Continuing Education
Phone: 91 665 5060
Academic direction : Martha Gonzalo Quiroga
Student attention: Student Help Box Suggestions, complaints and congratulations mailbox
Basic Information
The Expert Course in PARENTAL COORDINATOR, offered by the Fundación Filia in collaboration with the URJC, is a specific training valid for all of Spain, aimed at professionals specialized in the intervention of HIGH FAMILY CONFLICT, in the legal, social and educational fields.
This is an initiative that is opening the way that will mark a before and after, in the processes of High Judicial Family Conflict in the field of Child Protection.
Parenting Coordination is a new tool for CONFLICT RESOLUTION (so-called ADR -Alternative Dispute Resolution) that was born in the USA. In our country it is an alternative method of conflict resolution - MASC, which is exercised by a properly trained professional as an assistant to the Judge, goes beyond Family Mediation, and has the purpose of helping, guiding, advising how to carry out the upbringing or the education to the parents, fathers, mothers or guardians of the minors in their charge, the figure was born to ensure the true Best Interest of the Minor in high-conflict family breakups collected for the first time in Spain by the Superior Court of Justice of Catalonia in a resolution dated February 26, 2015.
There are no exact official figures, but it is estimated that approximately more than a hundred boys and girls a year are victims in Spain of a type of invisible psychological abuse as a result of a contentious divorce.
On these occasions in which a divorce is poorly assumed and managed by one or both parents and they are not able to reach any type of agreement on the upbringing of their sons or daughters, those who pay the consequences are the minors. When sentence breaches are repeated, and the aid tools are insufficient, a vacuum is created from which the minor will be harmed for life.
To protect your well-being, there is the figure of the Parental Coordinator, promoted by Fundación Filia for five years.
El Parental Coordinator is a specialized professional In fields such as child and family psychology, family procedural law, communication techniques, education and social work, they must also have skills as a mediator.
El Parent Coordinator must be a specialist trained in conflict resolution practices with knowledge of Family and Minors Law legislation.
While the Parental Coordinator is a higher degree, in relation to the degree of conflict with respect to the intervention of the Mediator, with new and different responsibilities that make him be considered as an expert intervention and an assistant to the judge, It is important that the professional has training in mediation, conflict resolution and gender violence, since most of the cases are derived from the court.
In order to train professionals without deficiencies of any kind, who can effectively address the important and complicated work assigned to them in order to protect the interests of minors, FILIA FOUNDATION presents the first course of Expert in Parental Coordination”. In which FILIA FOUNDATION, will provide the experience of its Social Work in the intervention of Parental Coordination in the specialized service that it has provided to families since the beginning of 2019 of High Conflict derived by the court.
- FILIA FOUNDATION currently appears as a reference entity in the defense of minors in family conflict.
- Likewise, positioned as an entity that has promoted the figure of the Parental Coordinator, it has promoted, advised and supervised the presentation of the figure in Catalonia, as well as training in the first pilot test of Parental Coordinators given by the Government of Catalonia in 2015.
- In 2019, Fundación Filia implemented the first free Parental Coordination intervention service for users, which continues in 2020.
- Award for the Best Social Work 2015 and Award for the Best Foundation for the Defense and Protection of Minors 2019
- PARENTAL COORDINATOR trademark registration.
- Creators of the first Postgraduate title of Specialist in Parental Coordination in collaboration with the URJC
- Regional intervention selection processes
Develop professional theoretical-practical training in a blended mode, as an EXPERT in Parental Coordination and meet the requirements that make them competent to exercise a new ADR technique such as Parenting Coordination in the intervention of High Family Conflict in the breach of judgment in the Courts and Tribunals of Spain.
- Know the theoretical-practical components of Parental Coordination.
- Know how to work with families and help them define their parental roles (such as authority, biopsychosocial development of the child, emotional stability, etc.)
- Master the techniques and skills of intervention and family mediation.
- Identify and manage the diagnostic criteria for the definition of high conflict in separation and divorce processes.
- Learn processes, techniques and tools to resolve conflict situations.
- Know how to address issues of personal interest that affect the psycho-evolutionary development of the minor as a preventive form of abuse.
