Continuing Education
Phone: 91 665 5060
Contact Academic Address: Daniel Collado Mateo
Student attention: Student Help Box Suggestions, complaints and congratulations mailbox
Basic Information
This University Extension course is carried out in collaboration with the Spanish Sports Association (ADESP). This entity will provide a total of 3000 scholarships for athletes and professionals in the sports sector. Through this training, the aim is to provide participants with the theoretical knowledge and practical skills necessary to understand and apply the fundamental concepts of digital transformation, innovation and technology in the field of professional performance, specifically in the sports field.
Through an interdisciplinary approach, we seek to train students in the effective use of digital processes, tools and technologies, as well as in understanding the changes and challenges associated with digital transformation in the sports environment. To achieve this, a series of specific objectives have been defined, which are the following:
- OB1: Know and understand the fundamental concepts related to digital transformation and analyze its impact in various sectors, including sports.
- OB2: Know, understand and apply the fundamental concepts and techniques used in the processing and analysis of large volumes of data.
- OB3: Know the development of projects and disruptive technologies in the field of the Internet of Things.
- OB4: Analyze the role of cybersecurity in the digital transformation process and know the strategies and techniques necessary to protect systems and data, specifically in the sports field.
- OB5: Manage a practical and complete approach in the use of Office 365 tools and the potential use of these tools in sports organizational contexts.
- OB6: Know and apply a digital culture and develop habits related to collaboration, productivity, sustainability, maintenance, working balance and effective communication.
- OB7: Handle the methodologies of Design Thinking, Lean Start Up and Agile Methodologies to acquire the bases in the generation of ideas and development of innovative projects in the business and sports field.
- OB8: Know, understand and apply digital tools and their implementation as processes for planning, organization and effective communication in team management.
- OB9: Know, understand and apply digital tools to design customer-focused experiences, manage customer relationships, evaluate satisfaction and carry out digital communication and marketing.
- OB10: Know the current trends in digital transformation and identify the opportunities derived from its application in the sports field.
- OB11: Know, understand and apply data analysis techniques to extract knowledge and make decisions in the sports field.
- OB12: Explore the possibilities and challenges of technological innovation in sport through success stories and practical applications.
- OB13: Develop skills to design and execute effective digital marketing and communication strategies in the sports field.
- OB14: Develop capabilities to carry out accurate and efficient searches for information resources, determining the reliability and quality of sources in the sports field.
- OB15: Act with ethics and professional responsibility in the face of social, environmental and economic challenges, taking democratic principles and values and the Sustainable Development Goals as references.
- OB16: Contribute to the design and development of solutions that can respond to social demands, showing awareness of respect for diversity and the principles of universal accessibility and design for all people, taking into account the Sustainable Development Goals as a reference.
Name of the Subject and brief description |
A1 Introduction to digital transformation. Overview and the fundamentals necessary to understand the concepts and importance of digital transformation in today's world. |
1 |
A2 Big Data. Basic fundamentals and practical application. Basic concepts of Big Data and its general practical application and in sports for an understanding of this data analysis tool. |
1 |
A3 Internet of things. Development of disruptive projects and technologies. Address the development of projects and disruptive technologies in the field of the Internet of Things, providing knowledge and skills to take advantage of this innovative interconnected network, with applications in the Sports field. |
1 |
A4 Cybersecurity. Fundamentals and strategies of security and transformation. Explores the fundamentals of cybersecurity and the strategies necessary to securely protect and transform systems and data in today's digital environment, with special relevance to current data management in the sports industry. |
1 |
B1 Office 365 tools. Outlook, PowerPoint, Excel, Word and Teams Practical and complete focus on the use of Office 365 tools, including Outlook, PowerPoint, Excel, Word and Teams, as basic tools in work performance, as well as their potential use in sports organizational contexts. |
1,5 |
B2 Creation of a digital culture and habits. Acquire a digital culture and habits, addressing topics such as collaboration, productivity, sustainability, maintenance, working balance and effective communication. |
1,5 |
C1 Innovation methodologies: Design Thinking, Lean Start Up and Agile Methodologies. Generation of ideas and development of projects in the business and sports field. |
1 |
C2 Team management: Digital tools for planning, organization and communication. Provides digital tools for planning, organizing and effective communication in team management, promoting collaboration and efficiency in collaborative work environments |
1,5 |
C3 Customer Management: Customer-centric design tools. Customer relationship tools (CRM). Digitization of user experience. Satisfaction evaluation tools: NPS. Communication and digital marketing Focused on customer management and their digital user experience. |
1,5 |
D1 Digital transformation in the sports field: trends and opportunities. Process of incorporating digital technologies and innovative strategies in the world of sports to improve and optimize various aspects of the sector. Adapt sports organizations, clubs, federations, events and experiences related to sports to the demands and requirements of the digital age. |
1 |
D2 Sports data analytics: insights extraction and decision making Use of analytical techniques and tools to collect, process and analyze data related to sports performance, athlete behavior, team performance, game strategies and other relevant aspects in the sports field. Obtaining valuable and significant information ( insights) from data to support informed decision making in the world of sports. |
1 |
D3 Technological innovation in sports: success stories and practical applications Successful implementation of innovative technologies in the sports field, as well as real examples of how these technologies have been used practically to improve performance and management in the world of sports. |
1 |
D4 Digital marketing and communication in the sports environment: strategies and tools Use of digital marketing and communication techniques in the world of sports to promote, position and manage the image of teams, athletes, events and sports organizations in the online environment. |
1 |
D5 Techniques for searching, using and managing information in the sports field Skills in finding and using relevant data in sport, as well as organizing it efficiently. Search engines, databases, and other tools are used to find accurate information. Evaluation of its quality and ethical application in aspects such as sports performance or decision making. Proper data management includes organizing and storing data for easy and timely access. |
1 |
This course does not require a previous university degree. A favorable report from the Spanish Sports Association (ADESP) is established as an access requirement for participation and use of the course.
