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Early Childhood Education - Blended

This degree qualifies for the profession of Teacher in Early Childhood Education. Order ECI/3854/2007

Branch of knowledge: Social and Legal Sciences
Responsible Center: Faculty of Education and Sports Sciences and Interdisciplinary Studies
Teaching modality and Campus:
Blended: Madrid-Vicalvaro
Affiliated centers:
Credits: 240. Credits year: 60. Duration: 4 years. Implantation: progressive, first year 2010-2011
Academic Calendar    Schedule    Exams   Teaching Guides   Validation table     Faculty
Coordinator: Prof. Dr. D. Pedro César Mellado Moreno.    

Student attention: 91 488 93 93.     Student Help Box     Suggestions, complaints and congratulations mailbox

Basic Information

What knowledge will I acquire with this Degree?

Students who complete their training in the Degree in Early Childhood Education, in accordance with the provisions of the Degree Report, must know:

  • 1.- Effectively approach learning situations in early childhood from a globalizing and integrating perspective of the different cognitive, emotional, motor, linguistic and self-regulation dimensions. (Global perspective).
  • 2.-Create learning environments that favor empathy, social behavior, autonomy and multicultural coexistence, systematically observing the social, family and school environment. (Contextual and social-natural perspective).
  • 3.- Design, apply and evaluate didactic actions aimed at the development of physical, cognitive, socio-affective, motor and linguistic abilities, knowing the biological, psychological, social and creative factors that determine learning. (Early learning perspective and playful methodology).
  • 4.- Acquire strategies, based on coordinated work between various professionals to guide families in matters related to the development and education of students from 6 to XNUMX years old. (Perspective of coordination with other professionals and attention to families).
  • 5.- Detect possible difficulties that students may present and develop teaching strategies and curricular adaptations that take into account the diversity of students, promoting the educational and social inclusion of students. (Perspective of attention to diversity).
  • 6.-Design didactic actions related to the understanding of space and time in schoolchildren. (Space-time perspective).
  • 7.- Design and develop educational approaches to communication and expression using gestural and iconic-verbal strategies. (On basic or instrumental learning).
  • 8.- Appropriately apply and use New Technologies as a vehicle for information, communication and introduction to the world of the mass media. (On New Technologies).
  • 9.- Use different languages ​​to promote and develop creativity. (On creativity).
  • 10.- Design experiences to learn about the natural world through sensory perception. (On sensory and experimental development).
  • 11.- Promote and facilitate the acquisition of healthy habits in relation to hygiene, health and nutrition. (On health and hygiene).
  • 12.- Know the operation of early childhood education schools and integrate into educational work, reflecting on the action through their own strategies. (On research-action in the Practicum).

Where will I be able to work when I graduate?

In public and private schools and colleges, from different contexts (rural and urban, multicultural and monocultural, regional, national and international, etc.) and with the ability to adapt efficiently to rapidly evolving environments. Likewise, the graduates will be trained to practice other professions related to Early Childhood Education, both in the formal and non-formal part, in publishing, technological, educational companies, etc.

Is this Degree official according to the regulations required by the European Higher Education Area?

Yes (final verification report is attached), the implementation of the degree will be done progressively, starting the blended modality the first course in the academic year 2009-10.
The final verification report turned out FAVORABLE

Favorable report first modification

Favorable report second modification

Favorable report third modification

Favorable report fourth modification

What subject areas will I address in this grade?

Basic formation 102
compulsory 75
Optional 0
Academic Recognition of Credits 6
External Internships 51
Final Degree Project 6

Summary of the subjects that make up the Degree in Early Childhood Education and their distribution in credits:

1 60          
2 42 18        
3   42   18    
4   15   33 6 6
Total 102 75   51 6 6
Total 240

Recommended Income Profile

To access the Early Childhood Education Degree it will be necessary to have passed the University entrance exams. There are no special requirements.

