This degree qualifies for the profession of Teacher in Primary Education. Order ECI/3857/2007
Branch of knowledge: Social and Legal Sciences
Responsible Center: Faculty of Education and Sports Sciences and Interdisciplinary Studies
Teaching modality and Campus: Face-to-face Fuenlabrada y Móstoles | Blended learning and English - Madrid-Vicalvaro
Double degree with: Childhood education, Maths
Credits: 240 Credits year: 60 Duration: 4 years. Implantation: progressive, first year 2009-2010
Academic Calendar Schedule Examinations Teaching Guides Validations with FP modules Faculty
Coordinator: Prof. Dr. Rosa María Espada Chavarría / Prof. Dr. D. Antonio Huertas Morales (Vice Coordinator)
Student attention: 91 665 5060 Student Help Box Suggestions, complaints and congratulations mailbox
Basic Information
What knowledge will I acquire with this Degree?
Students who complete their training in the Degree in Primary Education, in accordance with the provisions of the Degree Report, must know:
- Know the curricular areas of Primary Education, the interdisciplinary relationship between them, the evaluation criteria and the body of didactic knowledge around the respective teaching and learning procedures.
- Design, plan and evaluate teaching and learning processes, both individually and in collaboration with other teachers and professionals from the center.
- Effectively address language learning situations in multicultural and multilingual contexts. Encourage reading and critical commentary on texts from the various scientific and cultural domains contained in the school curriculum.
- Design and regulate learning spaces in contexts of diversity and that attend to gender equality, equity and respect for human rights that conform the values of citizenship education.
- Promote coexistence in the classroom and outside of it, resolve disciplinary problems and contribute to the peaceful resolution of conflicts. Stimulate and value effort, perseverance and personal discipline in students.
- Know the organization of primary education schools and the diversity of actions that comprise their operation.
- Perform the functions of tutoring and guidance with students and their families, attending to the unique educational needs of students. Assume that the exercise of the teaching function must be perfected and adapted to scientific, pedagogical and social changes throughout life.
- Collaborate with the different sectors of the educational community and the social environment. Assume the educational dimension of the teaching function and promote democratic education for active citizenship.
- Maintain a critical and autonomous relationship with respect to knowledge, values and public and private social institutions.
- Value individual and collective responsibility and the achievement of a sustainable future.
- Reflect on classroom practices to innovate and improve teaching. Acquire habits and skills for autonomous and cooperative learning and promote it among students.
- Know and apply information and communication technologies in the classroom. Selectively discern audiovisual information that contributes to learning, civic education and cultural wealth.
- Understand the role, possibilities and limits of education in today's society and the fundamental skills that affect primary schools and their professionals. Know models of quality improvement with application to educational centers.
Where will I be able to work when I graduate?
This degree qualifies for the exercise of the profession of Teacher of Primary Education, both in public schools and in private and concerted schools, whose current social demand is significant, in order to attend to a system that is constantly changing and with great difficulties due to the structural modifications known in recent years in the field of the family and ethnic and cultural heterogeneity, to the problems derived from bilingual education and with the incorporation of Information and Communication Technologies in the school environment. Likewise, today's society demands this type of professionals to carry out other functions or professions related to Primary Education, both in the formal educational part and in the non-formal educational part and in environments other than the regulated educational system, such as, for example, groups of youth, farms, schools, labor camps and leisure and free time companies.
Is this Degree official according to the regulations required by the European Higher Education Area?
Yes (final verification report is attached), the implementation of the degree will be done progressively, starting the first year in the academic year 2009-10.
The final verification report turned out FAVORABLE
Favorable report first modification
Favorable report second modification
Favorable report third modification
Favorable report fourth modification
Favorable report fifth modification
What subject areas will I address in this grade?
- Subject 1: History (History and Culture of Spain)
- Subject 2: Law (Deontology: Ethics and Social Responsibility in Education)
- Subject 3: Language (Modern Language)
- Subject 4: Informatics (ICT in education.)
