Continuing Education
Phone: 91 665 5060
Academic direction: Monica de Pablos Heir Phone: 699791656 - carmen de pauls Telf: 914887545
Student attention: Student Help Box Suggestions, complaints and congratulations mailbox
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Basic Information
The Master in SAP Logistics Project Management is approved by SAP and has the prestigious SAP Gold Partner Education mention for the quality of training and employability of students. It was born with the clear intention of providing the market with qualified professionals capable of providing solutions global and specific in the different organizational areas of the company's Supply Chain. The Program not only guarantees training in SAP (including the official certification exam within the Master), but also explains the logistical processes it supports. Everything from the point of view of project management. To complete the training and introduce students to the labor market, it incorporates the Employment Exchange and coordinates selection processes with the sponsoring companies of the Master, more than 30 companies where the most important consultants with SAP divisions.
The Master in SAP Logistics Project Management aims to incorporate graduates into the labor market, equipping them with knowledge and skills in consulting, one of the most demanded professions. It also aims to improve the professional development of those who wish to turn to their career, thanks to the acquisition of specific knowledge in Project Management, Process Design and Implementation of Information Systems based on SAP. The Master will allow students to acquire the necessary knowledge to understand, implement and optimize the SAP system in logistics business processes, as well as developing project management skills.
- Know the fundamentals of logistics processes, necessary for the development of SAP implementation projects related to the supply chain.
- Students will have sufficient capacity to adapt the purchasing and sales processes of an organization in SAP.
- They will understand the fundamental concepts of logistics processes related to the options of the corresponding modules of the SAP system.
- They will be able to maintain an effective dialogue with those responsible for the logistics processes of a company in order to capture their specific requirements.
- They will have a solid foundation in project management techniques, tools and practices.
- This acquired knowledge will serve them both to develop with ease in the main concepts of project management at a professional level, and to start in the academic preparation in order to be certified as a PMP or Project Management Professional of the Project Management Institute (professionally certified project manager). ).
- They will acquire skills for their personal development.
Training block I: Introduction to business processes | From business strategy to process redesign | OB | 1 | 1Q |
Overview of the company's business processes | OB | 2 | 1Q | |
Value Management | OB | 2 | 1Q | |
Logistics area business processes | OB | 2 | 1Q | |
Tools and techniques for data collection: analysis and design of processes in the IT field | OB | 2 | 1Q | |
Circular economy and supply chain | OB | 1 | 1Q | |
Training block II: Logistics processes in SAP | TS410 Integrated Business Processes in SAP S/4HANA | OB | 6 | 1Q |
SAP HANA Sales | OB | 12 | 1Q | |
SAP HANA Sourcing and Procurement | OB | 12 | 2Q | |
Training block III: Project management | Introduction to Project Management. PMB OK | OB | 0,5 | 2Q |
Integration | OB | 0,5 | 2Q | |
Scope | OB | 0,5 | 2Q | |
Time management | OB | 0,5 | 2Q | |
Cost management. Return of investment | OB | 0,5 | 2Q | |
Quality management | OB | 1 | 2Q | |
HR management. | OB | 1 | 2Q | |
Communication management. | OB | 1 | 2Q | |
Risk management | OB | 0,5 | 2Q | |
Contract management | OB | 0,5 | 2Q | |
AGILE methodology | OB | 0,5 | 2Q | |
Training block IV: Skills management and personal development | Presentation and communication tools and techniques | OB | 1 | 2Q |
Conflict resolution techniques. Leadership | OB | 1 | 2Q | |
trading techniques | OB | 1 | 2Q | |
Time management | OB | 1,5 | 2Q | |
Loyalty economies: customer loyalty. Loyalty to the team | OB | 1,5 | 2Q | |
Design Thinking | OB | 1 | 2Q | |
End of Title Project | Development of final degree work | OB | 6 | 2Q |
Number of places offered: 40
Number of reserved places: 4 When the number of applications that meet the access requirements exceeds the number of places available, a place is reserved for vulnerable groups (disability, victims of terrorism and gender violence, article 50 of the regulation) with the same selection criteria. In the event that said quota is not covered, it will pass to the general quota.
The start of the course is conditioned to the minimum number of students enrolled
Academic Management and Faculty
Academic direction:
Academic Excellence and Employability. These are the essential characteristics that make the MPLSAP a unique master of its kind.
Meet the two directors responsible:
Carmen de Pablos Heir, Rey Juan Carlos University
Mónica de Pablos Heredero, Director of IT, Digital & E-commerce at TRUCCO
And to the two deputy directors:
Elisa Martínez Gilaberte, IT Business Analyst at Repsol
Javier Heredia Martínez, Director at The Birchman Group
Communication and coordination programs:
Eva Dardalengas Palacios, Master Coordinator
MPLSAP professors have more than 10 years of experience in their professional areas.