The degree's own income profile reflects a person who shows a great vocation for service to society and the community, especially to families, as the main agent of primary socialization during these first years. Taking into account that it is a regulated and empowering profession, aspiring teachers must show a special interest in education in general.

  • Feel intellectual curiosity for the acquisition of new knowledge.
  • Show vocation for pedagogy and education in general.
  • Recognize the importance of education in values ​​from the early educational stages.
  • Promote a culture of effort to achieve professional competence.
  • Develop sensitivity towards the relative issues of families and students that affect the educational process.
  • Show interest and involvement in carrying out the socio-family educational intervention to improve the learning process of students.
  • Be competent in different languages, especially in English, to be able to communicate easily and favor this cultural approach from education.
  • Promote respect for human rights and equality, in favor of the integration and dignity of people from the educational system.

In addition, they must show good oral and written expression and comprehension, have social skills, attend to the diversity of classrooms, etc., and, ultimately, they must promote the personal, social and educational development of minors up to 6 years of age. .

Regarding accessibility, from the Rey Juan Carlos University, this matter is a fundamental objective. And access to studies for any student is essential, but for those who have a disability it acquires even greater significance, since they need complementary guarantees to different degrees, to live with full rights or participate on an equal footing with the rest. of the citizen. In accordance with article 51 of Royal Decree 1892/2008, of November 14, which regulates the conditions for access to official university education, the Rey Juan Carlos University will reserve 5% of the available places in all their qualifications, whether they are undergraduate or official postgraduate 4 and, where appropriate, in specific doctoral programs both in the June and September calls. In the event that these places are not covered, they will be occupied by the rest of the students (General regulations: https://www.urjc.es/principal-intranet/uad-discapacidad#normativa-y-documentacion).


The fundamental objective of the degree is to train teachers in Early Childhood Education capable of operating in different contexts (rural and urban, multicultural and monocultural, regional, national and international, etc.); capable of adapting to social, cultural, scientific, technological and educational changes; that they dominate the different subjects and their interdisciplinary relationship; that they be critical and that they possess initiative; capable of reflecting on their practice and who are committed to their profession. Likewise, they will be trained to exercise other professions related to Early Childhood Education, both in the formal and non-formal part.

With the general training, the aim is to train competent Early Childhood Education teachers at all levels of the stage and in all areas of the curriculum, in such a way that they master all the contents of Early Childhood Education and its interdisciplinary relationship, so that, in this way, way, they can –starting from the principles of this stage– achieve the objectives of the same. This training is also focused on the graduates being able to carry out all the functions of Early Childhood Education teachers. And all this, with critical capacity and the ability to adapt efficiently to rapidly changing environments.

In this line, the teacher must be able to:

  • 1. Organize the interaction of each student with the object of knowledge.
  • 2. Act as a mediator so that all the activity that is carried out is significant and stimulates the development potential of the students in cooperative group work.
  • 3. Design and organize disciplinary and interdisciplinary work and collaborate with the world outside the school.
  • 4. Analyze the context in which their activity is carried out and plan it, and respond to a changing society.
  • 5. Exercise the functions of tutoring, student guidance and evaluation of their learning.
  • 6. Know in depth the cycle and the stage in which you are going to work.
  • 7. Know the subjects to be taught, as well as the ability to carry out coherent disciplinary and interdisciplinary designs.
  • 8. Use a methodology appropriate to the teacher/researcher paradigm.
  • 9. Acquire knowledge and instruments that help to base the psycho-socio-pedagogical reflection of the educational fact.
  • 10. Acquire knowledge and skills that allow the development of skills and attitudes that facilitate the level of personal maturity necessary to be able to assume the responsibilities that are theirs.
  • 11. Create teaching-learning situations that make it easier for students to build knowledge that allows them in their future work to consider a good reflection from and about their own practice.
  • 12. Develop their work in the knowledge society.
  • 13. Know the new training processes that information and communication technologies propose.
  • 14. Possess self-knowledge, personal esteem, the ability to establish constructive group relationships, a supportive and democratic attitude.
  • 15. Possess social skills to exercise the leadership attributed to him in the groups of students that he will have to lead.
  • 16. Work as a team with the teaching staff.

