• School of official masters
  • 1

Master's degree in Computer Engineering

Responsible Center: postgraduate unit    Location: Mostoles Campus
Modality: Onsite  Title code: 6206 Orientation: Approval
Number of ECTS Credits: 90 ECTS  Duration of the Master: One and a half academic years
Public prices: See table
Academic Calendar    Schedule    Examinations    Teaching Guides    Faculty
Director of the Master: Mr. Andrés Redchuk Cisterna Phone: 91 488 8532

University master's information: Phone: 91 665 5060   Inquiries Mailbox
Regulated profession for which it qualifies: Master considered professionalizing in the field of Computer Science, although according to RD 967/2014, of November 21, it does not give rise to a profession regulated by the requirement of a university degree.

Basic Information

What knowledge will I acquire with this Master?

The Master's Degree in Computer Engineering is the continuation for those students of Degrees related to Computer Engineering, who wish to expand their knowledge and skills in the development of business, mobile, execution computer systems and virtual machines, using the latest advances in techniques and graphic architectures. , cloud computing, interactive multimedia and distributed Artificial Intelligence techniques. All this knowledge and skills are not covered in the Degrees as it is more advanced training, and requires a level of maturity and prior experience that undergraduate students have not yet acquired.

Is this degree official according to the regulations required by the European Higher Education Area?

Yes, (final verification report is attached) the implementation of the degree will be done progressively, starting the first year in the academic year 2014-15.

Final verification report turned out FAVORABLE

Favorable report first modification

Is it necessary to pass an access test?

It is not necessary.

What is the minimum number of credits for which I can enroll?

You can see it in the rules of permanence in this link

Recommended income profile

Students who have possession of an official Spanish university degree or another issued by a higher education institution of the European Higher Education Area that authorizes access to Master's degrees in the country that issued the degree.


The Master offers the possibility of promoting the development of technologies that meet needs in all aspects of today's society.


General skills:

  • CG01 - Ability to project, calculate and design products, processes and facilities in all areas of Computer Engineering.
  • CG02 - Ability to manage works and installations of computer systems, complying with current regulations and ensuring quality of service.
  • CG03 - Ability to direct, plan and supervise multidisciplinary teams.
  • CG04 - Ability for mathematical modeling, calculation and simulation in technological centers and business engineering, particularly in research, development and innovation tasks in all areas related to Computer Engineering.
  • CG05 - Capacity for the preparation, strategic planning, direction, coordination and technical and economic management of projects in all areas of Computer Engineering following quality and environmental criteria.
  • CG06 - Capacity for general management, technical management and direction of research, development and innovation projects, in companies and technology centers, in the field of Computer Engineering.
  • CG07 - Ability to start up, direct and manage computer equipment manufacturing processes, guaranteeing the safety of people and goods, the final quality of the products and their approval.
  • CG08 - Ability to apply the knowledge acquired and to solve problems in new or little-known environments within broader and multidisciplinary contexts, being able to integrate this knowledge.
  • CG09 - Ability to understand and apply the ethical responsibility, the legislation and the professional deontology of the activity of the Computer Engineering profession.
  • CG10 - Ability to apply the principles of economics and the management of human resources and projects, as well as the legislation, regulation and standardization of Information Technology.

Specific skills:

  • CE01 - Ability to integrate technologies, applications, services and systems of Computer Engineering, with a general nature, and in broader and multidisciplinary contexts.
  • CE02 - Capacity for strategic planning, preparation, direction, coordination, and technical and economic management in the fields of computer engineering related, among others, to: systems, applications, services, networks, infrastructures or computer facilities and centers or factories of software development, respecting proper compliance with quality and environmental criteria and in multidisciplinary work environments.
  • CE03 - Ability to manage research, development and innovation projects, in companies and technology centers, with a guarantee of safety for people and goods, the final quality of the products and their approval.
  • CE04 - Ability to model, design, define the architecture, implement, manage, operate, administer and maintain applications, networks, systems, services and computer content.
  • CE05 - Ability to understand and know how to apply the operation and organization of the Internet, new generation network technologies and protocols, component models, intermediary software and services.
  • CE06 - Ability to ensure, manage, audit and certify the quality of developments, processes, systems, services, applications and computer products.
  • CE07 - Ability to design, develop, manage and evaluate mechanisms for certification and guarantee of security in the treatment and access to information in a local or distributed processing system.
  • CE08 - Ability to analyze the information needs that arise in an environment and carry out the process of building an information system in all its stages.
  • CE09 - Ability to design and evaluate operating systems and servers, and applications and systems based on distributed computing.
  • CE10 - Ability to understand and be able to apply advanced knowledge of high performance computing and numerical or computational methods to engineering problems.
  • CE11 - Ability to design and develop computer systems, applications and services in embedded and ubiquitous systems.
  • CE12 - Ability to apply mathematical, statistical and artificial intelligence methods to model, design and develop applications, services, intelligent systems and knowledge-based systems.
  • CE13 - Ability to use and develop graphic computing methodologies, methods, techniques, programs for specific use, norms and standards.
  • CE14 - Ability to conceptualize, design, develop and evaluate the human-computer interaction of computer products, systems, applications and services.
  • CE15 - Ability to create and use virtual environments, and to create, manage and distribute multimedia content.
  • CE16 - Completion, presentation and defense, once all the credits of the study plan have been obtained, of an original exercise carried out individually before a university tribunal, consisting of a comprehensive Computer Engineering project of a professional nature in which the skills acquired are synthesized in the teachings

