Branch of knowledge: Arts and Humanities
Responsible Center: Faculty of Arts and Humanities
Teaching modality and Campus: Face-to-face Fuenlabrada
Credits: 240. Credits year: 60. Duration: 4 years. Implantation: progressive, first year 2016-2017
Academic Calendar Opening hours Exams Teaching Guides Faculty
Coordinator: Prof. Dr.ª D.ª Ana Segovia Gordillo.
Student attention: 91 488 93 93. Student Help Box Suggestions, complaints and congratulations mailbox
Basic Information
What knowledge will I acquire with this Degree?
The degree provides a solid training, both theoretical and practical, in Spanish language and literature that allows working in different professional fields related to teaching, research and linguistic and literary documentation, as well as related -directly or indirectly- to communication. In this sense, it is worth noting that the Spanish language is spoken by more than four hundred million people throughout the world, which implies a strong demand for professional activities related to the knowledge and use of the language and, consequently, training in This area represents a great opportunity for carrying out this type of activity.
Where will I be able to work when I graduate?
This degree allows professional practice in:
- Teaching Spanish language and literature in Compulsory Secondary Education and Baccalaureate, in adult education, in E/LE (teaching Spanish as a foreign language).
- Research in the field of linguistics and literature.
- Analysis, advice, linguistic and literary planning and cultural management in the media, public administrations, publishing industry, tourism, diplomacy, etc.
- Forensic linguistics.
- Creative writing in Spanish.
- Translation and linguistic and intercultural mediation.
Is this Degree official according to the regulations required by the European Higher Education Area?
Yes (final verification report is attached), the implementation of the degree will be done progressively, starting the first year in the academic year 2016-17.
The final verification report turned out FAVORABLE
What subject areas will I address in this grade?
The Degree is structured around two areas:
1) Spanish language and linguistic culture
2) Hispanic literature.
Recommended Income Profile
In this degree there are no established conditions or special access tests. However, it is highly recommended that students enter with a sufficient level of knowledge of the Spanish language (at least B2, for students whose native language is not Spanish). It is also advisable that students wishing to enter already have basic knowledge of Latin.
The fundamental objective of the degree is that graduates master the main aspects of Spanish language and literature, both from a synchronic and diachronic point of view, and both in relation to the instrumental use of the language and in relation to the theoretical study of the language and Literature. In this way, it is pursued that the students at the end of the Degree:
- Have obtained the necessary skills to carry out their work in the different professional fields for which the Degree qualifies.
- Master the history of the Spanish language and literature.
- Know how to relate the linguistic and literary fact in Spanish with other social and cultural manifestations (for example, the media or the cinema).
- Have acquired high communicative competence in Spanish.
CG1 |
That students are able to gather relevant information related to the Spanish language and literature |
CG2 |
That students are able to work as a team to solve academic and professional tasks related to Spanish language and literature. |
CG3 |
Autonomous learning and ability to plan and manage projects, and ability to work individually and in teams in the area of linguistic and literary studies. |
CG4 |
Analyze and synthesize complex documentation from the field of Spanish language and literature. |
CG5 |
Ability to acquire and understand knowledge in the area of linguistic, literary and cultural studies. |
CG6 |
Ability to gather and interpret relevant data in the area of linguistic and literary studies. |
CG7 |
Transmit ideas, problems and solutions within the area of linguistic and literary studies |
CG8 |
Develop skills to undertake further studies, both professional specialization and research in the area of linguistic and literary studies |
CG9 |
Know the principles of ethical commitment and intellectual integrity as essential values of professional practice in the field concerned. |
CG10 |
Know the professional environment and job placement resources in the area of linguistic and literary studies |
CG11 |
Manage a foreign language with a domain that allows effortless communication with native speakers and can produce clear and detailed texts in said language. |
CG12 |
Demonstrate sensitivity and capacity for the aesthetic and formal evaluation of products related to the Spanish language and literature. |
CE1 |
Know the grammar of Spanish and the techniques and methods of analysis of the different levels |
CE2 | Ability to interrelate the different aspects of Spanish grammar |
CE3 |
Know and perform a basic instrumental command of the Latin language and its culture |
CE4 |
Know the internal and external historical evolution of Spanish |
CE5 |
Know the linguistic variation and sociolinguistic situation of the Spanish language. |
CE6 |
Ability to critically evaluate the style of a text and formulate alternative proposals in the field of Spanish language and literature |
CE7 |
Show ability to handle and analyze lexicographical works |
CE8 |
Know the significant features of the linguistic variation of the Spanish language |
CE9 |
Ability to identify problems and research topics and assess their relevance in the field of Spanish language and literature |
CE10 |