Therefore, the student of the Degree in Early Childhood Education at URJC has the following objectives of his Degree:

  • Know the development of language in early childhood education and design teaching strategies aimed at enriching communication skills.
  • Know and promote cognitive, social and personality development from birth to the first years of compulsory education.
  • Be able to use systematic observation as the main instrument for global, formative and continuous evaluation of the abilities of students.
  • Be guided by the "principle of globalization" when programming educational activities and tasks from 0 to 6 years old.
  • Know how to use the game as the main teaching resource, as well as design learning activities based on playful principles.
  • Being able to promote the development of mathematical thinking and numerical representation.
  • Encourage children's approach habits towards the initiation to reading and writing.
  • Master the official languages ​​of your community and show correct pronunciation and linguistic comprehension.
  • Be able to develop habits of personal autonomy and respect for the rules of coexistence in their students.
  • Know the methodological strategies to develop spatial, geometric and development notions of logical thinking.
  • Know psychomotor development and design interventions aimed at promoting it.
  • Detect citations of lack of well-being of the boy or girl that are incompatible with their development and promote their improvement.
  • Being able to create and maintain coordinated lines and ties of communication with families to more effectively influence the educational process.
  • Being able to promote respectful behavior with the natural, social and cultural environment.


The skills acquired throughout the Degree in Early Childhood Education are divided into two blocks. On the one hand, the general competences of the title, which in turn are divided into:

1. General competences common to Bachelor's degrees, which are those regulated in RD 1393/2007 of October 29, which establishes the organization of Official University Education.

2. Specific general competences of the Bachelor's degree in Early Childhood Education, which are the competences established by Order ECI/3857/2007, of December 27, which establishes the requirements for the verification of official university degrees that qualify for the exercise of the profession of Teacher in Early Childhood Education.

Order ECI/3857/2007, of December 27, establishes some minimum modules in which the study plan must be structured, and establishes minimum competencies for said modules. Among the general principles that inspire the design of the new degrees, the study plans must take into account that any professional activity must:

  • Promote respect for fundamental rights and equality between men and women.
  • Promote respect and promotion of Human Rights and the principles of universal accessibility and design for all in accordance with the provisions of the tenth final provision of Law 51/2003, of December 2, on equal opportunities, non-discrimination and accessibility universal for people with disabilities.
  • Promote the values ​​of a culture of peace and democratic values.

On the other hand, the general skills that students have to acquire during their studies and that are necessary to obtain the degree are listed below:

  • Acquire and understand the necessary knowledge of the different areas of study that make up the degree in such a way that they qualify for the profession of Teacher in Early Childhood Education.
  • Knowing how to apply this knowledge to work in a professional manner, demonstrating mastery of skills through the development and defense of arguments and problem solving in these areas of study.
  • Being able to collect and interpret relevant data from the different areas of study and to make judgments that include a reflection on relevant issues of a socio-educational, scientific and ethical nature.
  • Be able to transmit information, ideas, problems and solutions to specialized personnel linked to their training, as well as to people whose link is indirect.
  • Acquire the learning skills necessary to further their studies with autonomy.

More specifically, General and Specific competences are established.


