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Tuesday, March 19, 2024 at 13:27 p.m.

The URJC once again rewards research on the SDGs

The URJC once again rewards research on the SDGs The URJC once again rewards research on the SDGs

The Vice-Rector's Office for Quality and Strategy and the Vice-Rector's Office for Postgraduate Studies announce the Second Edition of the Awards for the best Final Degree Projects, Final Master's Projects and Doctoral Theses related to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in recognition of the students who have made a significant contribution to the goals of the 2030 Agenda from any field of knowledge.

Raul Garcia Hemonnet

 The URJC wants to continue recognizing those research works (Thesis, TFM and TFG) that are dedicated to providing creative and innovative solutions related to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) of the 2030 Agenda.

The objective of the call, according to María Najarro De La Parra, director of the URJC 2030 project, is the same as in the first edition of the contest, “to try to promote knowledge about the 2030 Agenda and the SDGs from our university and encourage thinking critical and collaboration between students in a creative way in order to face challenges such as the elimination of poverty or climate change, among others.”

important awards

The awards, in addition to representing important recognition and support for future professional, research and teaching careers, are financially endowed.

Thus, in the doctoral thesis category, the best one will receive 3.000 euros; the second prize, 2.000 and the third, 1.000. In addition, 3 honorable mentions have been established that will receive 250 euros each.

Regarding the TFM, the best valued will get 2.000 euros; the second. 1.500 and the third, 1.000. In this case, 5 honorable mentions have been planned (250 euros each).

For its part, in the category corresponding to the TFG, the first one wins 1.500 euros; the second, 1.000 and the third 500. There are 10 honorable mentions (250 euros each)

To participate, you must have defended the work during 2023 and it must have a grade equal to or greater than 9. All the details of the call can be consulted both in the URJC Electronic Board like on the web URJC2030.

Applications must be submitted through the Electronic Office, through the call catalog (https://sede.urjc.es/web/guest/convocatorias). The submission period will be 20 business days from the day following the publication of this call in the Official Gazette of the Community of Madrid (March 12, 2024) without prejudice to the date of publication on the Electronic Board of the URJC.

In the edition held last year, the first prizes in the three categories went to Ángela García Gil, for her Doctoral Thesis 'Solar water disinfection in large-volume containers for low-income countries'; Óscar Escudero Arnanz, for his TFM 'Processing and machine learning from multivariate time series to predict and analyze the emergence of antimicrobial multiresistance in the ICU'; and Paula Cánora Rhodes, for her TFG 'Design and construction of a portable, lowcost electromyograph'.

Looking ahead to this edition, María Najarro indicates that “we hope there will be more applications and make this call more known among the teaching staff directing the works and the students. Also, we want to create precedents so that, in the future, students from all areas of knowledge direct their research to content related to the 2030 agenda.”

An initiative with which the URJC involves the talent of students in one of the great objectives of the current time, meeting the Sustainable Development Goals.