- Know the procedures at the legal level of the figure, its relationship with the different legal, psychological and social structures.
- Prepare reports and tools during the Parental Coordination process.
- Preparation of the parenting plan.
Acquire Parenting Competencies that contributes and teaches the figure of the Parental Coordinator in the management of processes of High Family Conflict. These competencies are oriented in four areas: Educational, parental, personal autonomy and personal development.
1) Educational area:
- Affection in relationships and recognition of achievements.
- Control and supervision of children's behavior thanks to communication and fostering confidence in their good intentions and abilities.
- Stimulation and support for learning: promotion of motivation, planning of activities and tasks, future orientation.
- Adaptability to the characteristics of the child: ability to observe, flexibility or perspective, assertiveness.
- Use different communication formats for parental messages, argumentation, dialogue, and instructions.
2) Parent area:
- Parental self-efficacy: Perception of one's abilities to carry out the role of parents.
- Internal control of situations, ability to change what is happening around you that needs to be changed.
- Agreement in the couple of the educational criteria and the behaviors to follow with the children.
- Have a realistic idea that the task of being parents implies effort, time and dedication.
- Satisfaction in the task of being fathers and mothers.
3) Personal autonomy:
- Involvement in the educational task.
- Responsibility for the welfare of the child.
- Positive vision of the child and the family.
- Seek help from significant others in order to complement the parental role instead of replacing or devaluing it.
- Identify and use resources to meet needs as parents and as adults.
4) Personal development:
- Impulse control.
- Assertiveness.
- Self esteem.
- Social skills.
- Regulation and emotional intelligence.
- Coping strategies and stress management.
- Resolution of interpersonal conflicts.
- Ability to respond to multiple tasks and challenges.
- Planning and life project.
- Competition 1: Know and understand the legal and regulatory framework for the protection of children, adolescents and people with modified capacity, family law and its jurisprudential update, being able, in addition, to understand court decisions, protection orders, custody expert reports , clinical reports, etc.
- Law 2: Understand the legal, regulatory framework and legal procedures related to the exercise of parenting coordination, family mediation and other psycho-legal and educational interventions.
- Competition 3: Understand and know how to exercise the functions and good practices of the professional performance of the parenting coordination.
- Competition 4: Apply personal self-awareness and self-care skills, being able to manage one's own cognitions and emotions in situations of frustration, confrontation, uncertainty and stress.
- Competition 5: Know how to evaluate the effectiveness of their own actions and decisions, and reflect on the social and ethical responsibilities linked to the application of their own knowledge and decisions.
- Competition 6: Know and understand the fundamentals and the cognitive, affective, motivational and behavioral psychological processes that are necessary to develop the professional role of Parenting Coordination.
- Competition 7: Know and know how to identify vulnerability situations, child abuse, gender violence and other forms of violence, being able, in addition, to know how to apply the necessary actions to prevent, avoid and stop situations of abuse and violence.
- Competition 8: Understand, from an ecosystem perspective, family relationships and contexts of family diversity, being able, in addition, to identify the elements, characteristics, processes and dynamics of the family from said perspective.
- Competition 9: Know how to carry out evaluations and analysis of family conflict, and develop hypotheses related to said conflict.
- Competition 10: Understand the dynamics of interpersonal conflicts, their types, characteristics and processes.
- Competition 11: Know and understand the psychological functioning of people in situations of family conflict.
- Competition 12: Know and understand the dynamics of the breakup and post-breakup of a couple, its consequences and post-breakup parenting models.
- Competition 13: Understand and identify situations of risk or conflict related to possible psychopathologies.
- competence 14: Identify and understand the child-juvenile psycho-evolutionary development, the needs of the children and the educational styles and the consequences in their education and psychology.
- Competition 15: Identify the criteria and indicators of high family conflict, being able to know how to organize the phases of the intervention, its protocols and methodologies of the Parenting Coordination.
- Competition 16: Know the foundations and the theoretical framework that allow designing and carrying out Parenting Coordination interventions. And be able to develop and implement a parenting plan based on scientific evidence.
- Competition 17: Understand the different professional roles that act in couple breakup processes and know how to apply relational skills to cooperate with other professionals in carrying out functions and tasks of their professional profile.
