Writing/Raúl García Hémonnet
In this event, open to the entire scientific community of the URJC, the main objectives of IMAN, which is being developed in the European Projects Office (OPE), were presented, as well as the launch of the CAIT – Center of Attraction and Internationalization of Research Talent.
The event included the participation of the vice-rector for Research, Innovation and Transfer of the URJC, Fernando García Muiña, the vice-president of Research and Innovation, Sonsoles Manotas, the head of the OPE, Rosa Mesa and the academic director of Promotion of International Research , Santiago Gomez.
The CAIT was born from the URJC's need to promote the attraction, recruitment and consolidation of research talent and to offer a support service to foreign researchers when they join the Rey Juan Carlos University.
All the actions of the IMAN project that will be carried out by the CAIT are in line with the axes of action of the European Research Area and also with the main lines of work that are being carried out at the URJC for the implementation of the seal HRS4R (Human Resources Strategy for Researchers).
During the day, the actions that are being developed at the University to increase awareness, attraction and retention of research talent, and also to facilitate the mobility of researchers, were also highlighted. In this sense, aspects were mentioned such as the simplification of some of the procedures with measures such as the approval of a new regulation for the hiring of research and technical personnel.
In the last session, Fernando García Muiña highlighted that “the IMAN project, aligned with the implementation actions of the HRS4R seal, will be a turning point for our institution in the policy of attracting and consolidating research talent, which will make us more visible, attractive and competitive in research and innovation at an international level.”
An initiative that will allow the URJC to be more competitive in its research work.