Ability to properly apply and use ICT and enter the global world and social media in the field of Spanish studies |
CE11 |
Know the grammar of a second language |
CE12 |
Ability to locate, handle and critically evaluate the information contained in databases and other computer and Internet tools in the field of Spanish studies |
CE13 |
Ability to carry out linguistic analyzes and comments from a historical-comparative perspective |
CE14 |
Ability to perform critical analysis, reviews and linguistic comments |
CE15 |
Ability to carry out advisory and linguistic correction tasks in the field of social, business and other communication. |
CE16 |
Know Spanish literature and its genres |
CE17 |
Learn about Latin American literature |
CE18 |
Know the theoretical and methodological currents of literary theory and criticism and their application in the field of studies on Spanish |
CE19 |
Relate knowledge of Literature with other cultural and aesthetic areas and disciplines, particularly in the area of Spanish studies |
CE20 |
Know the techniques and methods of literary analysis |
CE21 |
Know the different processes of publishing activity, particularly in the Spanish-speaking world |
CE22 |
Know the basic aspects of textual criticism and text editing |
CE23 |
Know the theoretical and methodological currents of Linguistics |
CE24 |
Know the linguistic and intercultural repercussions of language contact |
CE25 |
Know the techniques and communication skills in the workplace, business and institutional, in particular with regard to professional opportunities related to the studies of Degree in Spanish Language and Literature. |
CE26 |
Know the techniques and methods of diachronic linguistic analysis |
CE27 |
Know the linguistic varieties in relation to the stratificational characteristics of the users |
CE28 |
Know the mechanisms of organization of texts and text typology |
CE29 |
Know the pragmatic principles and mechanisms that interact in speech acts |
CE30 |
Know the communication processes in the mass media, particularly in the Spanish-speaking world |
CE31 |
Know the fundamental characteristics of cognitive and linguistic development |
CE32 |
Recognize the dramatic levels and creative resources of visual language and integrate them into the process of building the visual arts, with special attention to the Spanish-speaking world |
Minimum stay requirements
- The permanence of the students in the Degree studies will be a maximum of eight years for full-time students. Part-time students may request an extension of up to two more years from the Rector.
- In Bachelor's degrees lasting more than 240 credits (4 years), the maximum of the previous section will be increased by one more year for every 60 ECTS credits that are added to the 240 ECTS.
- Students must pass a minimum of two subjects in the first year. Students studying part-time must pass at least one subject in their first academic year.
- Students who are studying any official Bachelor's degree at the Rey Juan Carlos University may make a maximum of four registrations to pass each of the subjects of the study plan, without counting previous cancellations of the same.
For more information see: Permanence regulations
Access and registration
Log in
Access to the official teachings of Degree will require to be in possession of the bachelor's degree or equivalent and the passing of the test referred to in article 42 of the Organic Law 6/2001, of Universities, modified by Law 4/2007, of April 12, without prejudice to the other access mechanisms provided for by current regulations.
The number of places offered for new admission are:
Fuenlabrada Campus
55 places (including transfer admission places)
Matriculation year
The enrollment process at the Rey Juan Carlos University is done through the Internet. You can carry out the procedures on the computers installed on campus or through any computer with network access. You can check the deadlines at registration , as well as the different requirements and necessary documents.
External Internships
The External Practices subject is a curricular subject whose main objective is to promote a comprehensive training of the student through the practical application of the knowledge acquired during the Degree, which facilitates direct contact with the professional activity and the opportunity to join the professional world with a minimum of experience. All practices are designed so that the students who participate in them acquire professional experience in real situations and conditions, applying the knowledge, skills and attitudes that are acquired in the training processes throughout the degree. The internships represent a decisive opportunity for the personal development and professional future of the students.
Internships are activities carried out by the student in companies, institutions and organizations; that is, in centers outside the university premises, which aim to enrich and complement your university education, while providing you with a deeper knowledge about the skills you will need once you have graduated.
The External Practices subject will consist of two phases:
- Completion of the internship period that offers professional experience related to any of the graduate profiles that are expressed in the Verification Report of the degree.
- Elaboration of the memory
For more information: External Internship Unit
Social Security contributions for interns starting January 1, 2024
Academic Recognition of Credits
Regulations for academic recognition of credits in undergraduate studies
Mobility programs
The Erasmus program makes it easy for URJC students -both undergraduate and postgraduate- to study one or several semesters at one of the European universities with which the URJC has agreements.
