In this section you can obtain information on the organization of the entrance exam for people over 25 years of age.
General Information
legal regulations
Correction of errors of the Resolution of June 5, 2017, of the General Directorate of Universities and Research, which publicizes the Agreement of the Organizing Committee, which modifies the rules and instructions governing the university entrance exam for those over twenty-five years of age in the field of the Community of Madrid.
Litigation, Arbitration of June 5, 2017, of the General Directorate of Universities and Research, which publicizes the agreement of the Organizing Commission by which the rules and regulatory instructions of the university entrance exam for over twenty-five are modified years in the Community of Madrid.
Royal Decree 412 / 2014, of June 6, which establishes the basic regulations for admission procedures to official university degree courses.
Resolution of November 26, 2014, of the General Directorate of Universities and Research, which publicizes the Agreement of the Organizing Commission by which the regulations and instructions governing the university entrance exam for those over twenty-five years of age are issued in the field of Madrid's community.
ORDER 1342/2012 of February 7, which regulates the organizing commission of the university entrance exams for those over twenty-five and forty-five years of age.
Candidates for the Over 25 Tests must meet the following requirements:
- Not possess any Academic Degree that gives access to the University by other means
- Meet or be 25 years of age in the calendar year in which said test is held
Exam Characteristics
The syllabus of the subjects will be the same as that of the subjects of the second year of Baccalaureate, in accordance with Royal Decree 1105/2014, of December 26, which establishes the basic curriculum of Compulsory Secondary Education and Baccalaureate.
The entrance test is structured in two parts: General Phase and Specific Phase.
The general phase will comprise three exercises:
- Text commentary or development of a current general topic.
- Spanish language
- Foreign language, to choose between English and French.
Each exercise of the general phase will present a single option, except in the Spanish language exercise, in which the candidate must choose one of two possible options. The duration of each of the exercises in the general phase will be sixty minutes, with the exception of the Spanish language exercise, which will last ninety minutes.
The specific phase of the test is intended to assess the skills, abilities and aptitudes of the candidates to successfully complete the different university courses linked to each of the branches of knowledge around which the official university degrees are organized. To do this, the specific phase will be structured into five options linked to the five branches of knowledge:
- Option : Arts and Humanities
- Option : Science
- Option : Health Sciences
- Option: Social and Legal Sciences
- Option : Engineering and Architecture
In the specific phase, the candidate will be examined in two subjects linked to the option of his choice. The list of subjects offered by the Rey Juan Carlos University can be found in the attached table below.
Each exam of the specific phase will present two different options from which one must be chosen. The duration of each exam will be ninety minutes.
The candidate will have preference in admission to the university or universities in which they have taken the entrance exam and in the degrees linked to the branch or option passed in the specific phase. In the event that the subjects of this phase are common to several branches, the test in those branches will be considered passed.
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
Instructions for taking the exam for people over 25 years of age
- Students are reminded that absolute punctuality is essential. The student who arrives late for the exam, or who does not show up, will be graded with a zero in the exercise that she does not attend.
- Students must always carry the receipt of having paid the fees for the exam and their DNI, which can be requested at any time during the Tests.
- Once the test has started, no change of subject can be made.
- Upon entering the first exam, students will be given identification barcode labels. Each exam that the student takes will have a reserved space on the first and last page to paste these labels. Extreme care will be taken in this operation to not tear them or place them outside the mentioned space. If there is any type of problem with the label, notify the classroom manager immediately. Even if the exam is delivered blank, the labels will be attached.
- You cannot leave the classroom until half an hour after the exam has started. A student is also not allowed to enter after the initial 20 minutes of each exam.
- To guarantee the confidentiality of the Test, the name may not be written or any identifying mark left on the exam.
- Once each exercise is finished, the student will hand it in to the person in charge of the classroom, even if he or she leaves the exam blank.
- The Court has the legal capacity to expel from the classroom and annul the tests to people who fail to comply with the rules of ethics, respect and order that must be followed in the exercises. Expulsion carries a grade of 0 in all subjects.
- In the event that a student needs to justify attendance at the Tests, they may request proof from the Court.
- The use of calculators is allowed in the subjects of Mathematics, Mathematics Applied to CC. Social II, Chemistry, Physics and Business Economics. Calculators may not have ANY of the following features: Programmable, Transmit data, graphical display, equation solving, matrix operations, determinant computation, derivative computation, integral computation, or alphanumeric data storage. Anyone who has any of these characteristics will be removed.
- The presence or use of mobile phones or other electronic devices will not be allowed.
Qualification of the access test
- The Universities will carry out an annual call for access tests for those over 25 years of age.
- The candidate may take the entrance exam at as many Universities as they deem appropriate.
- The candidate will be able to carry out the specific phase in the option of their choice. With regard to admission, he will have preference in the University or Universities in which he has taken the test and in the degrees of the branch of knowledge / option of which he has been examined in the specific phase.