- Antonio Araujo López, expert consultant ABAP Stratesys Consulting
- Alejandro Blanco Callejo, Antonio de Nebrija University
- Miguel Blanco Callejo, King Juan Carlos University
- Antonio Boceta Muñoz, SAP Consultant expert in Logistics
- Enrique Bravo Ayala, President of ACISAP
- Angel Cruz Grill. Principal at SAP
- Ramón García García, Director of Innovation and Projects at CEL
- Rafael Gutierrez de Mesa, Sales & Marketing Director at Kuehne & Nagel
- José Amelio Medina Merodio, University of Alcala
- Nieves Molina Pérez, Co-founder IdeaT Institute & Head of People everis Initiatives
- Diego Muñoz, SAP Consultant at everis
- Diana Sánchez González, CEO at CF Coaching
- Enrique Sánchez, manager at everis
- Ernesto Sesé Jordán, Executive Coach at Pídete Más
- Juanmi Vicente Amores, SAP SD/MM Consultant at everis
- Alberto Álvarez Aguilera, SAP Consultant at Trucco
Quality guarantee
Results report
Once the follow-up of the Master of Lifelong Training has been carried out, the most relevant quantitative information on the results obtained in the follow-up of said Degree is shown.
General information collection plan
Within the quality assurance system of the Rey Juan Carlos University, the following surveys are planned:
- Student profile
- Teacher evaluation
- Degree of satisfaction:
- Of the students
- of the graduates
- From the Faculty
- Administration and Services Staff
- Labor insertion
- External internships:
- Satisfaction of interns
- External tutor satisfaction
- Employer satisfaction
Survey results:
Duration and development
Modality: Digital games
No. dand credits: 60 ECTS
Contact hours: 480h
Place of delivery: Faculty of CC. Legal and Social Law of the URJC, on the Madrid-Vicálvaro campus
Opening hours: Weekend hours, Friday (from 15.30:21 p.m. to 9 p.m.) and Saturday (from 15 a.m. to XNUMX p.m.).
Start of the course: 17 2025 October.
Reservation of place and enrollment
Pre-registration: Until October 17, 2025.
Registration: from October 1 to 17, 2025.
Start of the course: 17 2025 October.
Title price: €8.900
Possibility of scholarship (if applicable): No
Pre-registration: €500. This amount is included in the total cost of the course and will be refunded if your academic application is not accepted. If, once the student's application is accepted, he/she does not formalize the registration, the amount deposited for pre-registration will not be returned.
Number of places offered: 40
Number of reserved places: 4 When the number of applications that meet the access requirements exceeds the number of places available, a place is reserved for vulnerable groups (disability, victims of terrorism and gender violence, article 50 of the regulation) with the same selection criteria. In the event that said quota is not covered, it will pass to the general quota.
The start of the course is conditioned to the minimum number of students enrolled
Documentation to attach, forms and place of delivery
the applicants they will present all the scanned documentation, in the formats allowed through the telematic self-registration application at the time of applying for admission to own degrees. They must compulsorily attach to their request the declaration of the person responsible for the veracity of the data provided in digital format.
At any time, both the Program Management and the Own Teaching Service may request the applicants to submit said certified/collated documentation through the General Registry, located on the Móstoles Campus, or in any of the registries assistants located in the different campuses of the Rey Juan Carlos University, or by sending it through Certified Mail to: Rey Juan Carlos University. General Registry. Avda. Tulipán s/n. 28933. Mostoles. Madrid
The student is responsible for the veracity and correctness of the data provided, exonerating the Rey Juan Carlos University from any responsibility and guaranteeing and being responsible for its accuracy, validity and authenticity.
Required documentation:
Students with a degree obtained from a Spanish university or a Higher Education Institution belonging to another Member State of the European Higher Education Area that authorizes access to own postgraduate degrees must present the following documentation:
- National Identity Document or equivalent
- University degree of the studies that give access to the requested postgraduate degree.
- Curriculum vitae
- Responsible declaration of veracity of the data provided in digital format
- Any other document that the Director of the Own Title specifically requires for its acceptance
Students with a foreign degree must present the following documentation:
- Passport or Residence Card
- Foreign Higher Education Degree (Graduate, Graduate, Architect, Engineer Doctor...) that give access to own postgraduate degree studies.
- Certificate certifying that the studies carried out give access to an Official Postgraduate Degree in your country of origin, issued by the University of origin
- Curriculum vitae
- Declaration of the person responsible for the veracity of the data provided in digital format
- Any other document that the Director of the Own Title specifically requires for its acceptance
Applicants with studies completed in foreign University Centers may be requested at any time a certificate of verification of these studies and centers, issued by an authorized Institution.
All documentation provided must be legalized in accordance with Spanish law and translated by an official translator.