• 2017cover Presentation
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Mercedes del Hoyo Hurtado

Vice-Rector for Campus Community, Culture and Sports

Full Professor of Journalism at the Department of Journalism and Corporate Communication at the Rey Juan Carlos University, which she joined in 2005. Doctor in Information Sciences from the University of the Basque Country (1996), where she graduated in 1990, she is also Graduated in Philosophy and Letters from the University of Deusto (1982). She was director of the Department of Communication Sciences II (2008-2014) and dean of the Faculty of Communication Sciences (2014-2018), a position that allowed her to join the board of directors of the Spanish Association of Universities with Information and Technology Degrees. Communication (ATIC).

He teaches undergraduate and master's degrees related to news processing, writing and journalistic genres. Previously she was a professor at the University of the Basque Country (1997-2001) and at the Carlos III University of Madrid (2001-2005). She has been recognized for five five-year teaching periods, four Docentia sections and three six-year research periods. Member of the PACYMED high-performance research team at the URJC, his work focused in a first stage on the history of the Basque press to address, in recent years, the changes that the Internet and, with it, digital newsrooms and Social networks have brought the press.

Academic training


Competencies of the Vice President

The Vice-Rector for Campus Community, Culture and Sports coordinates and supervises, under the direction of the Rector, the following subjects:

  • cultural promotion
  • Choir and Orchestra
  • Theater
  • patronage promotion
  • Cultural heritage
  • Student cultural associations
  • Summer courses
  • Teacher and student mentoring programs
  • university for seniors
  • Library
  • publication service
  • OFILIBRE. Office of Free Knowledge and Culture
  • Legal Clinic

Phone: 91 665 5081

Mr. Alexander Gil Arias. Deputy Vice-Rector for Sports


  • Policy direction of the Sports Service of the Rey Juan Carlos University.
  • Planning, coordination and management of sports activities, both internal to the university and inter-university of the Community of Madrid and Spanish University Championships. 
  • Planning and coordination of the infrastructure and sports equipment plan. 
  • Promotion of projects and initiatives for the acquisition of physically active habits among the university community.
  • Planning and direction of academic policies aimed at reconciling the university and sports activities of students recognized as High Level Athletes and High Performance Athletes.

Mrs. Cristina del Prado Higuera. Academic Director of University Extension


  • Direct Summer Course proposals and their organization.
  • Promote the transfer of knowledge to society, promoting public-private alliances in Summer Courses.
  • Promote the internationalization of Summer Courses. 
  • Support the participation of the University Community in the activities of the Summer Courses and design strategies for recruiting students
  • Promote and encourage the organization of conferences, seminars and conferences by URJC teachers.

Carmen De la Calle Durán, Academic Director of Institutional Mentoring


  • Coordination of institutional mentoring programs for different groups: Students, Teachers and Administration and service personnel.
  • Detection of mentoring needs at the university.
  • Organization of events to benefit mentoring programs.
  • >Coordination with other transversal initiatives to support mentors and mentees.
  • Communication and dissemination of mentoring actions and programs.


Mr. Javier Otero García. Academic Director of Culture


  • Promote cultural activities at the university (choir, orchestra, theater, cultural competitions, cultural week)
  • Encourage the activity of student cultural associations
  • Generate cultural spaces and initiatives for the university community that promote sustainability, social inclusion and commitment to the community
  • Establish bridges with university cities and with cultural industries for the development of culture and art in the university environment

Mr. José Manuel Azcona Pastor. Director of the University of Seniors


  • Structure and organize the training offer of the University for Seniors: General Program, Permanent Training Seminars, Interuniversity Seminars and CUEM.
  • Promote added training programs on all Campuses: Conferences, Workshops, Round Tables, Academic Excursions...
  • Implement the coexistence insertion of the elderly group in the global university space of the URJC
  • Promote the field of intellectual creation and creative teaching.
  • Involve the Students of the University of Mayors in all the resources and initiatives of the URJC.

Ms. Marta Albert Márquez. Director of the Legal Clinic


  • Design and supervision of the provision of the legal accompaniment and literacy service aimed at people in vulnerable situations and the entities that represent them, guaranteeing that the activities carried out by students contribute to their training in professional skills.
  • Promotion and promotion of agreements with third sector entities and clearing housesfor the development of the activities of the Legal Clinic
  • Promotion and promotion of the training activities necessary for the development of the legal clinic activity.
  • Promotion of a university culture of solidarity, cooperation and social commitment.

Mr. Alfonso Vicente Lorca. Legal Clinic Coordinator


  • Internal organization of the provision of legal accompaniment and literacy services aimed at people in vulnerable situations and the entities that present them.
  • Selection of students and distribution of work teams.
  • Assignment of tutors and mentors who supervise the students' activity.
  • Promotion of a university culture of solidarity, cooperation and social commitment.

Mr. Jesús Mª González Barahona. Coordinator of the Office of Free Knowledge and Culture


  • Promote awareness of open publication and free knowledge options at the University
  • Promote knowledge and approach to free cultural works by the university community.
  • Promote the production of free cultural works by the university community.
  • Promote knowledge and use of open data.

Telephone. 914884679

Mr. Francisco Gortázar Bellas. Free Software Coordinator


  • Promote the use of free software in the different areas of the University, and knowledge of the available options.
  • Promote awareness of the implications of free software, as users.
  • Promote the release of software product of teaching and research activities of the University.
  • Carry out training actions on Free Software.

Telephone. 914884679

Mrs. Florence Claes. Free Culture Coordinator


  • Promote knowledge about the different aspects of free culture at the University
  • Promote awareness of open publication and free knowledge options at the University
  • Promote knowledge and approach to free cultural works by the university community
  • Promote the production of free cultural works by the university community.

Telephone. 914884679