- Subject 2.1. Communication. (Audiovisual Communication and Education)
- Subject 2.2. Company (School Organization)
- Subject 2.3. Sociology. (Sociology of Education)
- Subject 2.4. History / Pedagogy.(Social History of Education)
- Subject 2.5. Economics. (Educational Research Methodology)
- Subject 2.7. Pedagogy. (Theory of Education)
- Subject 3.1. Didactics of Mathematics. (Mathematics and its didactics I, II and III)
- Subject 3.2. Didactics of the Language. (Spanish language and literature and its didactics I, II and III).
- Subject 3.3. Didactics of the Language (English) / English. (English Language and its didactics)
- Subject 3.4. Didactics of Social Sciences (Didactics of Social Sciences I, II and III)
- Subject 3.5. Didactics of Experimental Sciences (Didactics of Experimental Sciences I, and II).
- Subject 3.6. Music Education. (Music Education I, II).
- Subject 3.7. Physical Education. (Physical Education I, II)
- Subject 3.8. Artistic and Visual Education. (Artistic and Plastic Education)
Recommended Income Profile
According to what is established in article 42 of the Organic Law 6/2001, of Universities, modified by Law 4/2007, of April 12, access to the official teachings of Degree will require to be in possession of the bachelor's degree (or equivalent). ), and passing the access test referred to, without prejudice to the other access mechanisms provided for by current regulations.
The studies leading to obtain the title of Teacher of Primary Education are collected, in the legal system, in Order 3570/2009, of July 23, of the Community of Madrid, in the Resolution of September 22, 2009, of the General Secretariat of Universities, and in the Resolution of November 17, 2009, of the Rey Juan Carlos University, by which the study plan for Graduate in Primary Education is published, and its successive updates.
Given the natural professional output of future graduates of the Primary Education Degree, as practicing teachers in the education sector, it would be desirable for the student interested in carrying them out to have a great teaching vocation and commitment, in addition to the following characteristics:
- Show interest in the education sector
- Have good expression and comprehension, both oral and written
- have good social skills
- Being innovative in the face of the changes and challenges facing education in the XNUMXst century
- Contribute to transform education to adapt it to individual needs
- Attend to the diversity of the classrooms
- Be intuitive and have the ability to observe
- Show interest in research
- Capacity for adaptation
- Show interest in continuing education
- Have a sense of responsibility and interest in educational work
- Being able to analyze and understand the behavior of others
- Capacity for abstraction and flexibility of thought
- Capacity for analysis and synthesis
- Show concern for social, artistic and cultural issues
- Constancy and discipline at work
- Tolerance, respect, empathy and sensitivity
- Ability to work collaboratively and cooperatively
- Have a good predisposition for creativity
- Have critical, holistic and divergent thinking
- Have verbal fluency, communication and relationship skills
- Being a good mediator and facilitator
- Be an ICT expert
- Ease of learning foreign languages
The general objectives that reflect the orientation of the degree and that aim to attend to the multidisciplinary training of future graduates in Primary Education are:
- Understand the functions, possibilities and limits of school education and the fundamental skills that affect the different contexts and primary education centers and their professionals.
- Master the different subjects and the corresponding didactics, as well as their interdisciplinary relationship.
- Design and regulate learning environments in contexts of diversity and that attend to respect for the other so that they conform to the values of citizenship education.
- Maintain a critical and autonomous relationship, with initiative capacity.
- Design, develop and evaluate educational projects and teaching and learning processes.
- Know and apply information and communication technologies in the classroom.
- Organize the interaction of each student with the object of knowledge.
- Act as a mediator so that all the activity that is carried out is significant and stimulates the development potential of the students in a cooperative group work.
- Analyze the context in which its activity is carried out and plan it, responding to a changing society.
- Exercise the functions of tutoring, student orientation and evaluation of their learning.
- Acquire knowledge and instruments that help to base the psycho-socio-pedagogical reflection of the educational fact.