- Competition 18: Know how to organize and manage documentation and present the results of their intervention actions, preparing professional reports and documents for parenting coordination and being able to communicate, orally, their conclusions and reasons in an orderly and clear manner.
- Competition 19: Understand the importance of professional improvement through continuous training, supervision, updating in the management of ICTs and active participation in the improvement processes of the Parenting Coordination.
- Competition 20: Apply skills for data collection, aimed at research and innovation, being necessary to understand the basic foundations of research methodologies in the Social Sciences.
- Competition 21: Know and know how to apply the fundamentals of communication, and develop interpersonal communication skills and team and cooperative work to relate to professionals from different specialties, overcoming individualism and personal orientations.
- Competition 22: Know and know how to manage the emotions of the people involved.
- Competition 23: Know and know how to apply psychoeducational intervention strategies with families in conflict situations.
- Competition 24: Identify the deficit in basic psychosocial skills (planning, causality, consequence, perspective-empathy, alternative thinking, tolerance to frustration, assertive communication, etc.) and those related to problem solving and decision making.
- Competition 25: Know and know how to apply the different techniques and methods of interviewing children, adolescents and adults, being able to know how to apply different methodologies and basic and advanced techniques of mediation and conflict management.
- Competition 26: Know and understand the reference legislation in the field of Human Rights and, especially, in relation to the Rights of the Child.
- Competition 27: Know and understand the gender perspective as a methodology for analyzing social reality.
A. Parental Coordination/Taught by: Lucía del Prado |
A.1. Conceptualization: Parental Coordination, conflict and high conflict |
A.2. Development of the figure and differences and intervention with other professionals |
A.3. Principles of action, objectives, strategy and action plan. |
B. Legal Module/ Taught by: Meritxell Bosch |
B.1. Family law and Best Interests of the Minor: basic concepts |
B.2. Separation and dissolution of marriage: Substantive and procedural aspects |
B.3. Legal framework of parental coordination. |
C Psychological module/ Taught by: Asunción Tejedor |
C.1. Psychological profiles that favor conflictive divorce |
C.2. Child abuse and emotional harm to the child |
C.3. Psychosocial strategies of the children for coping with the conflict |
D. Intervention module / Taught by: Carlos Alcover, Lucía del Prado, José Manuel Aguilar and Paula García |
D.1. Intervention process and techniques: Communication techniques and conflict resolution |
D.2. Intervention process and techniques: Parenting Plan |
D.3. Intervention process and techniques: Intervention phases |
D.4. Process and intervention techniques: Cases |
Continuous evaluation system with tests and/or practical cases and a final exam.
Access requirements:
Previous official university degree of bachelor's degree, diploma or graduate in Social Sciences, Law and Health Sciences is required.
Such as Graduates in Psychology, Graduates in Law or with a Degree in Law, Graduates and/or Graduates in Social Work, Graduates in Social Anthropology, Graduates in Social Education, Graduates or Diplomas in Teaching Education, Experts in Mediation...
If they do not have an official university degree, they may be admitted exceptionally if they prove previous professional experience. In this case, the certificate will be of university extension.
Selection criteria:
In the event that the number of applications exceeds the number of places offered, a selection will be made based on the following criteria:
- Degree: 50%
- Career path: 30%
- Academic record: 20%
Number of Places: 15.
Academic Management and Faculty
Academic direction: Lucía del Prado (Filia Foundation) and Marta Gonzalo Quiroga (URJC).
Lucia del Prado del Castillo is president of the FILIA Foundation for the Protection of Minors, a pioneer entity in the protection of minors in situations of risk during family breakdown processes.
Director of the FILIA School of Conflict Resolution.
President of the Spanish Association of Parental Coordinators, ASECOP.
Author of the book "I CANNOT BE TWO. Parents divorce children do not".
Director of the Parental Coordination Intervention Service managed by Fundación Filia and supported by the Community of Madrid.
Lucía del Prado del Castillo is an expert in High Conflict.
Promoter of the First pilot test in Catalonia of the figure of the Parental Coordinator.
Regular speaker at conferences on the Protection of Minors and Responsible Parenthood.
