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The Secretary General of the CCOO, Unai Sordo, visits the classrooms of the URJC

Posted by Mª Begoña García

The Secretary General of the CCOO, Unai Sordo, has visited the 3rd and 4th grade students of the Degree in Labor Relations and Human Resources at the UDD of the FCJS in Alcorcón. They have discussed the Role of Trade Unions in Labor Relations. 

On November 5, the XNUMXth Collective Bargaining Conference was organized by professors Macarena Castro and Mª Begoña García. The idea arose when an article published by Unai Sordo on the future of trade unions was used when carrying out a practice on Trade Union Law I, and the possibility of inviting the Secretary General to discuss this issue in the classroom with the students was raised. 



The fundamental objective of this Conference was to discuss first-hand what role unions have today in negotiating working conditions and in determining Labor Relations, fundamentally due to the obvious changes that have occurred in their form and development. This objective was raised as a development of the contents of labor law and social security and union law, basic subjects for the students of the Dynamic Relations degree that was followed was that of the program that I accompany you. During the session, the Secretary General made a general presentation and then a very dynamic debate was opened in which the students questioned the secretary with questions from the axes indicated below:

  1. The need for external incentives to affiliation.
  2.  Cause and effect between affiliation and compliance with labor rights
  3. Is a regeneration of the role and objectives of trade unions necessary?
  4. The current trade union model in the Spanish legal system
  5. Proposals on the need for labor law reforms.

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It was a very pleasant day that allowed the students of the UDD of the FCJS of Alcorcón to know first-hand some of the most relevant issues of society and their studies.