Responsible Center: Official Masters School Location: Campus Madrid - Vicalvaro
Modality: Onsite Title code: 6277 Orientation:
Number of ECTS Credits: 60 ECTS Duration of the Master: an academic year
Public prices: See table
Academic Calendar Opening hours Examinations Teaching Guides Faculty
Director of the Master: Mr. Fernando Suarez Bilbao
University master's information: Phone: 91 665 5060 Inquiries Mailbox
Student attention: Student Help Box Suggestions, complaints and congratulations mailbox
Basic Information
What knowledge will I acquire with this Master?
The study plan of the Master in Legal and Judicial TeI aims to train specialized translators and interpreters in the legal and judicial field. A specialization framework that is particularly relevant due to the need to combine knowledge of translation and law: in areas such as criminal and procedural law, together with business law, among others. This is combined, in the case of a legal translation and court interpreting professional, with knowledge of the legal and procedural system of language B.
Is this degree official according to the regulations required by the European Higher Education Area?
Yes (final verification report is attached), starting the first course in the academic year 2017-18.
Final verification report turned out FAVORABLE
Is it necessary to pass an access test?
Candidates must pass a specific entrance test that will consist of the following parts:
· Personal interview in their working languages.
The exercise will be eliminatory, so it will be essential to pass it to carry out the following tests.
· Translation from Arabic/Chinese/English into Spanish: Translation of a general subject text with a specialized focus (legal/judicial), approximately 150 words long. The use of dictionaries or other means of consultation will not be allowed.
· Translation from Spanish to Arabic/Chinese/English: Translation of a general subject text with a specialized focus (legal/judicial), an approximate length of 150 words. The use of dictionaries or other means of consultation will not be allowed.
What is the minimum number of credits for which I can enroll?
You can see it in the rules of permanence in this link
Recommended income profile
The specific degree that facilitates direct access to the Master is:
Degree in Translation and Interpretation
Candidates for other degrees must take, in addition to the 60 ECTS credits of the Master's program, another 18 ECTS credits of training complements:
· Linguistics Applied to the Translation of legal, judicial and economic texts (6 credits)
· Theory and Practice of Translation: Introduction to the translation of legal, judicial and economic texts (6 credits)
Judicial interpreting techniques (6 credits).
Minimum language prerequisites:
Graduates of Translation and Interpreting from Spanish universities will be exempt from documentary proof of their linguistic level in languages A, B and C that appear on their academic record.
In the case of students whose native language is not Spanish, and have not studied Translation and Interpreting in Spain, they must accredit a level of Spanish equivalent to the Spanish Diploma level C1 of the Cervantes Institute.
For students who have not completed the Translation and Interpreting Studies in Spain and are not, in relation to the chosen itinerary, native speakers of the respective chosen second languages: German, Arabic, Chinese or English, the minimum level required in these languages will be equivalent to level B2 of the EE.OO. II.
- CB6 - Possess and understand knowledge that provides a basis or opportunity to be original in the development and/or application of ideas, often in a research context
- CB7 - That students know how to apply the knowledge acquired and their ability to solve problems in new or little-known environments within broader (or multidisciplinary) contexts related to their area of study
- CB8 - That students are able to integrate knowledge and face the complexity of formulating judgments based on information that, being incomplete or limited, includes reflections on the social and ethical responsibilities linked to the application of their knowledge and judgments
- CB9 - That students know how to communicate their conclusions and the knowledge and ultimate reasons that support them to specialized and non-specialized audiences in a clear and unambiguous way
- CB10 - That students have the learning skills that allow them to continue studying in a way that will be largely self-directed or autonomous.
- CG01 - That students acquire the intellectual and ethical guidelines of translators and interpreters
- CG02 - That students develop critical reasoning and an ethical commitment
- CG03 - That students develop analysis and synthesis skills
- CG04 - That students develop the ability to evaluate and present work in accordance with quality requirements
- CG05 - That students know how to relate in a professional environment (in the classroom) and at work
- CG06 - Translation competence. That students develop the ability to translate legal, judicial and economic texts at the required level
- CG07 - Interpretive competence. That students develop the ability to interpret at the level required in Courts and similar communicative contexts
- CG08 - Linguistic and textual competence in the source language and in the target language. That students develop linguistic and communicative competence in languages A and B of the master's degree and intercultural communicative competence, which allow them to know and use genres and registers in the legal and judicial field and to know the linguistic resources associated with them, which be the basis both for discursive production and for translation and interpretation.