Carlos Maria Alcover es Doctor and Bachelor of Psychology. Professor of Social Psychology at the Rey Juan Carlos University of Madrid.
His main lines of research are: mediation, interpersonal dynamics and conflict resolution and group phenomena.
He has been a professor at the "Ramón Carande" Center for Higher Social and Legal Studies.
Asuncion Weaver Orchard is a forensic psychologist, expert in mediation and judicial expertise.
She is part of the team of professionals of the FILIA Foundation Family Assistance Service.
She is president of the Ibero-American Association of Legal Psychology in Spain.
Asunción is an elected Member of the Board of Directors of the Legal Psychology Division of the General Council in Spain (PSIJUR).
Elected member of the Board of Directors of the Legal Psychology Division of the General Council in Spain (PSIJUR).
Meritxell Bosch Torreblanca She is a lawyer specializing in Civil, Family, Criminal and Canon Law. She has more than 20 years of experience in these areas of law.
Consultant specializing in ADR and ODR (conflict resolution) in the civil and commercial fields.
Mediator of the Private Law Center of the Generalitat de Catalunya, as well as the Barcelona Chamber of Commerce and the Sports Arbitration Court of Catalonia.
Meritxell Bosch has been Parenting Coordinator since 2.015, after participating in the pilot program that was being carried out for more than two years in different Courts.
Jose Manuel Aguilar Cuenca He has a degree in Psychology from the University of Granada, a Clinical Psychologist since 1997 and a Forensic Psychologist since 1999.
Author of numerous articles and books on Psychology.
Researcher and writer, master's teacher at the Pablo Olavide University in Seville, Granada, Rafael Altamira in Alicante and Autonomous University in Madrid.
José Manuel Aguilar has participated in numerous international conferences on Parental Alienation Syndrome.
Lucia del Prado
Duration and development
Modality: Blended.
Number of credits: 15 ECTS.
Contact hours: 45 hours
Place of delivery: URJC Argüelles (Calle Quintana, 21).
Opening hours: Weekends.
Expected start date: February 3, 2023
Expected completion date: June 30 2023.
Reservation of place and enrollment
Expected start date: February 3, 2023
Pre-registration period: from November 15, 2022 to January 15, 2023
Enrollment deadline: 16 to the 31 of January of 2023
Title price: €1.500
Documentation to attach, forms and place of delivery
the applicants they will present all the scanned documentation, in the formats allowed through the telematic self-registration application at the time of applying for admission to own degrees. They must compulsorily attach to their request the declaration of the person responsible for the veracity of the data provided in digital format.
At any time, both the Program Management and the Own Teaching Service may request the applicants to submit said certified/collated documentation through the General Registry, located on the Móstoles Campus, or in any of the registries assistants located in the different campuses of the Rey Juan Carlos University, or by sending it through Certified Mail to: Rey Juan Carlos University. General Registry. Avda. Tulipán s/n. 28933. Mostoles. Madrid
The student is responsible for the veracity and correctness of the data provided, exonerating the Rey Juan Carlos University from any responsibility and guaranteeing and being responsible for its accuracy, validity and authenticity.
Required documentation:
Students with a degree obtained from a Spanish university or a Higher Education Institution belonging to another Member State of the European Higher Education Area that authorizes access to own postgraduate degrees must present the following documentation:
- National Identity Document or equivalent
- University degree of the studies that give access to the requested postgraduate degree.
- Curriculum vitae
- Responsible declaration of veracity of the data provided in digital format
- Any other document that the Director of the Own Title specifically requires for its acceptance
Students with a foreign degree must present the following documentation:
- Passport or Residence Card
- Foreign Higher Education Degree (Graduate, Graduate, Architect, Engineer Doctor...) that give access to own postgraduate degree studies.
- Certificate certifying that the studies carried out give access to an Official Postgraduate Degree in your country of origin, issued by the University of origin
- Curriculum vitae
- Declaration of the person responsible for the veracity of the data provided in digital format
- Any other document that the Director of the Own Title specifically requires for its acceptance
Applicants with studies completed in foreign University Centers may be requested at any time a certificate of verification of these studies and centers, issued by an authorized Institution.
All documentation provided must be legalized in accordance with Spanish law and translated by an official translator.