Admission and enrollment


The requirements for access to the proposed title are according to article 18, of Royal Decree 822/2021, of September 28:

  1. Possession of an official Spanish Graduate or Graduate university degree or equivalent is a condition for accessing a Master's Degree, or, where appropriate, having another University Master's degree, or titles of the same level as the Spanish Bachelor's or Master's degree issued by universities and higher education institutions in an EHEA country that in that country allow access to Master's degrees.
  2. In the same way, people in possession of titles from educational systems that are not part of the EHEA, which are equivalent to a Bachelor's degree, will be able to access a Master's Degree in the Spanish university system, without the need for homologation of the title, but verification by of the university of the level of training that they imply, as long as in the country where said title was issued it allows access to university postgraduate level studies. In no case will access through this route imply the homologation of the previous degree held by the person concerned or its recognition for other purposes than that of carrying out the Master's degree.

Recommended requirements:

The specific degrees that will facilitate direct access to the Master are the following:

  • Degree in Computer Engineering
  • Degree in Software Engineering
  • Degree in Computer Engineering
  • other related degrees.

Additionally, Section 4.2 of the Agreement of the Council of Universities, which establishes recommendations for the proposal by universities of application reports for official degrees in the fields of Computer Engineering (Resolution of June 8, 2009, of the Secretariat General of Universities), establishes the following conditions of access to the Master in Computer Engineering:

  • 4.2.1 Anyone who has previously acquired the skills listed in section 3 of Annex II of this Agreement, which establishes the recommendations for the verification of the Official university degrees linked to the exercise of the profession of Technical Engineer in Computer Science, and their training must be in accordance with that established in section 5 of Annex II above.
  • 4.2.2 Likewise, access to the Master will be allowed when the degree certificate of the interested party certifies having completed the basic training module and the module common to the branch, not yet covering a complete block of the specific technology module, and 48 credits of those offered in the set of blocks of said module of a degree linked to the exercise of the profession of Technical Engineer in Computer Science, in accordance with this agreement.

The previous sections shall be understood, without prejudice to the provisions of article 17.2 and in the fourth additional provision of Royal Decree 1393/2007, of October 29.

Candidate selection:

In the event that the demand exceeds the supply of places, the candidates will be selected taking into account the academic record and the curriculum.

Offer of places: 20 seats. If the minimum number of students envisaged is not reached in a course, the University may choose not to open the teaching group.

See admission and enrollment

Training itinerary

Master's Teaching Guides


Training Itinerary

Module Custom code Subject ECTS Semester Type
Direction and Management 620601 Management of Technology-Based Projects and Software Factories 6 1st year-1st semester required
620602 Government and Audit of Information Systems 3 1st year-1st semester required
620616 Information Management Systems 3 1st year-2st semester required
Information Technologies 620604 Systems and Mobile Interfaces 3 1st year-2st semester required
620605 Interactive Media 6 1st year-1st semester required
620606 Runtime Systems and Virtual Machines 6 1st year-2st semester required
620607 Web Engineering and Cloud Computing 6 1st year-1st semester required
620608 Parallel programming and high performance 3 1st year-2st semester required
620609 soft computing 6 1st year-2st semester required
620610 Distributed Artificial Intelligence 3 1st year-1st semester required
620611 Advanced Embedded and Heterogeneous Systems 6 1st year-2st semester required
620617 high performance architectures 3 1st year-1st semester required
620618 Advanced Security 3 1st year-1st semester required
620613 Graphic Techniques and Architectures 3 1st year-2st semester required
620619 Data Engineering: Big Data 6 2st year-1st semester required
Master's thesis 620615 Master's thesis 24 2st year-1st semester required


Distribution of the study plan in ECTS credits, by type of subject for Postgraduate degrees.





Master's thesis




External Internships

This master's degree does not plan to carry out External Internships

Mobility programs

University Master's degrees, due to their duration and characteristics, in general do not specifically contemplate the mobility of their students. However, the Rey Juan Carlos University has different mobility programs for both students and University workers (PDI and PAS) and has procedures for collecting and analyzing information on these mobility programs.

URJC Mobility

Quality guarantee

RUCT link


Results report

Once the monitoring of the Master's Degree has been carried out, the most relevant quantitative information on the results obtained in the monitoring of said Degree is displayed, differentiated by academic year.

General information collection plan

Within the quality assurance system of the Rey Juan Carlos University, the following surveys are planned:

- Student profile

- Teacher evaluation

- Degree of satisfaction:

  • Of the students
  • of the graduates
  • From the Faculty
  • Administration and Services Staff

- Labor insertion

- External internships:

  • Satisfaction of interns
  • External tutor satisfaction
  • Employer satisfaction

Survey results:

Improvement actions

The Quality Assurance System of the Rey Juan Carlos University establishes that the degree's Quality Assurance Commission will annually analyze the information derived from the degree's indicators and prepare a report that will include improvement plans if the results so indicate.

Renewal of accreditation

The renewal of the accreditation represents the culmination of the implementation process of the official Bachelor's and Master's degrees registered in the Register of Universities, Centers and Degrees (RUCT). The renewal of the accreditation of official bachelor's and master's degrees is organized in three phases: self-assessment report, external visit and final assessment.

In the first phase, the university describes and assesses the status of the degree with respect to the established criteria and guidelines. The result is the Self-Assessment Report (IA) that is presented. The second and third phases are carried out by a group of evaluators external to the evaluated title.”