- CG09 - Documentary competence, information acquisition and processing. That students effectively acquire the additional linguistic and specialized knowledge necessary to understand the source text and produce the target text.
- CG10 - Cultural competence. That students develop the ability to use information about local conventions, behavioral norms and value systems that characterize cultures, and how they are projected in the uses of languages (pragmatic component).
- CG11 - Technological competence. That students develop the skills and techniques required for the professional preparation and production of translations
- CG12 - That students acquire the necessary knowledge in the use, function and repercussions of the sworn translation
- CE01 - That students know and act in accordance with the professional ethics of translators and interpreters
- CE02 - That students know and apply the rules of sworn translation
- CE03 - That students develop a communicative competence in the corresponding languages A and B and an intercultural competence for the development of translation and interpretation tasks in Courts
- CE04 - That students know how to determine the values of legal, judicial and economic texts in parameters of linguistic variation and textual function.
- CE05 - That students know how to analyze and distinguish rules and linguistic uses both in legal and economic texts, as well as in a specialized environment of the Courts.
- CE06 - That students know the formal and pragmatic functioning of human language.
- CE07 - That students know the conventions related to the structure of genres, rhetorical resources and the production context of legal, judicial and economic texts (oral and written)
- CE08 - That students know the fundamental linguistic concepts and theories; applied to legal, judicial and economic texts.
- CE09 - That students know the cultural and social context and the rules and uses of the corresponding languages A and B, also considering their diversity and know how to apply them in specific contexts such as that of the Courts
- CE10 - That students develop a network of cultural references and know how to use information about local conventions, behavioral norms and value systems of the cultures of origin and destination in the framework of intercultural and multilingual communication, and how they are projected in the uses of languages (pragmatic component) in legal and judicial contexts
- CE11 - Let the students
- CE12 - That students acquire skills and strategies for achieving and arguing for equivalence in legal, judicial and economic translation.
- CE13 - That students acquire skills and strategies to distinguish linguistic analysis units and translation units in legal, judicial and economic texts.
- CE14 - That students know how to analyze and describe the normative, textual and pragmatic implications of legal, judicial and economic translation.
- CE15 - That students know the fundamental translation concepts and theories and apply them to legal and judicial translation and interpretation
- CE16 - That students master the necessary procedures to carry out textual reproduction tasks: comprehension, formulation and linguistic alternation, with legal and judicial texts.
- CE17 - That students know the regulatory regulatory framework of administrative, judicial and commercial procedures.
- CE18 - That students are capable of selecting and managing legal and economic information and documentation
- CE19 - That students are able to write according to the textual conventions of legal and economic texts and to read and interpret legal and economic texts
- CE20 - That students know the regulatory regulatory framework of national and international legal-public relations and institutions
- CE21 - That students understand the importance of Law as a regulatory system of social relations
- CE22 - That students know the basic techniques of interpreting in the judicial field.
- CE23 - That students acquire control over their own procedures: know how to order the pertinent data of the original text and of the communicative situation to direct the selection of techniques and the evaluation of results, ensuring terminological coherence, register and style, and apply with legal and judicial texts
- CE24 - That students master note-taking techniques in court interpreting
- CE25 - That students know how to deal with the unexpected (changes in scope, topic, scheme, etc.) and interruptions in communication in judicial contexts.
- CE26 - That students are aware of the verbal, paralinguistic, kinesthetic and proxemic information transmitted by a message and integrate it in its interpretation in a judicial environment
- CE27 - That students know how to avoid the most frequent transfer errors between languages, in the framework of judicial interpretations
- CE28 - That students coordinate the processes of reception in the source language and production in the target language, within the framework of a judicial interpretation
- CE29 - That students are able to concentrate on a task within the framework of a judicial interpretation, resisting psychological fatigue during its execution.
- CE30 - That students know the physical means and electronic equipment used in simultaneous interpretation in a judicial context.
- CE31 - That students develop the cognitive skills (analysis, concentration and memory) necessary for the exercise of interpretation in a judicial context.
- CE32 - That students dominate computer technologies applied to legal, judicial and economic translation, based on practice with computer programs.
- CE33 - That students know how to use documentary resources and are capable of developing appropriate strategies for the use of available information sources to translate legal, judicial and economic texts and perform interpretations in Court.
- CE34 - Acquire awareness of the need for a proactive and responsible attitude in cooperative teamwork environments, within the framework of judicial translations.