- CG1 Acquire and understand the necessary knowledge of the different areas of study that make up the degree in such a way that they qualify for the profession of Teacher in Primary Education.
- CG2 Knowing how to apply this knowledge to work in a professional manner, demonstrating mastery of skills through the development and defense of arguments and problem solving in these areas of study.
- CG3 Being able to collect and interpret relevant data from the different areas of study and to make judgments that include a reflection on relevant issues of a socio-educational, scientific and ethical nature.
- CG4 Being able to transmit information, ideas, problems and solutions to specialized personnel linked to their training as well as to people whose link is indirect.
- CG5 Acquire the necessary learning skills to expand their studies independently.
- CGI1 Capacity for analysis and synthesis
- CGI2 Capacity for organization and planning
- CGI3 Oral and written communication in the mother tongue
- CGI4 Knowledge of a foreign language
- CGI5 Computer skills related to the field of study
- CGI6 Information management capacity
- CGI7 Troubleshooting
- CGI8 Decision making
- CGP1 Teamwork
- CGP2 Work in an international context
- CGP3 Skills in interpersonal relationships
- CGP4 Recognition of diversity and multiculturalism
- CGP5 Critical Thinking
- CGP6 Ethical Commitment
- CGS1 Autonomous learning
- CGS2 Knowledge of other cultures and customs
- CGS3 Initiative and entrepreneurial spirit
- CGS4 Motivation for quality
- CGS5 Sensitivity towards environmental issues
- CGS6 Adaptation to new situations
- CGS7 Creativity
- CGS8 Leadership
- CE1 Ability to understand the complexity of educational processes in general and of teaching-learning processes in particular, especially those related to the period from 6 to 12 years (Primary Education Stage).
- CE2 Knowledge of the contents to be taught, understanding its epistemological singularity and the specificity of its didactics.
- CE3 Solid scientific-cultural and technological training
- CE4 Ability to analyze and question the conceptions of education emanating from research, as well as the curricular proposals of the Educational Administration.
- CE5 Respect for the cultural and personal differences of the students and other members of the educational community.
- CE6 Design and development of educational projects and programming units that allow the curriculum to be adapted to the sociocultural context.
- CE7 Ability to perform the tutorial function, guiding students and parents and coordinating the educational action referred to their group of students.
- CE8 Commitment to enhance the academic performance of students and their school progress, within the framework of a comprehensive education.
- CE9 Ability to collaborate with the different sectors of the educational community and the environment.
- E1 Know the different curricular areas of Primary Education (especially the subject that concerns us) with all the elements of the Teaching/Learning process and the interdisciplinary relationship between the areas.
- E2 Effectively address learning situations (in design, development and evaluation) between 6 and 12 years of age, from a globalizing and integrating perspective of the different cognitive, emotional, motor, linguistic and self-regulation dimensions. (Globalizing Perspective)
- E3 Create learning environments that favor empathy, social behavior, autonomy and multicultural coexistence by systematically observing the social, family and school environment. (Contextual and social-natural perspective).
- E4 Design, apply and evaluate didactic actions aimed at the development of physical, cognitive, socio-affective, motor and linguistic abilities, knowing the biological, psychological, social and creative factors that determine learning. (Early learning perspective and playful methodology).
- E5 Acquire strategies, based on coordinated work between various professionals to guide families in matters related to the development and education of students from 6 to 12 years old. (Perspective of coordination with other professionals and attention to families)
- E6 Detect possible difficulties that students may present and develop teaching strategies and curricular adaptations promoting the educational and social inclusion of students. Promote a climate of coexistence in the classroom and peacefully resolve any conflicts that may arise. (Perspective of Attention to diversity)
- E7 Design didactic actions related to the understanding of space and time in schoolchildren. (space-time perspective)
- E8 Design and develop educational approaches to communication and expression using gestural and iconic-verbal strategies. (About basic or instrumental learning)
- E9 Appropriate application and use of New Technologies as a vehicle for information, communication and introduction to the world of the mass media. (About New Technologies)
- E10 Use different languages to promote and develop creativity. (On creativity)
- E11 Design experiences to learn about the natural world through sensory perception. (On Sensory and Experimental Development)
- E12 Promote and facilitate the acquisition of healthy habits in relation to hygiene, health and nutrition. (On health and hygiene)
- E13 Know the functioning of Primary Education schools and integrate into educational work, reflecting on the action through their own strategies. (On research-action in the practicum).