- Each exercise, both in the general phase and in the specific phase, will be graded from 0 to 10 points
- The qualification of the general phase will be the arithmetic mean of the marks of Language, Text Commentary and Language.
- The qualification of the specific phase will be the arithmetic mean of the marks of the 2 subjects of the chosen option.
- The final grade of the test will be the arithmetic mean of the grade of the general phase and that of the specific phase, graded from 0 to 10 and expressed with two decimal figures, rounded to the nearest hundredth and in case of equidistance to the higher. .
- It will be understood that the candidate has passed the entrance test when they obtain a minimum of five points in the final grade, and in no case may they average when a minimum score of four points is not obtained both in the general phase and in the specific phase.
- Once the entrance test has been passed, the candidates may present themselves again, to the entire test, in successive calls in order to improve their qualification. The grade obtained in the new call will be taken into consideration, provided that it is higher than the previous one.
- 3% of the places offered by the University will be reserved for this route.
IMPORTANT: Passing the test does not imply being admitted to the university.
They will be able to consult the admission procedures On our website
Documentation and registration deadline
Enrollment period: 9 to the 20 of January of 2025
Enrollment instructions
To register for the senior test you must follow these steps:
- Access the Registration Platform for people over 25, 40 and 45 years old
When you access the platform, two options will appear, which you must select:
- New User Registration:
- If you have not previously participated in any entrance exam, course, etc., with the URJC, and therefore do not have, nor have you ever had, an access password.
- If you have not yet made any new user registration requests during the current academic year.
- If you have selected this option, you must register your details and follow the instructions you will receive in an email after registration.
- I already have an account:
- If you have previously participated in any entrance exam, course, etc. with the URJC.
- If you have already requested your “New User Registration” and want to continue with your enrollment process for the senior test.
- If you have already registered and have selected “Receipt” as your payment method, You must pay it within 10 business days by the following means:
- At Banco Santander: through Electronic Banking or ATMs or window.
- At CaixaBank: through Online Banking and ATMs. Over-the-counter payments are not accepted.
- Important: payment cannot be made via bank transfer.
- Once you have registered and made the payment, you must present the following documentation:
- DNI, or valid identity document for foreign citizens.
- Students with a large family, a disability equal to or greater than 33%, victims of gender violence or terrorism, minimum living income and/or participants in international peace and security operations who have requested exemption from payment of fees: card, ID or valid certificate that accredits this.
- Accommodation Request for students with disabilities or other special circumstances. They will also provide the corresponding supporting documentation or report.
The above documentation must be submitted during the registration period in the University registration through the following channels:
- Telematically through Registration of the Electronic Headquarters (it is necessary to have an electronic certificate or equivalent).
- In person, after previously consulting the schedules and the availability of the Registration offices of each campus.
Enrollment platform: deadline closed
If you detect any error in the subjects you have enrolled in (or they do not correspond to those you wish to examine), you must notify this as soon as possible through the aforementioned university registry, the last day to make any changes to your registration being February 20, 2025.
Dates and times of the entrance exams
To take the university entrance exam
Test date: Saturday, March 1, 2025 - Classroom II, Móstoles Campus. C/Tulipán s/n.
The list of classroom distribution will be available on this page from 28 February 2025 at 13:00 p.m.
Schedules of the test
The test will be held on the Móstoles campus, in Lecture Hall II
9.00 | Student Appeal |
9.30-12.00 | Text comment/Spanish language |
12.00-12.30 | Rest |
12.30-12.40 | Student Appeal |
12.40-13.40 | Language |
15.00 | Student Appeal |
15.15-18.15 | 2 Subjects of the chosen option |
Official Report Card
The official digital qualification card is an electronic document accrediting the final qualification of the Tests and is signed by means of an electronic signature and a secure verification code (CSV), which allows any recipient of the document to validate its authenticity and integrity in the Electronic Office of University ( ).
This document, being directly verifiable, will allow it to be used in printed or digital format for any procedure without the need for certification or additional stamps.
The card of the Tests carried out from 2020 can be obtained at the following link:
Academic fees and examination rights
- Ordinary registration – 86,31 Euros
- Large Family General Category: will pay 50% of the ordinary amount: 43,15 Euros
- Large Family Special and Honor Category, and Victims of Terrorism: will be exempt from paying fees.
- *In the event of being a Large Family, the certified photocopy of the updated Large Family Title will be provided or, failing that, the original accompanied by a photocopy of the same.
- * In the event of being a Victim of terrorism, a certified photocopy of the certification issued for this purpose by the Ministry of the Interior or, failing that, the original accompanied by a photocopy of the same, must be provided.
- Students with disabilities with a degree greater than or equal to 33% exempt from paying the fees. They must provide the photocopy and original or certified photocopy of the certificate of recognition of the degree of disability.
