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University extension course in business management and marketing


Business Training Institute of the Madrid Chamber of Commerce

C / Pedro Salinas 11.

Academic direction: David Asleep Singing

Telf: 915383842

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Basic Information


In today's companies, the Sales department is the engine that drives them to

move faster or slower. The magnitude and accuracy of the company's main achievements and projections will depend on the quality of its activities and decisions. The University Extension Course in Business Management and Marketing is designed so that participants achieve the following objectives:

  • Acquire and/or improve their diagnostic capabilities
  • Analyze the elements that limit the growth of your current products and markets and those that can drive future sales.
  • Develop the competitive advantages of the company and choose the most advantageous product policies, promotions, prices and distribution channels.

The practical result is specified in the preparation, presentation and defense, individually or in groups by the participants, of the project or marketing plan of a company.


The main objectives of the course are:

  • Know the latest strategic marketing models to increase both the client portfolio and the accounts of existing ones.
  • Analyze the factors that enhance the growth of company products and services, their promotional tools, location of strategic markets, pricing and analysis of distribution channels.
  • Learn how to increase the company's ability to diagnose the market. Develop the analytical and managerial skills demanded by changing national and international markets.
  • Decide the best marketing strategies to apply them effectively according to different situations in the market.
  • Understand the conduct and behavior of consumers and customers after an investigation process, thus allowing them to reduce the risk in decision-making.


Business Management:

  • Current companies. Billing. Template.
  • International comparisons.
  • The company. Advantages and disadvantages of SMEs. Culture.
  • General policies.
  • The sectors. Typology: size, concentration.
  • Lifecycle. P.M. The 5 FPs.
  • The environment. Types. Factors of economic, political, social influence, etc.). Competitive advantages. Threats and opportunities.
  • Functions and tasks of business management.
  • Practical cases).

Strategic commercial direction:

  • Marketing. Evolution. Concepts. Business processes.
  • Needs. Wishes. Lawsuits. Perceived value.
  • Planning. Types. Strategic direction.
  • SWOT analysis. Arrays. competitive strategies.
  • Strategic analysis. Strategic business units.
  • Instruments. Product, price, promotion and distribution policies.
  • Control panel of the commercial director.
  • Practical cases).

Market research:

  • Concept. Process. Main errors. Types of research. Data sources.
  • Qualitative techniques. Types of studies. The group.
  • The interview. Projective techniques.
  • Quantitative techniques. Statistics. Sampling types. Estimators. Bias.
  • Statistical tables. Papers. Pseudopurchase.
  • The poll. Process. Means. Questionnaire.
  • Field work. Tabulation. Coding.
  • Results. Internet.
  • Practical cases).

Product Policy:

  • Purchase mobiles. Consumer decision process.
  • Analysis and classification of products. Perceived value.
  • competitive forces.
  • Customer analysis. Classification.
  • Product quality. The container. The brand. Positioning.
  • Lifecycle.
  • Analysis of a product portfolio.
  • New products. Product's release. Internet.
  • Practical cases).

Pricing policy:

  • The Triple Approach, Definition. Price band.
  • General strategies.
  • The perceived value. Possible errors. Value analysis. Profit concept.
  • Pricing techniques. Experience curve pricing. Prices according to the life cycle.
  • New products. Prices by product lines.
  • Differentials. Set price. Performance management.
  • Internet.
  • Practical cases).

Economic-financial management:

  • Introduction to accounting. Beginning. Accounts. Seating. General accounting plan. Evaluation criteria.
  • Financial statements. The balance. Profit and loss accounts. The memory.
  • Patrimonial, economic and financial analysis. Equity balance. Average period of maturation. Cash Flow. Treasury budget. Value of a company.
  • Diagnosis. Types of costs. Breakeven threshold. Commercial and marketing ratios. Economic and financial returns. Margin of sales.
  • Rotation or margin trading strategies.
  • Practical cases).

Promotion Policy:

  • Commercial communication: company image.
  • the target.
  • Advertising: campaigns. Goals. Strategies. Promotion and support. Terms. Design. Unconventional advertising.
  • Public relations. Direct marketing. merchandising. Criteria. Indexes. Management by DPP. The use of POS.
  • Advertising media. Marketing. Investment. Research. Media planning. Advertising Services.
  • Ethics in communication. Regulations in force. Internet.
  • Practical cases).