  • CG1 CG1-Acquire and understand the necessary knowledge of the different areas of study that make up the degree in such a way that they qualify for the profession of Teacher in Early Childhood Education
  • CG2 CG2-Know how to apply this knowledge to work in a professional manner, demonstrating mastery of the skills by preparing and defending arguments and solving problems in said areas of study.
  • CG3 CG3-Be able to collect and interpret relevant data from the different areas of study and to make judgments that include a reflection on relevant issues of a socio-educational, scientific and ethical nature.
  • CG4 CG4-Be able to transmit information, ideas, problems and solutions to specialized personnel linked to their training as well as to people whose link is indirect.
  • CG5 CG5-Acquire the necessary learning skills to expand their studies independently
  • GI1 CGI1-Capacity of analysis and synthesis
  • GI2 CGI2-Organization and planning capacity
  • GI3 CGI3-Oral and written communication in the mother tongue
  • GI4 CGI4-Knowledge of a foreign language
  • GI5 CGI5-Computer knowledge related to the field of study
  • GI6 CGI6-Information management capacity
  • GI7 CGI7-Problem Solving
  • GI8 CGI8-Decision making
  • GP1 CGP1-Teamwork
  • GP2 CGP2-Work in an international context
  • GP3 CGP3-Skills in interpersonal relationships
  • GP4 CGP4-Recognition of diversity and multiculturalism
  • GP5 CGP5-Critical reasoning
  • GP6 CGP6-Ethical Commitment
  • GS1 CGS1-Autonomous Learning
  • GS2 CGS2-Knowledge of other cultures and customs
  • GS3 CG3S-initiative and entrepreneurial spirit
  • GS4 CGS4-Quality Motivation
  • GS5 CGS5-Sensitivity towards environmental issues
  • GS6 CGS6-Adaptation to new situations
  • GS7 CGS7-Creativity
  • GS8 CGS8-Leadership


