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Two students from the Faculty awarded at the V Madrid International Model United Nations

Posted by Paloma Fernandez

The MUNCLUB team from the Faculty of Legal and Social Sciences of the Rey Juan Carlos University won two awards at the fifth edition of the Madrid International Model United Nations, held at the Camilo José Cela University.

During the first week of November, a team of 11 students from the Faculty of Law and Social Sciences attended the fifth edition of the Madrid International Model United Nations, organized by the Camilo Jose Cela University at its Almagro Campus. 

Over four days, the students represented countries such as Russia, the Congo or France in committees in both English and Spanish that dealt with various issues of great relevance today, such as the risk to the integration and health of women arising from certain practices cultural rights or the right to access to drinking water in the world, closely linked to the Sustainable Development Goals promoted in the 2030 Agenda.

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Their participation came from the hand of training during the previous weeks through the MUN TRAINING promoted by the ADHUE Association, in which the participants acquire important skills such as negotiation or oratory, and which were undoubtedly rewarded with oral mentions and two awards, one for the best delegation to the student Alessandra Pereira and another to the most sustainable delegate, Paula Mané, who contributed important ideas to convert the Universities into more environmentally responsible places. 

The MUNCLUB has upcoming appointments at the Model United Nations of the Complutense University, the one in Munich in Germany and, next February, the eighth edition of URJCmun, the Model United Nations of our university, which has already become an international benchmark, that this year will exceed 1.000 attendees for the first time.

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Last modified on Wednesday, November 13, 2019 at 20:12