- CE35 - That students are capable of evaluating and presenting works in accordance with quality requirements and the demands of the style guide and the format in which the product has to be presented.
- CE36 - That students know how to plan their own work and develop it autonomously
Admission and enrollment
The requirements for access to the proposed title are according to article 18, of Royal Decree 822/2021, of September 28:
- Possession of an official Spanish Graduate or Graduate university degree or equivalent is a condition for accessing a Master's Degree, or, where appropriate, having another University Master's degree, or titles of the same level as the Spanish Bachelor's or Master's degree issued by universities and higher education institutions in an EHEA country that in that country allow access to Master's degrees.
- In the same way, people in possession of titles from educational systems that are not part of the EHEA, which are equivalent to a Bachelor's degree, will be able to access a Master's Degree in the Spanish university system, without the need for homologation of the title, but verification by of the university of the level of training that they imply, as long as in the country where said title was issued it allows access to university postgraduate level studies. In no case will access through this route imply the homologation of the previous degree held by the person concerned or its recognition for other purposes than that of carrying out the Master's degree.
The specific degree that facilitates direct access to the Master is:
Degree in Translation and Interpretation
Candidates for other degrees must take, in addition to the 60 ECTS credits of the Master's program, another 18 ECTS credits of training complements:
· Linguistics Applied to the Translation of legal, judicial and economic texts (6 credits)
Theory and Practice of Translation: Introduction to the translation of legal, judicial and economic texts (6 credits)
Judicial interpreting techniques (6 credits).
Minimum language prerequisites:
Graduates of Translation and Interpreting from Spanish universities will be exempt from documentary proof of their linguistic level in languages A, B and C that appear on their academic record.
In the case of students whose native language is not Spanish, and have not studied Translation and Interpreting in Spain, they must accredit a level of Spanish equivalent to the Spanish Diploma level C1 of the Cervantes Institute.
For students who have not completed the Translation and Interpreting Studies in Spain and are not, in relation to the chosen itinerary, native speakers of the respective chosen second languages: German, Arabic, Chinese or English, the minimum level required in these languages will be equivalent to level B2 of the EE.OO. II.
To pre-register you must submit the following specific documentation
Candidates must pass a specific entrance test that will consist of the following parts:
· Personal interview in their working languages. Two teachers will be present, one for each language. Candidates will answer questions about general and cultural issues related to the countries of the working languages, as well as about their personal profile. They must answer in the same language in which the questions are asked. Also, following instructions from the jury, candidates may be asked to comment, summarize or translate written material or visual material.
The exercise will be eliminatory, so it will be essential to pass it to perform the following tests.
· Translation from German/Arabic/Chinese/English into Spanish: Translation of a general subject text with a specialized focus (legal/judicial), approximately 150 words long. The use of dictionaries or other means of consultation will not be allowed.
· Translation from Spanish to German/Arabic/Chinese/English: Translation of a general subject text with a specialized focus (legal/judicial), an approximate length of 150 words. The use of dictionaries or other means of consultation will not be allowed.
To be accepted, candidates must obtain a PASS score in each of the three previous tests.
Offer of places: 40 places. If the minimum number of students envisaged is not reached in a course, the University may choose not to open the teaching group.
Training itinerary
Master's Teaching Guides
Training Itinerary
Profile of students who must take them
In the case of law graduates, their incorporation will be accepted as long as they demonstrate their command of Spanish and language B for which they apply to enter the Master's degree, as well as cultural competence in both languages. In their case, they will have to study, in addition to the 60 credits of the Master, 18 credits of training complements: Linguistics Applied to the Translation of legal, judicial and economic texts; Theory and Practice of Translation: Introduction to the translation of legal, judicial and economic texts and Judicial Interpreting Techniques.
Graduates with linguistic qualifications (English Studies, Arab and Islamic Studies and Asian Studies) can also access the Master's Degree, provided they demonstrate command of Spanish and language B for which they apply to access the Master's Degree, as well as cultural competence in both languages. In their case, they will have to take 12 credits of training complements: Introduction to the translation of legal, judicial and economic texts and Judicial interpretation techniques.
External Internships
The External Practices subject is a curricular subject whose main objective is to promote a comprehensive training of the student through the practical application of the knowledge acquired during the Master's degree, which facilitates direct contact with the professional activity and the opportunity to join the professional world with a minimum of experience. All practices are designed so that the students who participate in them acquire professional experience in real situations and conditions, applying the knowledge, skills and attitudes that are acquired in the training processes throughout the degree. The internships represent a decisive opportunity for the personal development and professional future of the students.