Additional Information
Once the ratings have been published, a period of three business days will be granted to submit a claim through the note query screen of the web. The exercises on which the claim request has been submitted will be reviewed by specialist university professors who, in any case, will be different from those who made the first correction.
The review will be carried out in order to verify that all the questions have been evaluated and have been done with a correct application of the evaluation and qualification criteria, as well as that there are no material errors in the calculation of the final qualification.
The resolution of the claims will put an end to the administrative procedure.
grade rise
Once the Access Test has been passed, the candidates may present themselves again, to the entire test, in successive calls to improve their qualification. The highest grade will always be taken into consideration.
university entrance
Students who pass the entrance test for those over 25 years of age may apply for admission to the Rey Juan Carlos University and the rest of the universities, although they will have preference in the universities where they have taken the test and in the university's degrees. branch of knowledge that has been examined in the specific phase.
3% of the places offered by the University will be reserved for this route.
IMPORTANT: Passing the test does not imply being admitted to the university.
They will be able to consult the admission procedures On our website
academic equivalency
Order EDU/1603/2009, of June 10, which establishes equivalencies with the titles of Graduate in Compulsory Secondary Education and Bachelor's degrees regulated in Organic Law 2/2006, of May 3, on Education.
- The test of 25 is equivalent to the title of ESO exclusively for work purposes.
- The test of 25 is equivalent to the baccalaureate degree for work purposes as long as you have the ESO (the previous equivalence would not be valid) or have passed 15 ECTS credits in university studies.
Official Report Card
The official digital qualification card is an electronic document accrediting the final qualification of the Tests and is signed by means of an electronic signature and a secure verification code (CSV), which allows any recipient of the document to validate its authenticity and integrity in the Electronic Office of University ( ).
This document, being directly verifiable, will allow it to be used in printed or digital format for any procedure without the need for certification or additional stamps.
The card can be obtained on the same note consultation screen ( ) once the Tests are finished in the following periods:
File transfers and academic certifications
NOTICE: Agreement of the public universities of the Single District of the Community of Madrid, on certifications of the Evaluation of Access to the University and file transfers
They must request file transfer:
All students who have passed the University Entrance Examination at the Rey Juan Carlos University and are admitted to any private University and to Public Universities outside the Community of Madrid, including the UNED.
Students who have started studies at the Rey Juan Carlos University must request the transfer of their file at the Student Secretary of their Campus.
They should not request transfer of file
Those students who have passed the University Entrance Examination at the Rey Juan Carlos University in any call and have been admitted to some of the Public Universities of the Community of Madrid (Alcalá Autónoma, Carlos III, Complutense, Politécnica and Rey Juan Carlos )
Documentation to present:
Letter of admission from the host university (original)
Valid large family card (if applicable).
Place of delivery:
Applications will be delivered to the University Registration Department:
- Telematically through Registration of the Electronic Headquarters (it is necessary to have a digital certificate or equivalent), attaching the application form and the rest of the documentation to the general instance "Expose/Request".
- In person, consulting Previously the schedules and availability of the Registrar's offices of each campus
You can also present it in the registries (face-to-face or digital) of other public administrations that are enabled. The documentation must be addressed to the General Registry of the Rey Juan Carlos University (Identification code DIR3: U05600001).
Once the request has been delivered, within approximately 7 to 15 days, the receipt of payment of fees will be sent to your email. Once paid, you must send the scanned proof of payment by email to the Access Test Service
Rates: (DECREE 43/2022, of June 29, of the Governing Council, which establishes the public prices for university studies leading to official titles and services of an academic nature in the public universities of the Community of Madrid):
- Ordinary: €27,54
- General Large Family (50%): €13,77
- Special Large Family: Exempt from payment
NOTICE: It is reported that according to agreement of the public universities of the single district of the Community of Madrid, the official report card may be used as a supporting document for the entrance exams downloadable from our web page for students who have taken the tests from 2018 onwards.
This document contains a Secure Verification Code (CSV) with which its validity can be verified in the Electronic Headquarters of the University. You can also download from this last place, the same document in PDF with the Electronic signature including.
All those students who have taken the University Access Tests at the Rey Juan Carlos University may request, by means of a standardized form, the issuance of a certificate that accredits their completion.
Documentation to present:
Valid large family card (if applicable).
Place of delivery:
Applications will be delivered:
- Telematically through Registration of the Electronic Headquarters (it is necessary to have a digital certificate or equivalent), attaching the application form and the rest of the documentation to the general instance "Expose/Request".
- In person, consulting Previously the schedules and availability of the Registrar's offices of each campus
You can also present it in the registries (face-to-face or digital) of other public administrations that are enabled. The documentation must be addressed to the General Registry of the Rey Juan Carlos University (Identification code DIR3: U05600001).
When the certificate is issued, the interested party will be contacted.
For any questions related to the University entrance exam for those over 25 years of age, you can contact us through the Student Help Box