These exchanges traditionally have an economic endowment thanks to the Erasmus Scholarships provided by the EU and the Spanish Ministry of Education.
The Munde program manages mobility with universities from countries not included in the Erasmus Program.
The possibility of obtaining a scholarship or economic endowment and its amount depends, in each case, on the agreements with the universities, countries or entities that sign it.
For more information:
SICUE is a national mobility program for GRADOS university students that allows them to carry out part of their studies at another Spanish university with guarantees of academic recognition, use and adaptation to their curricular profile.
Student support programs
Orientation to future students. The University offers various orientation programs for future students: we carry out visits to high schools and secondary schools, we organize guided visits to the Campuses, we are present in the Classroom and, at the beginning of each course, we carry out welcome days to guide students new students.
academic tutorials. Each teacher carries out, within their teaching planning, academic tutorials on their subject.
Coordinator of the degree. It works to promote coherence and balance between the subjects and the workloads of the students.
mentoring program. The URJC has this program, peer tutoring, in which the students of the last years act as mentors with the first year students.
Students with disabilities. The Support Office for Persons with Disabilities offers guidance and assistance to students with special needs.
Scholarships . The Rey Juan Carlos University manages the main scholarships and annual grants, both its own and from other official bodies: Ministries, Community of Madrid, International Organizations and other entities. It also publishes and disseminates those scholarships and grants of interest to its students and graduates. Throughout the course, students receive information about them through the different communication channels established.
Job placement program. The Rey Juan Carlos University, through the External Internship Unit and the Graduates Office, organizes conferences, workshops and various actions aimed at supporting and guiding students in their job search, to improve their employability and promote job placement . The University has a Job Exchange -a platform available to companies and graduates- where institutions can carry out their selection processes.
*The rates corresponding to double degrees with different degrees of experimentality will be applied as established in the new Decree 43/2022, of June 29, of the Government Council, which establishes the public prices for university studies leading to official degrees and services of an academic nature in the public universities of the Community of Madrid*
- Enrollment and permanence in URJC degree studies. Academic year 2023/24
- Enrollment and permanence in URJC degree studies. Academic year 2024-25 (effective as of June 1, 2024)
- Regulation of refund of academic fees
- Admission due to change of campus or modality, university and/or partial Spanish university studies of Degree and Double Degree of the URJC
- Public Prices
- Academic exemption (Regulations for the Evaluation of Learning Outcomes - Title IX)
- External internships (in force during the 21/22 academic year)
- External internships (applicable from the 22/23 academic year)
- Academic Recognition of Credits (RAC)
- TFG Framework Regulation (Approved Governing Council May 26, 2023)
- Extraordinary End of Degree Award
- Extraordinary procedure for the completion of degree studies (advance call)
- Regulation on the Assessment of Learning Outcomes (in force from 1 September 2024)
- Review and claim of the evaluation (Regulations for the Evaluation of Learning Outcomes - Title VII)
- Request for review and claim of continuous evaluation
- Compensation Court (Regulations for the Evaluation of Learning Outcomes - Title X)
Validation, adaptation of studies, recognition of credits and homologation of foreign qualifications
- Validations / Recognition degrees
- Partial validation of foreign studies
- Complementary training requirements prior to the recognition of foreign qualifications
Quality guarantee
General information collection plan
Within the quality assurance system of the Rey Juan Carlos University, the following surveys are planned:
- New students
- Teacher evaluation
- Student satisfaction
- Satisfaction of the graduates
- Labor insertion
- Causes of abandonment
- Career path:
- Second year after graduation
- Third year after graduation
- Fourth year after graduation
- Degree of satisfaction:
- Faculty with the campus and university
- Teacher with degree
- of the evaluators
- Incoming student mobility program
- Outgoing Student Mobility Program
- Administration and services staff with the university
- External internships:
- Student satisfaction
- External tutor satisfaction
- Evaluator satisfaction
Survey results:
Improvement actions
The Quality Assurance System of the Rey Juan Carlos University establishes that the degree's Quality Assurance Commission will annually analyze the information derived from the degree's indicators and prepare a report that will include improvement plans if the results so indicate.
Renewal of accreditation
The renewal of the accreditation represents the culmination of the implementation process of the official Bachelor's and Master's degrees registered in the Register of Universities, Centers and Degrees (RUCT). The renewal of the accreditation of official bachelor's and master's degrees is organized in three phases: self-assessment report, external visit and final assessment.
In the first phase, the university describes and assesses the status of the degree with respect to the established criteria and guidelines. The result is the Self-Assessment Report (IA) that is presented. The second and third phases are carried out by a group of evaluators external to the evaluated title.”