  • CE1 CE1. Ability to understand the complexity of educational processes in general and of teaching-learning processes in particular.
  • CE2 CE2 Knowledge of the contents to be taught, understanding its epistemological singularity and the specificity of its didactics.
  • CE3 CE3 Solid scientific-cultural and technological training
  • CE4 CE4 Ability to analyze and question the conceptions of education emanating from research, as well as the curricular proposals of the Educational Administration
  • CE5 CE5 Respect for the cultural and personal differences of the students and other members of the educational community.
  • CE6 CE6 Design and development of educational projects and programming units that allow the curriculum to be adapted to the sociocultural context
  • CE7 CE7 Ability to perform the tutorial function, guiding students and parents and coordinating the educational action referred to their group of students.
  • CE8 CE8 Commitment to enhance the academic performance of students and their school progress, within the framework of a comprehensive education
  • CE9 CE9 Ability to collaborate with the different sectors of the educational community and the environment
  • CE10 CE10 Analyze and understand the educational processes in the classroom and outside of it relative to the period 0-6 years
  • I1 CEGEI1 Know the curricular areas of Early Childhood Education, the interdisciplinary relationship between them, the evaluation criteria and the body of didactic knowledge around the respective teaching and learning procedures.
  • I2 CEGEI2 Effectively address learning situations in early childhood from a globalizing and integrating perspective of the different cognitive, emotional, social, motor, linguistic and self-regulation dimensions. (globalizing perspective)
  • I3 CEGEI3 Create learning environments that favor empathy, social behavior, autonomy and multicultural coexistence by systematically observing the social, family and school environment (contextual and social-natural perspective).
  • I4 CEGEI4 Design, apply and evaluate didactic actions aimed at the development of physical, cognitive, socio-affective, motor and linguistic abilities, knowing the biological, psychological, social and creative factors that determine learning (early learning perspective and playful methodology).
  • I5 CEGEI5 Acquire strategies, based on coordinated work between various professionals to guide families in matters related to the development and education of students from 6 to XNUMX years old. (perspective of coordination with other professionals and attention to families)
  • I6 CEGEI6 Detect possible difficulties that students may present and develop teaching strategies and curricular adaptations that take into account the diversity of students, promoting the educational and social inclusion of students. (Attention to diversity perspective)
  • I7 CEGEI7 Design didactic actions related to understanding of space and time in schoolchildren. (space-time perspective)
  • I8 CEGEI8 Design and develop educational approaches to communication and expression using gestural and iconic-verbal strategies. (about basic or instrumental learning)
  • I9 CEGEI9 Appropriate application and use of New Technologies as a vehicle for information, communication and introduction to the world of the mass media. (on New Technologies)
  • I10 CEGEI10 Use different languages ​​to promote and develop creativity. (on creativity)
  • I11 CEGEI11 Design experiences to learn about the natural world through sensory perception. (on sensory and experimental development)
  • I12 CEGEI12 Promote and facilitate the acquisition of healthy habits in relation to hygiene, health and nutrition. (on health and hygiene)
  • I13 CEGEI13 Learn about the operation of early childhood education schools and integrate into educational work, reflecting on action through their own strategies. (on action research in the practicum)
  • I14 CEGEI14 Promote coexistence in the classroom and outside of it, solve disciplinary problems and contribute to the peaceful resolution of conflicts. Stimulate and value effort, perseverance and personal discipline in students.
  • I15 CEGEI15 Reflect on classroom practices to innovate and improve teaching. Acquire habits and skills for autonomous and cooperative learning and promote it among students.
  • I16 CEGEI16 Understand the basic principles of language and communication sciences.
  • I17 CEGEI 17 Know the learning process of written language and its teaching.
  • I18 CEGEI18 Know the process of acquisition and development of linguistic and literary competence at level 0-6.
  • I19 CEGEI 19 Develop and evaluate the contents of the Spanish language curriculum through appropriate teaching resources and promote the corresponding skills in students.
  • I20 CEGEI20 Understand the passage from orality to writing and know the different registers and uses of the language.
  • I21 CEGEI21 Know the learning process of reading and writing and its teaching.
  • I22 CEGEI22 Recognize and assess the appropriate use of verbal and non-verbal language.
  • I23 CEGEI23 Know and properly use resources to encourage reading and writing.
  • I24 CEGEI24 Acquire literary training and especially learn about children's literature.
  • I25 CEGEI25 Know the texts of oral tradition and their role in literary education
  • I26 CEGEI26 Promote speaking and writing skills.
  • I27 CEGEI27 Know and master oral and written expression techniques.
  • I28 CEGEI28 Understand the basic principles of language and communication sciences.
  • I29 CEGEI29 Know the process of acquisition and development of linguistic and literary competence at level 0-6.
  • I30 CEGEI30 Understand the passage from orality to writing and know the different registers and uses of the language.
  • I31 CEGEI31 Integrate the historical and geographical study from an instructive and cultural orientation
  • I32 CEGEI32 Promote democratic education of citizenship and the practice of critical social thought
  • I33 CEGEI33 Assess the relevance of public and private institutions for peaceful coexistence among peoples
  • I34 CEGEI34 Acquire the necessary learning skills to further their studies with autonomy
  • I35 CEGEI35 Understand the importance of education for the integral formation of people and as the foundation of social coexistence
  • I36 CEGEI36Understand the functioning of interpersonal and intergroup interaction processes, teacher-student communication and teacher leadership in the classroom, to plan and improve teaching activity.
  • I37 CEGEI37 Identify and promote the psychosocial characteristics of early childhood education students that facilitate learning and integration in the classroom
  • I38 CEGEI38 Understand the historical and socio-cultural references of the education of human beings.
  • I39 CEGEI39 Understand the influence of historical pedagogy in the educational reality of the present.
  • I40 CEGEI40 Integrate the knowledge acquired on various disciplines taught throughout the Degree in a description and analysis work.
  • I41 CEGEI41 Facilitate the development of skills by applying theoretically studied solutions and methods to real problems that can be identified.
  • I42 CEGEI42 Delve into the theoretical study of some of the subjects studied in the career


Minimum stay requirements 

  • The permanence of the students in the Degree studies will be a maximum of eight years for full-time students. Part-time students may request an extension of up to two more years from the Rector.
  • In Bachelor's degrees lasting more than 240 credits (4 years), the maximum of the previous section will be increased by one more year for every 60 ECTS credits that are added to the 240 ECTS.
  • Students must pass a minimum of two subjects in the first year. Students studying part-time must pass at least one subject in their first academic year.
  • Students who are studying any official Bachelor's degree at the Rey Juan Carlos University may make a maximum of four registrations to pass each of the subjects of the study plan, without counting previous cancellations of the same.