Sales network:

  • Characteristic. Functions. Systems. Optimal template.
  • Recruitment. Selection. Analysis and description of PT Profiles. Interviews.
  • Training. Costs. Remuneration.
  • Optimal template. Budget. Commissions. Cousins. Breakeven threshold. Contribution. Profitability by areas, products, services.
  • Allocation by products, areas, customers. Elaboration of routes.
  • Supervision. Performance evaluation. Control of the sales network. Internet.
  • Practical cases).

Motivation and leadership:

  • Purchase decision process.
  • Behavior. Main variables. Normal.
  • The personality. Values. attitudes. Aptitudes. Motivations. conducts.
  • Multivariable models for decision making. Temper. Character.
  • Motivation in the company. Impulsive and reflective decision processes.
  • Models: Maslow, Herzberg, McClelland, Vroom, etc. satisfiers.
  • Leadership. State of current theories and models.
  • Management styles. Charismatic, situational and transformational leadership.
  • self-assessments.
  • Practical cases).

Distribution Policy:

  • Channels. Functions. Structure. Dimensions. Advantages. Drawbacks.
  • Channel segmentation. design factors. Determinants. Customers. Products. Intermediaries. Around.
  • Channel planning. Type and number of preliminary intermediaries. Alternatives. Analysis. Evaluation. Choice.
  • Vertical distribution systems. Managed. Contractual.
  • type strategies. Channel management. Internet.
  • Practical cases).

The business plan:

  • Planning. Process. Strategy. Strategy levels. Relationship between commercial strategic planning and marketing plan.
  • Goals. Management by objectives. Functions. Characteristic. Types.
  • Methodology for preparing the annual business plan.
  • Strategic analysis. Main arrays. Preliminary objectives by pmt. competitive strategies. Differentiation. Segmentation. Cost leadership. Positioning.
  • Implementation.
  • New products. Resources (economic, human, material).
  • Economic and commercial information system for management.
  • Practical cases).

Marketing audit:

  • The decisions. Management control. Information systems.
  • The dashboard.
  • Marketing audit. Content. Developing. Elements of the control panel of the commercial director. Standards. Results. Time covered by the box.
  • Criteria to analyze the product, the channels, the clients, the environment, the strategy, the organization, the system.
  • Warehouses. Sales effectiveness ratios. Quality. Returns.
  • Practical cases).

Digital marketing:

  • Online Marketing.
  • Social Media and marketing.
  • Web designs and positioning.
  • Practical cases).

Formation of work teams:

  • Groups and teams. Differences. Evolution. Common objectives. Synergies. Search for improvements in objectives, methods and organizational effectiveness
  • Stake. Reference context. Content selection. Satisfaction.
  • Creation of work teams. Task enrichment. Methodology.
  • Techniques for creating work teams. Classes. The content. The process.
  • The methods: perceptive, acceptance, catalyst, parallel organization, confrontation.
  • The Blake, Mouton, and Allen model. Methodology. Diagnosis. Developing.
  • Practical cases).

International marketing:

  • Applicable international environment. Global economic blocks. Export potential. Triggers. Advantages. Drawbacks.
  • Necessary resources.
  • Introduction stages: subsidiaries, licenses, alliances, company.

End of course project:

  • Strategic business and marketing plan.

External Practice: Extracurricular


Access requirements: People who are in possession of an engineering degree, bachelor's degree, diploma or academic record of equivalent homologation. The commercial vocation and the current or potential responsibility in commercial activities, (either as a manager or as an assistant or direct collaborator in them) could, in the opinion of the admission court or tutor, could lead to admission.

Selection criteria:

No. of Places: 20

Academic Management and Faculty

Director: Mr. Carlos del Castillo Fish. Director of the URJC Business Economics Department.

Coordinator: D. David Dormido Canto.  Head of Management Training and Postgraduate Chamber of Commerce


Pablo Sanchez de Ocana

Professor Department of Business Economics URJC.

25 years of experience in managerial positions (Telepizza, Ballesol, Vitaldent…)

Francisco Javier Garcia Cancio

Licensed in medicine.