This course is aimed at students of legal age. According to the regulations of the URJC's own qualifications, in an exceptional manner, the participation of minors who have obtained the title of Graduate in Compulsory Secondary Education (ESO) may be considered, as long as they have express authorization from their parents. or legal guardians.
Selection criteria: In the event that the number of applications exceeds the number of places offered, a selection will be made based on the following criteria in each quota (ordinary and disability or victims of terrorism or gender violence):
- High Level Athletes (Up to 10 points)
- High Performance Athletes (Up to 8 points)
- Workers with experience in the sports sector (Up to 6 points)
If applications exceed the number of places, priority will be given based on the 3 previous points.
Secondly, experience as a professional (career and years) will be taken into account to determine the selection of the student (0,1 points per year of proven experience in the sports sector) in the case of having the same points in the criterion. former.
No. of Places: 1500 students
Academic Management and Faculty
Academic Director: Daniel Collado Mateo
Academic secretary: Miriam Lorenzo González
Full name |
Academic category/Professional category and entity |
Daniel Collado Mateo |
University Professor (URJC) |
Alfonso Jimenez Gutierrez |
University Professor (URJC) |
Fernando del Villar Alvarez |
University Professor (URJC) |
Juan del Coso Garrigós |
University Professor (URJC) |
Alexander Gil-Arias |
University Professor (URJC) |
Joaquín González Ródenas |
Assistant Professor Doctor (URJC) |
Sergio Jiménez Sáiz |
University Professor (URJC) |
Fernando Claver Rabaz |
Contracted Professor Doctor (URJC) |
Sergio Jimenez Rubio |
Assistant Professor Doctor (URJC) |
Miriam Lorenzo González |
Visiting Professor (URJC) |
Ana Myriam Lavín Pérez |
Post-doctoral hire (URJC) |
Ines Nieto Romero |
Post-doctoral hire (URJC) |
Paz Lopez |
Graduate / Open Innovation Director |
Beatriz Calzadilla |
Graduate / Strategic Designer – Innovation Consultant |
Aritz Hernani |
Graduate / Designer and data analyst |
Islam El Sayed |
Doctor / Computers and systems Engineering / University of Oviedo |
Jesus Palacios |
Graduate / System Administrator |
Amaia Gil |
Graduate / Entrepreneurial Leadership and Innovation (LEINN) |
Sonia Demet |
Graduate / Innovation Consultant |
Jaime Pérez González |
Graduate / Innovation and technology consultant |
Egoitz Zarallo |
Graduate / Project Manager |
Juan de Dios Villa |
Graduate / Product Marketing Manager |
Duration and development
Modality: Online
No. of credits: 16 ECTS
Contact hours: 0
Delivery location: Online – Virtual classroom
Start date: 8 2025 May
Finish date: July 28, 2025
Reservation of place and enrollment
Pre-registration period: From February 10, 2025 to April 25, 2025
Registration period: From May 05, 2025 to May 08, 2025
Title price: 100% scholarship from ADESP
Possibility of scholarship 100% scholarship from ADESP
Documentation to attach, forms and place of delivery
the applicants they will present all the scanned documentation, in the formats allowed through the telematic self-registration application at the time of applying for admission to own degrees. They must compulsorily attach to their request the declaration of the person responsible for the veracity of the data provided in digital format.
At any time, both the Program Management and the Own Teaching Service may request the applicants to submit said certified/collated documentation through the General Registry, located on the Móstoles Campus, or in any of the registries assistants located in the different campuses of the Rey Juan Carlos University, or by sending it through Certified Mail to: Rey Juan Carlos University. General Registry. Avda. Tulipán s/n. 28933. Mostoles. Madrid
The student is responsible for the veracity and correctness of the data provided, exonerating the Rey Juan Carlos University from any responsibility and guaranteeing and being responsible for its accuracy, validity and authenticity.
Required documentation:
Students with a degree obtained from a Spanish university or a Higher Education Institution belonging to another Member State of the European Higher Education Area that authorizes access to own postgraduate degrees must present the following documentation:
- National Identity Document or equivalent
- Curriculum vitae
- Responsible declaration of veracity of the data provided in digital format
- ADESP Scholarship Certificate
Students with a foreign degree must present the following documentation:
- Passport or Residence Card
- Foreign Higher Education Degree (Graduate, Graduate, Architect, Engineer Doctor...) that give access to own postgraduate degree studies.
- Certificate certifying that the studies carried out give access to an Official Postgraduate Degree in your country of origin, issued by the University of origin
- Curriculum vitae
- Declaration of the person responsible for the veracity of the data provided in digital format
- Any other document that the Director of the Own Title specifically requires for its acceptance
Applicants with studies completed in foreign University Centers may be requested at any time a certificate of verification of these studies and centers, issued by an authorized Institution.
Minor applicants must also attach the ESO graduate and express authorization from their parents or legal guardians.
All documentation provided must be legalized in accordance with Spanish law and translated by an official translator.