For more information see: Permanence regulations

Minimum number of ECTS credits by type of enrollment and course

Full-time students:

1º Course 48 ECTS 60 ECTS
Other courses 48 ECTS 78 ECTS


Part-time students:

1º Course 24 ECTS 47 ECTS
Other courses 24 ECTS  47 ECTS


Access and registration

Log in

Access to the official teachings of Degree will require to be in possession of the bachelor's degree or equivalent and the passing of the test referred to in article 42 of the Organic Law 6/2001, of Universities, modified by Law 4/2007, of April 12, without prejudice to the other access mechanisms provided for by current regulations.

The number of places offered for new admission are:

Madrid Campus (Vicalvaro): 60 places

Matriculation year

The enrollment process at the Rey Juan Carlos University is done through the Internet. You can carry out the procedures on the computers installed on campus or through any computer with network access. You can check the deadlines at registration , as well as the different requirements and necessary documents.

Validation with FP qualifications



Training itinerary


FBC: Common Basic Training, they are validated with their counterparts of all grades
FBR: Basic Branch Training, they can be validated with their branch counterparts, taking into account the adequacy between the skills and knowledge acquired.
OB: Compulsory
OP: Optional


Semester Subject Character Credits
1 School organization FBR 6
1 History and culture of Spain (Humanities) FBC 6
1 Education theory FBR 6
1 Deontology: ethics and social responsibility of education FBC 6
1 Social history of education FBR 6
2 Computing and Digital Teaching Competence FBC 6
2 Social psychology of education FBR 6
2 Education, Culture and Society FBR 6
2 Early attention FBR 6
2 Audiovisual communication and education FBR 6
Total credits to study: 60


Semester Subject Character Credits
1 Cognitive and linguistic development FBR 6
1 emotional and social development FBR 6
1 Psychology of Learning FBR 6
1 Development of mathematical thinking OB 6
1 Development of language skills and literacy I OB 6
2 Education for health, hygiene and nutrition FBR 6
2 Educational research methodology FBR 6
2 Socio-family educational intervention FBR 6
2 Development of language skills and literacy II OB 6
Annual Modern Language FBC 6
Total credits to study: 60


Semester Subject Character Credits
1 Didactics of mathematics OB 6
1 Didactics of knowledge of the social environment OB 6
1 Musical education OB 6
1 Physical education OB 6
1 English language and its didactics OB 6
2 Didactics of knowledge of the natural environment OB 6
2 psychomotor OB 6
Annual External Internships OB 18
Total credits to study: 60


Semester Subject Character Credits
1 Math Games Lab OB 4,5
1 Teaching of language and literature OB 4,5
1 Artistic and plastic education OB 6
1 Academic Recognition of Credits OP 6
Annual External Internships OB 33
Annual Undergraduate Thesis Project OB 6
Total credits to study: 60

External Internships

The External Internship subjects of the Degree in Early Childhood Education are coordinated from the URJC each year according to the Order that the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports publishes each year, which establishes the procedure for the Practicum in centers of the Community of Madrid .

The Degree Practicum takes place in the centers that offer places for the URJC each academic year (on their own initiative or at the request of the interested students), in the periods stipulated by the Coordination. Students also have the opportunity to apply for internships in schools in other autonomous communities or abroad.

External Internship Manual

The educational centers of the Community of Madrid that have never been internship centers must request it at the address , where they will be provided with the username and password to access the PracticumXXI platform, from which teaching practices are managed.

Practicum XXI

All deadlines and procedures related to the assignment of internship places will be communicated to students through the Virtual Campus. In this sense, they can raise any query of an administrative nature at the address .

