• 2017cover Presentation
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Dionisio de Haro Romero

Vice-Rector for Continuing Education

Doctor in Economics and Business Sciences and Full Professor at the University assigned to the Area of ​​History and Economic Institutions, he presents an academic profile specialized in the Economic and Social History of colonial America, the processes of independence, institutional developments and the origin and creation of states and nations in the Atlantic world. Throughout his career he has combined research, teaching and university management, at all times full-time, with five five-year terms, two six-year research terms and four teaching periods.

As a result, it presents the publication of dozens of monographs, chapters of collective works, prologues, and reissues of books in which it has been responsible for preliminary studies and care of the editions. Likewise, he contributes to the publication of articles in highly indexed magazines such as: Magazine of the Indies, Yearbook of American Studies, Complutense Magazine of American History, Jahrbuch für Geschichte Lateinamerikas, Latin America in Economic and Historical History, and Trienio Magazine, Illustration and Liberalism. He has participated, uninterruptedly, in projects corresponding to the National R&D&I Plan as a full-time member of the research teams. He has collaborated as a guest professor and academic affiliate at the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru (PUCP) and at the University of Coimbra (UC), and developed a research stay at the CSIC, within the American Studies Group (IH- CCHS).

The dissemination of his research has been complemented by participation in international conferences and he has given lectures at seminars, conferences and workshops organized in research centers and universities in Spain, France, Germany, Austria, Portugal, Peru, Colombia, and Mexico. Likewise, he was required by the Ministry of Education and Culture to participate in the Action plan regarding the cultural assets of the frigate Nuestra Señora de las Mercedes. And with respect to university management he has been: Deputy Vice-Rector for Academic Prospective, Deputy Vice-Rector for Specific Curricular Structures for Teaching Innovation, member of the Faculty of the Rey Juan Carlos University and member of the Recognition, Convalidation and Transfers Commission of the URJC.

Academic training


Competencies of the Vice President

The Vice President of Continuing Education coordinates and supervises, under the direction of the Rector, the following matters:

own teachings

  • Carry out all the necessary actions for the development and dissemination of a specialized and multidisciplinary Own Teaching offer.
  • Facilitate students to carry out professional practices in the field of their own teachings.
  • Assume the academic and administrative management of their own teachings
  • Strengthen the use of technologies and virtualization in the field of own teachings
  • Promote internationalization and multilingualism

Affiliated centers

  • Follow-up of the centers attached to the University in order to guarantee adequate coordination.
  • Ensure that the teachings given in the affiliated centers conform to the study plan verified by the Council of Universities.
  • Ensure that the students of the affiliated centers have the necessary information to successfully complete their studies.
  • Ensure that the teachers who participate in the teaching activity of the affiliated centers comply with the requirements established by current legislation.
  • Ensure the guarantee of the rights of the students of affiliated centers, as well as the fulfillment of their obligations.
  • Collaborate with the Community of Madrid in requests for information about the centers attached to the University and, in general, with any procedure that affects those

 Mrs. Rosa Santero Sanchez. Academic Director of Affiliated Centers

Ms. Myriam Catalá Rodríguez. Academic Director of Own Teaching

Telephone. 91 488 7397