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Friday March 08, 2024 at 18:42

URJC researchers present Asian studies in Spain

URJC researchers present Asian studies in Spain URJC researchers present Asian studies in Spain

The Rey Juan Carlos University, in collaboration with the Casa de Asia, has presented, this Friday, March 8, at the Quintana headquarters, the guide 'Asian studies in Spain: analysis, evolution and perspectives'.

Ramon Machuca

The project, presented by URJC professors Raúl Ramírez-Ruiz, Cristina del Prado Higuera and Felipe R. Debasa Asia, analyzes the offer of Asian studies in Spain and its evolution in recent years, to draw conclusions and carry out improvement actions.

The inauguration of the event was carried out by María Luisa Humanes, vice-rector of International at the Rey Juan Carlos University and Javier Parrondo, general director of Casa Asia. On the other hand, Carlos Moreno Blanco, general director for North America, Eastern Europe, Asia and the Pacific, of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, gave the opening speech in which he highlighted the importance of this project because “it is impossible to conceive the world today without focusing on the Asian region.”

Next, the director of the guide 'Asian studies in Spain', Raúl Ramírez, took the floor to review the trajectory of Asian studies in Spain and highlight the role of Casa Asia in this field of study.

photo Raúl good

Along these same lines, Cristina del Prado has presented each of the Spanish universities that have offered Asian studies to subsequently describe individually all the degrees that are currently taught for bachelor's, master's, doctorate and own teachings. While Felipe Debasa has chosen to analyze the historical relations by sea between Asia and Spain.

Asia House It is the main public diplomacy body in Spain on the Asia-Pacific, and it is also a meeting point for all those actors interested in that area. The main mission of this organization is to facilitate the exchange of cultures and projects between Spain and Asian countries.

The event concluded with a question time in which the public had the opportunity to resolve their doubts with the authors of the guide.

photo public house asian

Authorship of the photographs: Asia House