Master of Business Administration (MBA).

Master in Commercial Management and Marketing.

CEO Business to Success Consulting Spain and Mexico

Ramon Arjona Prados

Bachelor of CC. Policies.

Master in Marketing and Commercial Management.

10 years of experience as a Product Manager in a top-level multinational.

Pablo Jose Contreras Contreras

Bachelor of Business Administration, MBA.

Project Director at Kantya Brand Strategies.

Freelance Consultant.

Pablo Gutierrez Porcuna

Degree in Economics.

General director of operations of Mundofranquicia.

Alejandro Segura de la Cal

Master in commercial management and marketing ESIC.

MBA European Business School.

Director global management challenge Spain.

Guillermo Rivas-Silver Sierra

MBA in business management and administration.

General Director GRP international consultancy.

Jesus Charlan Hidalgo

Bachelor of information sciences.

MBA Relational Marketing.

Graduated in business management and marketing.

Director of Trainers & Partners.

Juan Ignacio Perez Martin

Industrial Engineer,

Executive MBA.

Training Consultant and Coach.

Ms. Noelia Gutierrez Laiz

Bachelor of Economic Sciences UAM

IADE managerial development program.

Managing partner Bebig.

Juan Luis Gonzalez Perez

Bachelor of Business Management ESIC

MBA Camilo José Cela University.

Managing Director Orange3.

Alberto Martin San Cristobal

Graduated in ADE.


Mentor, consultant and trainer.

Ms. Alicia White

Professor of Marketing and Market Research URJC

Vice Dean of Academic Planning and Internationalization.

Javier Sanchez Oliva

Bachelor of Information Sciences

Renault Group communication department.

Duration and development

Modality: Face-to-face with streaming broadcasts of all classes.

Horas: 210 hours

Start date: 21th October 2024

End date: June 19th, 2025

Reservation of place and enrollment

Pre-registration period: From March 4 to October 14, 2024

Enrollment deadline: From October 14 to November 15, 2024

Registration: 700 €

Monthly payment: €300 (November-June)

Title price: 3.100 €

Pre-registration: 700 €

Possibility of scholarship: Consult scholarship policy.

Pre-registration: Si

Bonusable through the FUNDAE

The start of the course is conditioned to the minimum number of students enrolled.

Documentation to attach, forms and place of delivery

the applicants they will present all the scanned documentation, in the formats allowed through the telematic self-registration application at the time of applying for admission to own degrees. They must compulsorily attach to their request the declaration of the person responsible for the veracity of the data provided in digital format.

At any time, both the Program Management and the Own Teaching Service may request the applicants to submit said certified/collated documentation through the General Registry, located on the Móstoles Campus, or in any of the registries assistants located in the different campuses of the Rey Juan Carlos University, or by sending it through Certified Mail to: Rey Juan Carlos University. General Registry. Avda. Tulipán s/n. 28933. Mostoles. Madrid

The student is responsible for the veracity and correctness of the data provided, exonerating the Rey Juan Carlos University from any responsibility and guaranteeing and being responsible for its accuracy, validity and authenticity.

Required documentation:

Students with a degree obtained from a Spanish university or a Higher Education Institution belonging to another Member State of the European Higher Education Area that authorizes access to own postgraduate degrees must present the following documentation:

  • National Identity Document or equivalent
  • University degree of the studies that give access to the requested postgraduate degree.
  • Curriculum vitae
  • Responsible declaration of veracity of the data provided in digital format
  • Any other document that the Director of the Own Title specifically requires for its acceptance

Students with a foreign degree must present the following documentation:

  • Passport or Residence Card
  • Foreign Higher Education Degree (Graduate, Graduate, Architect, Engineer Doctor...) that give access to own postgraduate degree studies.
  • Certificate certifying that the studies carried out give access to an Official Postgraduate Degree in your country of origin, issued by the University of origin
  • Curriculum vitae
  • Declaration of the person responsible for the veracity of the data provided in digital format
  • Any other document that the Director of the Own Title specifically requires for its acceptance

Applicants with studies completed in foreign University Centers may be requested at any time a certificate of verification of these studies and centers, issued by an authorized Institution.

All documentation provided must be legalized in accordance with Spanish law and translated by an official translator.