between organizations.

The Ranking

The Ranking of Spanish-Speaking Online Higher Education Institutions (FSO) is prepared by the intelligence and market research consultancy Hamilton Global Intelligence, with the collaboration of Emagister, a website dedicated to the search for master's degrees and degrees.

More than 200 institutions and universities in Spain, Latin America and the United States participate in this annual study. The evaluation is carried out with program managers at each institution, web metrics, as well as students and alumni. Among the factors that are measured are the degree of satisfaction and employability of the students.

For programs to be part of the classification, they must provide a minimum of 80% online teaching and have at least five editions. To prepare the sub-rankings of institutions, actors and training, several indicators are taken into account, such as the reputation of the institution, online transparency, social outreach, the faculty, the student body or the teaching methodology.