- E14 Effectively address language learning situations in multicultural and multilingual contexts. Encourage reading and critical commentary on texts from the various scientific and cultural domains contained in the school curriculum.
- E15 Reflect on classroom practices to innovate and improve teaching. Acquire habits and skills for autonomous and cooperative learning and promote it among students.
- E16 Understand the role, possibilities and limits of education in today's society and the fundamental skills that affect primary schools and their professionals. Know models of quality improvement with application to educational centers.
- E17 Promote the democratic education of citizenship and the practice of critical social thought.
- E18 Promote healthy habits, establishing transversal relationships with all areas of the curriculum
- E19 Detect functional anatomical, cognitive and social relationship difficulties, based on physical and motor signs.
- E20 Use the game, physical activity and sports initiation as a didactic resource and as teaching content.
- E21 Understand the biological and physiological foundations of the human body, as well as the processes of adaptation to physical exercise, and its relationship with health, hygiene and nutrition.
- E22 Use Physical Education as a tool for education in social values: equality, tolerance, solidarity.
- E23 Know the historical evolution of the educational system in our country and the political and legislative conditions of educational activity
- E24 Analyze, know and understand the functions that the teaching profession has acquired culturally and historically, as well as the characteristics of the institutions and organizations in which they carry out their work.
- E25 Know and apply basic methodologies and techniques of educational research and be able to design innovation projects identifying evaluation indicators
- E26 Understand that systematic observation is a basic instrument to be able to reflect on practice and reality, as well as to contribute to innovation and improvement in Primary Education.
- E27 Convert an empirical problem into an object of investigation and draw conclusions.
- E28 Address field analysis through observational methodology using information, documentation and audiovisual technologies.
- E29 Know how to analyze the data obtained, critically understand reality and prepare a report of conclusions.
- E30 Pose and solve problems related to everyday life
- E31 Acquire basic skills in arithmetic, measurement, geometry and information processing, chance and probability.
- E32 Analyze, reason and communicate mathematical propositions
- E33 Understand the functioning of interpersonal and intergroup interaction processes, teacher-student communication and teacher leadership in the classroom, to plan and improve teaching activity.
- E34 Understand the passage from orality to writing and know the different registers and uses of the language.
- E35 Integrate the knowledge acquired on various disciplines taught throughout the Degree in a description and analysis work.
- E36 Facilitate the development of skills by applying theoretically studied solutions and methods to real problems that can be identified.
- E37 Ability to know and question one's own relationship with the media and audiovisual entertainment.
- E38 Delve into the theoretical study of some of the subjects studied in the career
- E39 Use of audiovisual media as tools in teaching-learning processes and knowledge of the specific didactics of audiovisual media.
- E40 Ability to guide the educational community in the proper use of audiovisual media and entertainment.
Minimum stay requirements
- The permanence of the students in the Degree studies will be a maximum of eight years for full-time students. Part-time students may request an extension of up to two more years from the Rector.
- In Bachelor's degrees lasting more than 240 credits (4 years), the maximum of the previous section will be increased by one more year for every 60 ECTS credits that are added to the 240 ECTS.
- Students must pass a minimum of two subjects in the first year. Students studying part-time must pass at least one subject in their first academic year.
- Students who are studying any official Bachelor's degree at the Rey Juan Carlos University may make a maximum of four registrations to pass each of the subjects of the study plan, without counting previous cancellations of the same.
