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Tuesday, February 27, 2024 at 10:11 p.m.

Agroecology as a future of work, in a conference at the URJC

The Rey Juan Carlos University together with the Móstoles City Council, among others, organize in the Madrid municipality the conference 'Invigoration of local agroecological initiatives, generation of new economic and employment opportunities'.

Raul Garcia Hemonnet

La journey It aims to bring the worlds of academia and agriculture together from the point of view of agroecology “to try to build a more sustainable agriculture and see how the soil can be treated, manage biodiversity or consider crops within an ecosystem. The idea is to show how this model represents a possibility of employment through entrepreneurship,” explains Luis Giménez Benavides, academic director of University Social Responsibility.

The event is made up of two sessions: one with a more theoretical-technical nature and another more practical.

The Rey Juan Carlos University, in addition to coordinating the conference, hosts the first of them on its campus in Móstoles. The URJC will star in the round table 'Science and Consciousness. Towards a more sustainable productive system' in which expert teachers in the field such as Cristian Schöb and Rubén Milla Gutiérrez will speak on "the idea of ​​improving agricultural production systems considering crops as ecosystems or how to recover wild varieties to improve them", says Giménez Benavides.

In addition, experiences of sustainable agriculture will be learned, led by producers and cooperative members.

The second session will be held at Finca Liana and will help the people who attend learn, in the voice of its protagonists, successful experiences from all over Spain from the point of view of agroecology.

The day is the result of an agreement between the URJC and the City Council of Móstoles, through its School of Environmental Education. In addition, the event has the collaboration of the Municipal Association 'Red Terrae', which is dedicated to promoting agroecology from the municipal level by promoting activities and representing public and private entities that are committed to sustainable development, biodiversity and the fight against climate change.

Students who participate in both sessions will receive 0 RAC, if they do so in one of them they will obtain 45.

The inauguration, which will take place on March 7 at the URJC Móstoles campus, will be led by Jaime Sanz Lozano, mayor of El Berrueco and vice president of the 'Red Terrae'; Luis Giménez Benavides, academic director of University Social Responsibility and a representative of the Móstoles City Council.