Raul Garcia Hemonnet
The URJC once again sees its efforts recognized in the field of digital transformation with its presence among the finalist proposals for the ASLAN award for Digital Transformation of Public Administrations ('Transformation' category). In this candidacy they compete with proposals from the INCIBE association and the Community Board of Castilla Y León.
According to César Cáceres, vice-rector of Transformation and Digital Education and Artificial Intelligence, “being finalists again in the Aslan awards is recognition of the work that the URJC has been doing in digital transformation for a long time and which translates into projects such as What is presented here is the transformation of complex management processes that involve many university services, teaching staff and students, such as the comprehensive management of final degree and master's degree projects, with a volume of more than 11.000 projects per year. The effort made to carry out this transformation has been enormous, since it involves many technologies, many actors, many different phases of a highly critical process. Being a finalist is a clear recognition of the efforts of the entire university community in recent years.”
On this occasion, the Rey Juan Carlos University presents a platform through which the comprehensive management of all final university degree projects (TFG and TFM) is carried out. “This allows the entire management process to be carried out in the same place, to which students and teachers have access. Reduce times and steps,” say the Vice-Rector for Digital Transformation and Education and Artificial Intelligence.
The platform "covers the entire work cycle, from the student uploading the documents to their publication in the university library repository, through the validation of the tutors or the anti-plagiarism check, among other processes," the organization indicates.
At the Rey Juan Carlos University, more than 8.000 TFG and 3.000 TFM are managed annually. The new platform represents an annual saving of 250.000 euros in printing and signature management costs.
To create this platform, the URJC has had two technological partners such as the company DELL and Turnitin, responsible for the anti-plagiarism tool of the same name.
Unique level of automation in the Spanish university
According to César Cáceres, “the most notable thing about the URJC candidacy is that no other Spanish university has this level of automation, strengthening our university's leadership position in automation and process optimization. It is therefore a very innovative project, which uses multiple technologies in a critical, long and complex process in which many actors intervene, and in which it has been possible to address the problem comprehensively from start to finish in a transformation that It has lasted several years. The impact is enormous, since the volume of jobs managed is more than 11.000 a year, and involves technical administration and service personnel, teachers, and of course students, but also society in general, since the student himself “You can automatically make your work available to the general public in the open digital institutional repository.”
The ASLAN awards for Digital Transformation of Public Administrations will be presented this coming Wednesday, April 17 in Madrid. Voting is open to all registered ASLAN users. The Rey Juan Carlos University has already won the award in the 2022, 2021 and 2017 editions.