For more information see: Permanence regulations
Access and registration
Access to the official teachings of Degree will require to be in possession of the bachelor's degree or equivalent and the passing of the test referred to in article 42 of the Organic Law 6/2001, of Universities, modified by Law 4/2007, of April 12, without prejudice to the other access mechanisms provided for by current regulations.
The number of places offered for new admission are:
Fuenlabrada Campus: | 142 places (including transfer admission places) |
Mostoles Campus: | 70 places (including transfer admission places) |
Double Degrees
Fuenlabrada Campus: | Early Childhood Education - Primary Education | 15 places |
History - Primary Education (blended) | 10 places | |
Physical Activity and Sports Sciences - Primary Education. Physics Ed. Mention (blended) | 15 places | |
Mostoles Campus: | Mathematics – Primary Education | 10 places |
Alcorcon Campus | Spanish Sign Language and the Deaf Community - Primary Education (blended) | 5 places |
Matriculation year
The enrollment process at the Rey Juan Carlos University is done through the Internet. You can carry out the procedures on the computers installed on campus or through any computer with network access. You can check the deadlines at registration , as well as the different requirements and necessary documents.
Validation with FP qualifications
External Internships
The External Internship subjects of the Degree in Primary Education are coordinated from the URJC each year according to the Order that the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports publishes each year, which establishes the procedure for the Practicum in centers of the Community of Madrid .
The Degree Practicum takes place in the centers that offer places for the URJC each academic year (on their own initiative or at the request of the interested students), in the periods stipulated by the Coordination. Students also have the opportunity to apply for internships in schools in other autonomous communities or abroad.
The educational centers of the Community of Madrid that have never been internship centers must request it at the address , where they will be provided with the username and password to access the PracticumXXI platform, from which teaching practices are managed.
All deadlines and procedures related to the assignment of internship places will be communicated to students through the Virtual Campus. In this sense, they can raise any query of an administrative nature at the address .
Social Security contributions for interns starting January 1, 2024
In compliance with Article 13.5 of Organic Law 1/1996, of January 15, on the Legal Protection of Minors, amending the Civil Code and the Law of Civil Procedure, and its wording in Article 1.8 of Law 26/ 2015, of July 28, modifying the protection system for children and adolescents, for carrying out internships in which contact with minors is maintained, it will be an essential requirement that the student present to the University, at the time of processing his/her internship, a negative certificate of crimes against freedom and sexual indemnity. You can find out about it at the following link:
Academic Recognition of Credits
Regulations for academic recognition of credits in undergraduate studies
Mobility programs
The Erasmus program makes it easy for URJC students -both undergraduate and postgraduate- to study one or several semesters at one of the European universities with which the URJC has agreements.
These exchanges traditionally have an economic endowment thanks to the Erasmus Scholarships provided by the EU and the Spanish Ministry of Education.
The Munde program manages mobility with universities from countries not included in the Erasmus Program.
The possibility of obtaining a scholarship or economic endowment and its amount depends, in each case, on the agreements with the universities, countries or entities that sign it.
For more information:
SICUE is a national mobility program for GRADOS university students that allows them to carry out part of their studies at another Spanish university with guarantees of academic recognition, use and adaptation to their curricular profile.
Student support programs
Orientation to future students. The University offers various orientation programs for future students: we carry out visits to high schools and secondary schools, we organize guided visits to the Campuses, we are present in the Classroom and, at the beginning of each course, we carry out welcome days to guide students new students.
academic tutorials. Each teacher carries out, within their teaching planning, academic tutorials on their subject.
Coordinator of the degree. It works to promote coherence and balance between the subjects and the workloads of the students.
mentoring program. The URJC has this program, peer tutoring, in which the students of the last years act as mentors with the first year students.
Students with disabilities. The Support Office for Persons with Disabilities offers guidance and assistance to students with special needs.
Scholarships . The Rey Juan Carlos University manages the main scholarships and annual grants, both its own and from other official bodies: Ministries, Community of Madrid, International Organizations and other entities. It also publishes and disseminates those scholarships and grants of interest to its students and graduates. Throughout the course, students receive information about them through the different communication channels established.