Internships are activities carried out by the student in companies, institutions and organizations; that is, in centers outside the university premises, which aim to enrich and complement their university education, while providing them with a deeper knowledge about the skills they will need in the future.
The External Practices subject will consist of two phases.
First. Completion of the internship period that offers professional experience related to any of the profiles that are expressed in the Verification Report of the degree.
Second. Preparation of memory.
For more information: External Internship Unit
Social Security contributions for interns starting January 1, 2024
Mobility programs
University Master's degrees, due to their duration and characteristics, in general do not specifically contemplate the mobility of their students. However, the Rey Juan Carlos University has different mobility programs for both students and University workers (PDI and PAS) and has procedures for collecting and analyzing information on these mobility programs. The management of all the mobility programs of the University is centralized in the Office of the Vice President for International Relations and any student of the University can participate in them.
- Academic Calendar
- Regulations for enrollment and permanence in university master's degrees at the URJC || Explanatory notes
- Academic exemption (repealed and replaced by the Evaluation Regulations-Title IX)
- Public prices for university master's degrees
- Exemption from the prices of official master's and doctoral studies for the sons and daughters under 25 years of age of victims of gender violence
- External Internships
- University Master's Thesis
- Review and Complaint of the Continuous Evaluation in the studies of university master's degrees of the URJC
- Acknowledgments / Adaptations of university master's degrees
- Simultaneity of URJC university master's degree studies
- Regulations of the School of Official Masters
- Addendum to the protocol for adapting teaching at the School of Official Master's Degrees
- Royal Decree 1125/2003, of September 5, which establishes the European credit system and the qualification system in official university degrees valid throughout the national territory
- Article 6.1.2. The favorable resolution of the request for total cancellation of registration does not necessarily imply the refund of the amount paid by the student. To do this, the requirements established in the Article 10.3 of the present regulations.
- Article 11.3. The extension of the period of permanence will be requested through the procedure established for this purpose by the Rey Juan Carlos University in the electronic office, within the established period. The Rector may authorize the continuation of studies in those cases in which exceptional causes, duly documented, have affected the academic performance of the students., valid for that academic year (up to a maximum of one year).
- Article 11.4. In accordance with what is established by the Article 4 of these regulations, those students whose request to remain is resolved favorably will have to enroll in all the remaining subjects to complete their studies.
- Article 11.5. For subjects with an indefinite call, once the extension of the permanence period is granted, the fees corresponding to the second and successive registrations will be paid according to the corresponding Public Price Decree as long as they have been previously enrolled in that subject.
- Article 12.4. Once this is granted, the student must enroll in accordance with the provisions of the Article 4 of the present regulations.
- Article 12.5. For subjects with an indefinite call, once continuity in the University Master's studies is granted, the fees corresponding to the second and successive registrations will be paid according to the corresponding Public Price Decree as long as they have been previously enrolled in that subject.
Quality guarantee
Results report
Once the monitoring of the Master's Degree has been carried out, the most relevant quantitative information on the results obtained in the monitoring of said Degree is displayed, differentiated by academic year.
Report by course:
General information collection plan
Within the quality assurance system of the Rey Juan Carlos University, the following surveys are planned:
- Student profile
- Teacher evaluation
- Degree of satisfaction:
- Of the students
- of the graduates
- From the Faculty
- Administration and Services Staff
- Labor insertion
- External internships:
- Satisfaction of interns
- External tutor satisfaction
- Employer satisfaction
Survey results:
Improvement actions
The Quality Assurance System of the Rey Juan Carlos University establishes that the degree's Quality Assurance Commission will annually analyze the information derived from the degree's indicators and prepare a report that will include improvement plans if the results so indicate.
Renewal of accreditation
The renewal of the accreditation represents the culmination of the implementation process of the official Bachelor's and Master's degrees registered in the Register of Universities, Centers and Degrees (RUCT). The renewal of the accreditation of official bachelor's and master's degrees is organized in three phases: self-assessment report, external visit and final assessment.
In the first phase, the university describes and assesses the status of the degree with respect to the established criteria and guidelines. The result is the Self-Assessment Report (IA) that is presented. The second and third phases are carried out by a group of evaluators external to the evaluated title.”