Social Security contributions for interns starting January 1, 2024

Mobility programs


The Erasmus program makes it easy for URJC students -both undergraduate and postgraduate- to study one or several semesters at one of the European universities with which the URJC has agreements.

These exchanges traditionally have an economic endowment thanks to the Erasmus Scholarships provided by the EU and the Spanish Ministry of Education.

ERASMUS (intranet)


The Munde program manages mobility with universities from countries not included in the Erasmus Program.

The possibility of obtaining a scholarship or economic endowment and its amount depends, in each case, on the agreements with the universities, countries or entities that sign it.

WORLD (intranet)

For more information:

URJC Mobility


SICUE is a national mobility program for GRADOS university students that allows them to carry out part of their studies at another Spanish university with guarantees of academic recognition, use and adaptation to their curricular profile.

SICUE Mobility

Student support programs

Orientation to future students. The University offers various orientation programs for future students: we carry out visits to high schools and secondary schools, we organize guided visits to the Campuses, we are present in the Classroom and, at the beginning of each course, we carry out welcome days to guide students new students.

academic tutorials. Each teacher carries out, within their teaching planning, academic tutorials on their subject.

Coordinator of the degree. It works to promote coherence and balance between the subjects and the workloads of the students.

mentoring program. The URJC has this program, peer tutoring, in which the students of the last years act as mentors with the first year students.

Students with disabilities. The Support Office for Persons with Disabilities offers guidance and assistance to students with special needs.

Scholarships . The Rey Juan Carlos University manages the main scholarships and annual grants, both its own and from other official bodies: Ministries, Community of Madrid, International Organizations and other entities. It also publishes and disseminates those scholarships and grants of interest to its students and graduates. Throughout the course, students receive information about them through the different communication channels established.

Job placement program. The Rey Juan Carlos University, through the External Internship Unit and the Graduates Office, organizes conferences, workshops and various actions aimed at supporting and guiding students in their job search, to improve their employability and promote job placement . The University has a Job Exchange -a platform available to companies and graduates- where institutions can carry out their selection processes.




*The rates corresponding to double degrees with different degrees of experimentality will be applied as established in the new Decree 43/2022, of June 29, of the Government Council, which establishes the public prices for university studies leading to official degrees and services of an academic nature in the public universities of the Community of Madrid*



Validation, adaptation of studies, recognition of credits and homologation of foreign qualifications






Quality guarantee

External monitoring report

RUCT link


Results report

Once the follow-up has been carried out, the quantitative information on the results obtained in the follow-up of said Degree is shown, differentiated by academic year.

Report by course:

General information collection plan

Within the quality assurance system of the Rey Juan Carlos University, the following surveys are planned:

- New students

- Teacher evaluation

- Student satisfaction

- Satisfaction of the graduates

- Labor insertion

- Causes of abandonment

- Career path:

  • Second year after graduation
  • Third year after graduation
  • Fourth year after graduation

- Degree of satisfaction:

  • Faculty with the campus and university
  • Teacher with degree
  • of the evaluators
  • Incoming student mobility program
  • Outgoing Student Mobility Program
  • Administration and services staff with the university

- External internships:

  • Student satisfaction
  • External tutor satisfaction
  • Evaluator satisfaction

Survey results:

Improvement actions

The Quality Assurance System of the Rey Juan Carlos University establishes that the degree's Quality Assurance Commission will annually analyze the information derived from the degree's indicators and prepare a report that will include improvement plans if the results so indicate.

Renewal of accreditation

The renewal of the accreditation represents the culmination of the implementation process of the official Bachelor's and Master's degrees registered in the Register of Universities, Centers and Degrees (RUCT). The renewal of the accreditation of official bachelor's and master's degrees is organized in three phases: self-assessment report, external visit and final assessment.

In the first phase, the university describes and assesses the status of the degree with respect to the established criteria and guidelines. The result is the Self-Assessment Report (IA) that is presented. The second and third phases are carried out by a group of evaluators external to the evaluated title.”

Final Report Accreditation Renewal 2023