Job placement program. The Rey Juan Carlos University, through the External Internship Unit and the Graduates Office, organizes conferences, workshops and various actions aimed at supporting and guiding students in their job search, to improve their employability and promote job placement . The University has a Job Exchange -a platform available to companies and graduates- where institutions can carry out their selection processes.
*The rates corresponding to double degrees with different degrees of experimentality will be applied as established in the new Decree 43/2022, of June 29, of the Government Council, which establishes the public prices for university studies leading to official degrees and services of an academic nature in the public universities of the Community of Madrid*
- Enrollment and permanence in URJC degree studies. Academic year 2024-25 (effective as of June 1, 2024)
- Regulation of refund of academic fees
- Admission due to change of campus or modality, university and/or partial Spanish university studies of Degree and Double Degree of the URJC
- Public Prices
- Academic exemption (Regulations for the Evaluation of Learning Outcomes - Title IX)
- External internships (in force during the 21/22 academic year)
- External internships (applicable from the 22/23 academic year)
- Academic Recognition of Credits (RAC)
- TFG Framework Regulation (Approved Governing Council May 26, 2023)
- Extraordinary End of Degree Award
- Regulation on the Assessment of Learning Outcomes (in force from 1 September 2024)
- Review and claim of the evaluation (Regulations for the Evaluation of Learning Outcomes - Title VII)
- Request for review and claim of the evaluation
- Early call (Regulations on the Assessment of Learning Outcomes - Article 19)
- Early call procedure
- Compensation Court (Regulations for the Evaluation of Learning Outcomes - Title X)
Validation, adaptation of studies, recognition of credits and homologation of foreign qualifications
- Validations / Recognition degrees
- Partial validation of foreign studies
- Complementary training requirements prior to the recognition of foreign qualifications
Quality guarantee
Results report
Once the follow-up has been carried out, the quantitative information on the results obtained in the follow-up of said Degree is shown, differentiated by academic year.
Report by course:
General information collection plan
Within the quality assurance system of the Rey Juan Carlos University, the following surveys are planned:
- New students
- Teacher evaluation
- Student satisfaction
- Satisfaction of the graduates
- Labor insertion
- Causes of abandonment
- Career path:
- Second year after graduation
- Third year after graduation
- Fourth year after graduation
- Degree of satisfaction:
- Faculty with the campus and university
- Teacher with degree
- of the evaluators
- Incoming student mobility program
- Outgoing Student Mobility Program
- Administration and services staff with the university
- External internships:
- Student satisfaction
- External tutor satisfaction
- Evaluator satisfaction
Survey results:
Improvement actions
The Quality Assurance System of the Rey Juan Carlos University establishes that the degree's Quality Assurance Commission will annually analyze the information derived from the degree's indicators and prepare a report that will include improvement plans if the results so indicate.
- Improvement actions 2022/2023
- Improvement actions 2021/2022
- Improvement actions 2020/2021
- Improvement actions 2019/2020
- Improvement actions 2018/2019
- Improvement actions 2017/2018
- Improvement actions 2016/2017
- Improvement actions 2015/2016
- Improvement actions 2014/2015
- Improvement actions 2013/2014
- Improvement actions 2012/2013
- Improvement actions 2011/2012
- Improvement actions 2010/2011
- Improvement actions 2009/2010
Renewal of accreditation
The renewal of the accreditation represents the culmination of the implementation process of the official Bachelor's and Master's degrees registered in the Register of Universities, Centers and Degrees (RUCT). The renewal of the accreditation of official bachelor's and master's degrees is organized in three phases: self-assessment report, external visit and final assessment.
In the first phase, the university describes and assesses the status of the degree with respect to the established criteria and guidelines. The result is the Self-Assessment Report (IA) that is presented. The second and third phases are carried out by a group of evaluators external to the evaluated title.